Handbook of sample preparation

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Nội dung chi tiết: Handbook of sample preparation

Handbook of sample preparation

Handbook of Sample PreparationHandbook of Sample PreparationEdited byJanusz PawliszynHeather L. Lord©WILEYA John Wiley & Sons, inc.. PublicationVATAV.

Handbook of sample preparation . pdigrip.comCopyright 45 2010 by John Wiley & Suns. Inc. All right! reserved.Published by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.. Hoboken. New Jersey.Published simu

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Handbook of sample preparation

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Handbook of Sample PreparationHandbook of Sample PreparationEdited byJanusz PawliszynHeather L. Lord©WILEYA John Wiley & Sons, inc.. PublicationVATAV.

Handbook of sample preparation sher for pennisMon should be addressed to the Permissions iX-pMlincnt. John Wiley & Sons. Inc.. 111 River Street. Hoboken. NJ 07030. <201) 74X4)011, f

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Handbook of sample preparation

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Handbook of Sample PreparationHandbook of Sample PreparationEdited byJanusz PawliszynHeather L. Lord©WILEYA John Wiley & Sons, inc.. PublicationVATAV.

Handbook of sample preparation consult with a professional where appropriate. Neither the publisher nor author shall be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage

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Handbook of Sample PreparationHandbook of Sample PreparationEdited byJanusz PawliszynHeather L. Lord©WILEYA John Wiley & Sons, inc.. PublicationVATAV.

Handbook of sample preparation Data:Handbook of sample preparatrun I edited by Janusz. Daw liszyn.p. cm.Includes index.ISBN 978 0 470 09931 6 (cloth)I. Sample preparation (Chemistry

) 2. Extraction (Chemistry) 3. Chemistry. Analytic. I. I'awliszyn. Janusz..QƠ754.S24H36 20II54V.I9—dc222010010828Printed in the United Stater of Ameri Handbook of sample preparation

cain 9876 5 4321www.pdfgrlp.comContentsPrefaceContributorsPart I Fundamental Extraction Techniques1Theory of Extraction Janusz Pawliszyn2Headspace Gas

Handbook of sample preparation

Chromatography Zrtda E. Penton3Liquid-Liquid Extraction in Environmental AnalysisToll Ming Hit and Hian Kec Lee

Handbook of Sample PreparationHandbook of Sample PreparationEdited byJanusz PawliszynHeather L. Lord©WILEYA John Wiley & Sons, inc.. PublicationVATAV.

Handbook of Sample PreparationHandbook of Sample PreparationEdited byJanusz PawliszynHeather L. Lord©WILEYA John Wiley & Sons, inc.. PublicationVATAV.

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