solution manual for convex optimization
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solution manual for convex optimization
Convex OptimizationSolutions ManualStephen BoydLieven Vandenberghe38721ExercisesExercisesDefinition of convexity2.1Let G’ r R" be a convex set. with X solution manual for convex optimization Xi....,Xk G c. and let 01,...,0* «= K satisfy Oi u. 6^1-5---------1- Ok = 1. Show that 1*1X1 H------1- OkXk G c. (The definition of convexity is thatthis holds for k = 2: you must show it for arbitrary ẨỈ.) Hint. Use induction on k.Solution. This is readily shown by induction from the definition of solution manual for convex optimization convex set. We illustrate the idea for k = 3, leaving the general case to the reader. Suppose that X1,X2,X3 f c. and 01 +02 +i*3 = 1 with Oi.Oi.Oi > usolution manual for convex optimization
. We will show that y = 1*1X1 + 02*2 + 03*3 «= c. At least one of the Oi is not equal to one; without loss of generality we can assume that 1*11. ThenConvex OptimizationSolutions ManualStephen BoydLieven Vandenberghe38721ExercisesExercisesDefinition of convexity2.1Let G’ r R" be a convex set. with X solution manual for convex optimization that P2*2 + P3*3 € c. Since this point and Xi arc in c, y € c.2.2Show that a set is omwx if and only if its intersection with any line is convex. Show that a set is affine if and only if its intersection with any line is affine.Solution. We prove the first, port. The intersection of two convex set® solution manual for convex optimization is convex. Therefore if s is a convex set, the intersection of s wit h a line is convex.Conversely. suppose the intcracction of s with any line is consolution manual for convex optimization
vex. Take any two distinct points Xi and 3’2 € s. The intersection of s with the line through Xi and X2 is convex. Therefore convex combinations of XiConvex OptimizationSolutions ManualStephen BoydLieven Vandenberghe38721ExercisesExercisesDefinition of convexity2.1Let G’ r R" be a convex set. with X solution manual for convex optimization or midpoint (a + 6)/2 is in c. Obviously a convex set is midpoint convex. It can be proved that under mild conditions midpoint convexity implies convexity. As a simple case, prove that if c is closed and midpoint convex, then c is convex.Solution. We have to show that Or + (1 - 0)y G c for all 0 G solution manual for convex optimization [u, 1] and r.y G c. Let o'k) be the binary number of length k. i.c.. a number of tire formo'kì = ci2~' + c-i2~2 + • • • + ck2~kwith e, G {0,1}, cloMMlsolution manual for convex optimization
t4> 0. By midpoint convexity (applied k tiiiHK, recursively), ớ'*>x 1 (I 0solution manual for convex optimization
y convex set such that D s. Evidently, we have Xi,..., x„ G D. Since u is convex, and X is a convex combination of X1,..., x„, it follows that X G D. Convex OptimizationSolutions ManualStephen BoydLieven Vandenberghe38721ExercisesExercisesDefinition of convexity2.1Let G’ r R" be a convex set. with X solution manual for convex optimization .C., X G T>..Now let us show that V c 11. Since 11 is convex (by definition) and contains s. we must haw II = D for some D in the construction of V. proving the claim.2 Convex setsExamples2.5What is the distance between two parallel hypcrplancs {x G R" I it1 r = 01} and {x G R I ứ7 X = Ò2}?Solution. solution manual for convex optimization The distance between the two hyperplancss is |h] — hjl/llalh. To see this, consider the construction in the figure below.The distance between the twosolution manual for convex optimization
hyperplancs is also the distance between the two points Xi and x-2 where the hypcrplane intersects the line through the origin and parallel to the noConvex OptimizationSolutions ManualStephen BoydLieven Vandenberghe38721ExercisesExercisesDefinition of convexity2.1Let G’ r R" be a convex set. with X solution manual for convex optimization in another? Give conditions under whichConvex OptimizationSolutions ManualStephen BoydLieven Vandenberghe38721ExercisesExercisesDefinition of convexity2.1Let G’ r R" be a convex set. with XGọi ngay
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