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organicandphysicalchemistryofpolymers 140830190133 phpapp01

©WILEYORGANIC AND PHYSICALOF POLYMERSYVES GNANOUMICHEL FONTANILLEForeword by Professor Krzysztof Matyiaszewski £wn cbr Dcpartfltcitf of Chemistry .if

organicandphysicalchemistryofpolymers 140830190133 phpapp01 c&rnrgie Mdlttrt UrthrrsityORGANIC AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF POLYMERSwww.pdfgrip.comORGANIC AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF POLYMERSYves GnanouMichel Fonta

nille® WILEY-_ INTERSCIENCEA JOHN WILEY & SONS. INC.. PUBLICATIONwww.pdfgrip.comORGANIC AND PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OE POLYMERS by Yves Gnamm and Michel Fo organicandphysicalchemistryofpolymers 140830190133 phpapp01

maaillc Translated by Yves Gnanou and Michel FomanillcCopyright €■ 2(8)8 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., from the original French translation Chtmie el Ph

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ynut-Chimie des Pidymt'rvs by Yves Gnanou and Michel Fontanillc 0 Dunod. Paris 2002. All rights reserved.Published by John Wiley ỐÍ Sorts. Inc.. Hobok

©WILEYORGANIC AND PHYSICALOF POLYMERSYVES GNANOUMICHEL FONTANILLEForeword by Professor Krzysztof Matyiaszewski £wn cbr Dcpartfltcitf of Chemistry .if

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©WILEYORGANIC AND PHYSICALOF POLYMERSYVES GNANOUMICHEL FONTANILLEForeword by Professor Krzysztof Matyiaszewski £wn cbr Dcpartfltcitf of Chemistry .if

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©WILEYORGANIC AND PHYSICALOF POLYMERSYVES GNANOUMICHEL FONTANILLEForeword by Professor Krzysztof Matyiaszewski £wn cbr Dcpartfltcitf of Chemistry .if

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aloglng-in-Putdicotíon Data:Gtumou, Yves.Organic and physical chemistry of polymers / by Yves Grunow and Michel Fonunillc.p. cm,Includes indexISBN 978

©WILEYORGANIC AND PHYSICALOF POLYMERSYVES GNANOUMICHEL FONTANILLEForeword by Professor Krzysztof Matyiaszewski £wn cbr Dcpartfltcitf of Chemistry .if

organicandphysicalchemistryofpolymers 140830190133 phpapp01 547‘.7—dc222007029090Printed in the United States of America10 987654 3 21

©WILEYORGANIC AND PHYSICALOF POLYMERSYVES GNANOUMICHEL FONTANILLEForeword by Professor Krzysztof Matyiaszewski £wn cbr Dcpartfltcitf of Chemistry .if

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