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Nội dung chi tiết: 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta


®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta nagement of arterial hypertensionThe Task Force for the management of arterial hypertension of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) and the Europe

an Society of Hypertension (ESH)Authors/Task Force Members: Bryan Williams* (ESC Chairperson) (UK), Giuseppe Mancia* (ESH Chairperson) (Italy), Wilko 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

Spiering (The Netherlands), Enrico Agabiti Rosei (Italy), Michel Azizi (France), Michel Burnier (Switzerland), Denis L. Clement (Belgium), Antonio Coc


a (Spain), Giovanni de Simone (Italy), Anna Dominiczak (UK), Thomas Kahan (Sweden), Felix Mahfoud (Germany), Josep Redon (Spain), Luis Ruilope (Spain)

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta Lip (UK), Richard McManus (UK), Krzysztof Narkiewicz (Poland), Frank Ruschitzka (Switzerland),Roland E. Schmieder (Germany), Evgeny Shlyakhto (Russia)

, Costas Tsioufis (Greece), Victor Aboyans (France), lleana Desormais (France)* Corresponding zuf’Zr-.. Bryan Wiliams. Institute of Cĩrácrsxxuiir Scie 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

nce. Unr.ertrty College Lccdon. Maple I louse. 1st floor. Suite A. 149 Toetcrfrom Court Rcod. Locdcri Wil /1XS1 IK. Id: 114 (0)70 11(18 /w/, Exiuil Ir


yx.wflunw^a Im ik Giuwttm Man M. Uri'wisiiy <4 Mỉxxeỉiií IXIX. Mil'll. Italy. xxf Hyimilrtwiim Cj-nlir Klilutn ikiiwsiurki Pdklriici <1 Mimz-a. Vtraix

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta e ihwkipriH'iil |/ Iha-M* Câáíhilni'., ri Marell 7018 Hi' (ix-arỉ.Ill'll ft fly III tlm drrokifxnwic III l.'.-V' (k.ikTr.-x xs n munilxx of the Gudeln

es’ Task force 3-d as 2 sector: co ord rotor. I le will be sadly mssed by colleagues 2nd friends.Hie IW1I ilMrjHTMMn I 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

imwlil.ESC CiHnnwllMH for Practice GuidxKnws (CPG). EunrfMixn Society Ilf Hypertemwon (ESH), ESC Natkinal Cardiac Sock* lie. having |xartici



®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta nvnnliw CjndkAiyy (EAPCẶ Eixcijwan Awnialiix. <|I ftVIlilatHxm. CardovasoJar Intcrverrjoos (CAPCI\ European Hoort Rhythm Association (El IRA). I Icart

failure Association (I IfA).Councils Council ÍIV Oiilxifogr ftaitkr. Council m iardkwawiJiv Nursing and Afiixl ftcifowuxn. Cornel cm OrriwmxuUi ftiir 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

wiy Carve Cram. 1 cm Hypnrtrnskm, Counol on Stroke.Working Groups Carctevasojar ft'trmacoferaor'. Ccroiary Pxhcphysology aid Mcroorcuoocrt e Cardiolog


y.Disc burner. IH- ESGE5H GcuMrcs rrprosurit tlw- VI-WS c< dm ESC 4ixl E'-H ird ww produced 4hiv <«»4)1 rmHvalkm of the sritrtHk ird nrdcal kixnwli»ty

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta een the CSCESl I GckMncs and any Ober official reccrrmcntocrs or guddres issued by the relevant pubic health authorities. in part*: Jar in rdaocn co g

ood use of •ea/thesre or cerapcuoc strategics I leaih srafaaomt are irxor-^jcrl to tebe dr ESCiE'H GwMnra foly rrto account whm rxivi w 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

l. J jixtjnrot 4» Wi4l n ri the drtctnwMixm ird dr imịAvnrotStcn of prewmtw dfefjrxndc. or thcraprotk irrdcii *Jr.»ns}i-. Hcwmr, dr PSCih'H CinMrrs do


rrt owrodr ri ivrf w.if wfwtyxmv the .xfwhnl mprxrýtiỉiy of hrokh profcworvb to nickr wroprirro and 4CCM-rate deopons o conpdcratxm cf eadn Mtert’s "

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta th xcifasacnals frern taluig careful and f JI ccnsdcraticn of the relevant of oal updated reccrrmendatwns or gndelnes issued by the competent pubic he

ath Mrthcritrs ri orcktr to inwirp.' each pwtrntS case in Itf't of dr MirotifKaly accepted data puumit to drir rosprotwe rchkrl «vl profewxrrf oUifrto 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

m. h. B aho dm Irshh |X»Je»Krc4S mpc«wWéy to wtfy the aptrtoMe odes ird roipAnixB n<««.g to ifr’dP wvf nrdcif demctB at dr tor cf proscriptionThe cont


ent of these EcroptMn Society of Cardiology (ESC) and European Society of Hypertension (ESH) Guidelines has been published for- persoml and educationa

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta die ESC or E94 Permission can be obtained upon submission of a written request to Oxford Urivcraty Press, the pubhsber of the European Heart Journal a

nd the party authorized to handle such pcrmisticns or tKhalf of the ESC Qoum^.pcrmissionaíỊỊoup com).Ths ankle his been co-puMshed fo the Eunựrro Hroi 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

t >Mrrol (do: 10 1093Wtri»ựebyỉỉ9) írd Ạxrrol c


jjr.s reserved ctiaupexi Society of CndxikỊty and European Society of Hypertenvcn 2018 The articles n Eircpecn Head /aimtf and Jiu-iKt of EỊipơtn-sc.-

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta ed fren htbpsi//ao*desuo>oup.oco/euxheam/»dvaaoe-'aixiole-4tetracc/do2/10.10937eazlieatt3/ehy339/J079119ty ạụeạtan ii Adjust 20182Document Reviewers:

Guy De Backer (ESC Review Co-ordinator) (Belgium), Anthony M. Heagerty (ESH Review Co-ordinator) (UK), Stefan Agewall (Norway), Murielle Bochud (Switz 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

erland), Claudio Borghi (Italy), Pierre Boutouyrle (France), Jana Brguljan (Slovenia), Hector Bueno (Spain), Enrico G. Calani (Italy), Bo Carlberg (Sw


eden), Neil Chapman (UK), Renata Cifkova (Czech Republic), John G. F. Cleland (UK), Jean-Philippe Collet (France), loan Mircea Coman (Romania), Peter

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta Robert Fagard (Belgium), Csaba Farsang (Hungary), Marc Ferrini (France), Ian M. Graham (Ireland), Guido Grassi (Italy), Hermann Haller (Germany), F.

D. Richard Hobbs (UK), Bojan Jelakovlc (Croatia), Catriona Jennings (UK). Hugo A. Katus (Germany), Abraham A. Kroon (The Netherlands), Christophe Lede 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

rcq (France), Dragan Lovic (Serbia), Em par Lurbe (Spain), Athanaslos J. Manolls (Greece), Theresa A. McDonagh (UK), Franz Mcsscrll (Switzerland), Mar


la Lorcnza Mulcsan (Italy), Uwe Nlxdorff (Germany), Michael Hecht Olsen (Denmark), Gianfranco Paratl (Italy), Joep Perk (Sweden), Massimo Francesco Pi

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta zerland), Navccd Sattar (UK), Pctar M. Seferovic (Serbia), lain A. Simpson (UK), Miguel Sousa-Uva (Portugal), Alice V. Stanton (Ireland), Philippe van

de Borne (Belgium), Panos Vardas (Greece), Massimo Volpe (Italy), Sven Wassmann (Germany), Stephan Wlndcckcr (Switzerland), Jose Luis Zamorano (Spain 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

)The disclosure forms of all experts involved in the development of these Guidelines are available on the ESC website


rdsGuidelines • Hypertension • Blood pressure • Blood pressure measurement • Blood pressure treatment ihrtrJxiUK .11 id targets • Hy|xsr1««sxiri media

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta tents1IVramble.......................................................52Inưoduction....................................................52.1What 6 new a

nd what has changed in the 2018 EuropeanSociety of Carríoiọgyil uropcan Society of I lyperlenúon arterial hypetienson Guidelines?..................... 2018_esc_esh_guidelines_hta

........73Defmuon, classification. and epidemotogical aspectsof hypertension...............................................103.1Definition of hyperten


sion............................103.2Classification of blncxf pressure.....................103.3Prevalence of hypertension............................

®ESCEuropean Heart Journal (2018) 00.1 98ESC/ESH GUIDELINESEuropean Society doclO.I^/eurheartj/ehyS}? ol Cardiology2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the man

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