Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence
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Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence
Lecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. Hillebrand Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence dt, Catching, Germany1). Imboden, Zurich, SwitzerlandR, L. latte, Cambridge, MA, USAR. Kippenhahn, Giiltingen, (ierrnanyR. Lipowsky, Cohn, Germany11. V. Lõhneyxen, Karlsruhe, GermanyI.Ojima, Kyoto, Japan11. A. Weidenmiiller, I leidelberg, GermanyJ.Wess, Miinchen, GermanyJ. Zillarlz. Knln, GermanySpr Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence inger Berlin Heidelberg New York Barcelona Hong Kong London Milan Paris Singapore Tokyo.I ONLINE LIBRARYPhysics and Astronomyhttp://w» quantum measurement and decoherence
hys/The Editorial Policy for ProceedingsThe series Lecture Notes in Physics repoils txw devek>pm«its in ptiisxal rewarcb and teaching quickly, informaLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. Hillebrand Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence hould be cloeeiy related tv exh other The ivnlributrvns should be of a high standard and should avoid lengthy redraft.ngs of papers already puhl.shed or about to be published else" here. As a whole, lite proceedings should aim Ivr a balanced presentation vl the theme vt Ute c oulererxe including a d Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence escription of the techniques used and enough motivation for a broad readership. It should not be assumed that the published proceedings must reflect tRelativistic quantum measurement and decoherence
he conference in its entirety. (A listing or abstracts vl papers presented al tile meeting but nut included in tile proceedings cvuhl be added as an aLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. Hillebrand Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence eries edilvts and their referees tv make a laixly accurate evaluation (eg. a complete list of speakers and titles of papers to be presented and abstracts). If, based on this information, the proceedings are (tentatively) accepted, the ivlunx's edilor(s). whose name(s) will appear VII the title pages Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence , should select the fcip.Ts suitable for publication and hare them refereed (as for a journal) when appropriate-As a rule discussions will mH be accepRelativistic quantum measurement and decoherence
ted. The series editors and Springer Verlag will normally not interfere with the detailed editing cxcepe in fairly obvious cases or on technical matteLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. Hillebrand Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence might help to send a copy of the authors’ manuscripts in advance to lite editor in charge to discuss possible revisions with him. As a general rule, the series editor will confirm his tentative acceptance if the final manuscript corresponds to the original concept discussed, if the quality of the c Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence ontribution meets tile requirements ol the series, arid Ĩ1 die hnal size ol the manuscript does not greatly exceed the number of pages originally agreRelativistic quantum measurement and decoherence
ed upon. The manuscript should be forwarded to Springer-Verlag shortly after the mooring. In eases of extreme delay (more than six months after the coLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. Hillebrand Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence collect the articles during the conference and hare them revised on the spot. If a delay is unavendabte, one should encourage tile authors to update their cvcilribuúoiis il appropriate. The editors ol proceedings are strongly advised to inform contributors about these points at an early stage.The Im Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence ai manuscript should cvulain a table ol contents and an informative introduction accessible also to rcsidcrs nor particularly familiar with the topicRelativistic quantum measurement and decoherence
of the conference. I he contributions should be in English, rhe volume's edilur(s) should check the cucilribulwas lor Ute correct use vl language. Al Lecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. Hillebrand Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence rejection vl cvnlrHxilfoiis by Ute serie* editors. A conference report should not exceed a total of )OO pages. Keeping the size within this bound should be achieved by a stricter select kin of articles and not by imposing an upper limit fo the length ol tile individual papers. Editors receive joint Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence ly to cvmpiimetUaty copies of their book. they are entitled to purchase further copies of their honk at a reduced rate. As a rule no reprints ol indivRelativistic quantum measurement and decoherence
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uthors. We tberelvee urge all authors and editors ot proceedings to observe wry carefully the essentials for the preparation of camera-ready manuscripLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. Hillebrand Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence e use-fill to look at some of the volumes already published. As a special service, we offer free of charge KTriC and TrX macro packages to format tile text according to Springer Verlag's quality requirements. We strongly recommend that you make nse of this offer, since the result will be a book of c Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence onsiderably unproved technxal quality. Tv avoid mistakes and lime consuming correspondence during tile production period the conference editors shouldRelativistic quantum measurement and decoherence
request special instructions from the publisher well before the beginning OÍ the conference. Manuscripts not meeting the technical standard of the seLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. Hillebrand Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence asse IX, »-09121 Heidelberg. C-ermanySeries homepage - Breuer Francesco Petruccione (Eds.)RelativisticQuantum Measurement and DecoherenceLectures of a WorkshopHeld al the Istitulo Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici Naples, April 9-10,199 Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence 9Ểịy Springerwww.pdfgnp.comLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. HillebrandLecture Notes in PhysicsEditorial BoardR. Brig. Wien, AustriaJ.Ehlers, Potsdam, Germanyu. Frisch, Nice, FranceK.Hepp, Zurich, Switzerlandw. HillebrandGọi ngay
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