Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

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Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications AACADEMIC PRESSHarcourt Brace Jovanovich, PublishersLONDON SAN DIEGO NEW YORK BOSTON SYDNEY TOKYO TORONTOhttps: //k hot h u vien .comThis book is prin

ted on acid-free paperACADEMIC PRESS LIMITED 24-28 Oval Road LONDON NW1 7DXUnited States Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC.San Diego, CA 92101Co Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

pyright © 1993 by ACADEMIC PRESS LIMITEDAU Rights ReservedNo part of this book may be reproduced in any form by photostat, microfilm, or by any other

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

means, without prior written permission from the publishersA catalogue record for this book Is available from the British LibraryISBN 0-12-394320-5Typ

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications ight, is capable of inducing myriad chemical transformations. Organic chemists have described many of them, and the experimental results can often be

extrapolated to predict whether untested conversions are likely to take place. Many photochemical transformations convert simple molecules into extrem Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

ely complex products, with an ease not approached by the standard synthetic chemistry practiced in the laboratory.The apparent complexity of photochem

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

ical transformations may have discouraged biologists, physicians and other scientists utilizing light sources, including lasers, from attempting to an

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications he principles, techniques, and some of the well-known reactions occurring in organic molecules, and later to illustrate more complex photochemical tra

nsformations occurring in organic chemistry (Chapter 8), biological systems (Chapters 9 and 10) and medicine (Chapter 11). A few practical application Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

s of organic photochemistry are collected in Chapter 12. Some of the physical chemistry which parallels all these photochemical transformations has no

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

t been emphasized, since chemists or biologists preoccupied with making compounds or rationalizing photochemical transformations can often delay the a

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications n acquire a life of their own.Organic photochemistry is a science which can be carried out with simple tools: artificial light sources are more conven

ient and give more reproducible results, but excellent synthetic and biological results have been obtained with sunlight and standard glassware (of co Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

urse, more sophisticated and expensive equipment is necessary in order to get more sophisticated information, particularly of a mechanistic nature). A

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

short section on experimental techniques is included in the book to encourage novices who wish to get started, and perhaps help them ask questions of

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications wise, should all aspects of photochemistry and photobiology be made to fit neatly on a sphere, only a portion of it would be seen by an observer from

his or her vantage point. What I saw and reported in this book is necessarily incomplete, and others might have chosen and described different feature Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

s of the sphere. Just as maps distort the portions of the earth that they attempt to represent, my map of photochemical sciences presented in this boo

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

k is flawed, since I have emphasized topics where structural transformations could be formulated chemically. Our knowledge of many important areas of

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications is, which truly deserves a separate treatment and has been deliberatelyORGANIC PHOTOCHEMISTRY: PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONSVexcluded from this book. Na

ture utilizes light in many other phenomena. The transmission of information through vision allows communication between many organisms, humans includ Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

ed. A number of organisms generate light biologically, while humans have developed this skill through chemical and physical processes. Even organisms

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

which lack the ability to see with specific visual receptors can respond to light in other ways. Phototropism, either positive or negative, and photom

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications Numerous observations in these areas have been described, associated with many graphs and kinetic data, but few chemical transformations have been for

mulated. All these biological events will eventually be understood in terms of discrete chemical reactions.In our daily experience, photochemistry is Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

responsible for many noticeable changes. Colored fabrics and materials fade much more where they have been exposed to sunlight. People looking back at

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

old color photographs of their parents or children cannot help noting a difference between the colors that they see and those remembered. The importa

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications ew it, and light used for observation induces photochemical reactions, for example through formation of the very reactive singlet oxygen. Of course, t

he bleaching power of sunlight was well known through the generations; even now, many shun electric driers because laundry dried outdoors is perceived Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

as being distinctly whiter (an attitude cleverly recognized by the manufactor of the detergent Sunlight, which for good measure is guaranteed to be 1

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

00% phosphate-free).It is perhaps through sunburn that most people really become aware of the physiological responses of biological cells to photons.

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications ly enjoyed by tanning booths. Popular wisdom, however, long ago recognized the virtues of sunlight exposure in the treatment of some widespread skin c

onditions, and correlated the administration of naturally available sources of photosensitizers and the success of the sunlight treatments. Modem PƯVA Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

therapy for vitiligo and psoriasis, and the photodynamic therapy of cancers, are simply refinements of the old approaches. Similarly, the benefits of

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

sunlight exposure to increase vitamin D production were known long before the detailed photochemistry of the steroid precursors was elucidated.Skin e

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications hotosensitized skin damage by components of perfumes or colognes, fruit extracts, or dyes. Many drugs also induce photosensitization.Medical applicati

ons expand the field of organic photochemistry into challenging areas, but where the ability to conduct classical mechanistic experimentation is sever Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

ely limited by ethical considerations. The photochemical treatment of infants suffering from neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is now widely used. Photodyna

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

mic therapy or PDT is an area of astonishingly rapid growth, as several forms of cancer appear to respond favourably to photosensitized treatments. Th

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications ists.The core of this book was covered in a short graduate course. I am grateful to the students who selected several of the examples and who commente

d on the earlier draftsviPREFACEof this text. The book emphasizes organic transformations. Organometallic photochemistry has been largely omitted, des Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

pite its importance and interest, in order to keep the length to a minimum.The book does not pretend to be encyclopedic. I have attempted to keep it a

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

t a comfortably simple level, with enough examples to provide an introduction to the diversity of photochemical reactions, but without overwhelming by

https://khothu vien .comOrganic Photochemistry: Principles and ApplicationsJacques KaganDepartment of Chemistry,University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications rch of specific information will be tempted to browse through the book and will become stimulated by the material covered. Old and well-established re

actions and processes are described without references, but the more unusual or recent transformations arc fully referenced.My own research, which has Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

kept me increasingly interested in photochemical transformations, has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institutes of Heal

Jacques kagan auth organic photochemistry principles and applications

th and the Research Corporation, as well as by the University of Illinois at Chicago. A Fulbright Fellowship and a Visiting Professorship at the Museu

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