Cement and concrete chemistry

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Nội dung chi tiết: Cement and concrete chemistry

Cement and concrete chemistry

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

Cement and concrete chemistry ialóvv BudoulanychKrakowPolandISBN 978-94-007-7944-0 ISBN 978-94-007-7945-7 (eBook)DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-7945-7Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg New York

LondonLibrary of Congress Control Number: 2014931241c Springer Science+Business Media B.v. 2014This work is subject to copyright. All rights are rese Cement and concrete chemistry

rved by the Publisher, whether tire whole or pail of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrat

Cement and concrete chemistry

ions, recitation. broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electr

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

Cement and concrete chemistry brief excerpts in connection with review s or scholar ly analy sis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on

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Cement and concrete chemistry

ssions for use may be obtained through KightsI-ink ar rhe Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are liable ro prosecution under the respective Copyri

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

Cement and concrete chemistry nce of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore live for general use.While the

advice and information hl tins book arc believed to be hue and accur ate al the dale of publication. neither the authors nor the editors nor rhe publ Cement and concrete chemistry

isher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may lie made. The publisher makes no warranty; express or implied, with res

Cement and concrete chemistry

pect to the material contained herein.Printed on acid-lice paperSpringer is pan of Springer Science+Bushiess Media ( a

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

Cement and concrete chemistry ylor, even unusually responsible. His last book is of the highest value and, apart from its clear presentation of all important problems of cement che

mistry, it contains a different and interesting Taylor's hypothesis, among others concerning the structure ofC-S-H phase.The progress in cement chemis Cement and concrete chemistry

try was particularly very quick in the last thirty years, principally because of the development of new methods and techniques, including the progress

Cement and concrete chemistry

in scanning electron microscopy and introduction of some nontypical, quite new methods. To the latter ones I enclose the electrons Auger, which make

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

Cement and concrete chemistry linked them with hypotheses, leaving for the readers the last choice.One of my goals was also to remind some scientists, which innovative works make p

ossible the further development of cement chemistry and which were forgotten, particularly by young researches. A typical example is Professor Hans Ku Cement and concrete chemistry

hl, who already in 1907 had established the accelerating effect of sodium hydroxide and of sulphate ions on the hardening of granulated blastfurnace s

Cement and concrete chemistry

lag. In 1908 H. Kuhl obtained a German patent for the production of supersulphated cement, based on his discoveries. During the workshop “Ca(OH), in C

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

Cement and concrete chemistry ation the strength of 124 MPa. The most probable is that only “the lime saturation factor", which was also introduced by H. Kuhl, is till now linked w

ith his name.The writing of this book would not be possible without numerous fruitful discussions with my friends, whom I present my warmest thanks. I Cement and concrete chemistry

owe particularly many to the discussions with the following professors: A. Bielahski. H. F. w. Taylor, F. w. Locher, w. Wieker. and A. Malecki, as we

Cement and concrete chemistry

ll as to Sorrentinos and to Mike George.Without crucial help of Professor Wieslawa Nocun-Wczelik, who translated the ma jority of the book, appearing

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

Cement and concrete chemistry all tables and figures, as well as text edition, and particularly the preparation of figures was a very laborious task.I would like also to thank my f

ormer co-worker Barbara Trybalska for the beautiful scanning electron microscope photos that she took me when she worked with me in the AGH University Cement and concrete chemistry

of Science and Technology.Krakow, September 2013Wieslaw Kurdowski

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

Wieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete ChemistrySnrinơprWieslaw KurdowskiCement and Concrete Chemistry0 SpringerWieslaw KurdowskiInslylut S/kla 1 Materi

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