What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

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Nội dung chi tiết: What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating e DatingGunter J. Hitsch, All Hortaẹsu, Dan Ariely£ 2006 by Gunter J. Hitsch. All Hortaẹsu. Dan Aricly.All rights reserved. Short sections of text, no

t to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission, provided that fill! credit including € notice is given to the source,This paper What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

also can be downloaded without charge from the Social Science Research Network Electronic Paper Collection: http ,com/abstract=895442What Makes You C

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

lick? Mate Preferences and MatchingOutcomes in Online Dating*Gunter .J. KitschUniver.

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating ng service to draw inferences on mate preferences and to investigate the role played by these preferences in determining match outcomes and sorting pa

tterns. The empirical analysis is based on a detailed record of the site users’ attributes and their |>art tier search, which allows ILS to estimate a What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

rich prefer&ce specification t hat takes into account a large nmnlter of partner characteristics. Our revealed preference estimates complement many p

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

revious studies that are based on survey methods. In addition, we provide evidence on mate preferences that, people might not truthfully reveal in a s

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating es, we simulate match outcomes using the Galc-Shapley algorithm and examine the resulting correlations in mate attributes. The Gale-Shapley algorithm

predicts the online sorting patterns wdl. Therefore, the match outcomes in this online dating market ap|>ear to be approximately efficient in the Gale What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

-Sliaplcy sens*?. Using the Gale-Shapley algorit hm, we also find that we can predict sorting patterns in actual marriages if we exclude the unobserva

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

ble utility component, in our preference specification when simulating match outcomes. One possible explanation for this finding suggests that, search

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating ance. We are grateful to Derek Neal, Emir Kamenka, and Betsey Stevenson for comments and suggestions. Seminar participants at the 20« Hi AEA meetings,

the Choice Symposium in Estes Park, Northwestern University, the University of Pennsylvania, the 2004 QME Conference, uc Berkeley, the University of What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

Chicago, the University of Toronto, Stanford GSB, and Yale University provided valuable comments. This research was supported by the Kilts Center of M

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

arketing (Ilitsch) and a John M. Olin Junior Faculty Fellowship (llortaọsu). Please address all correspondence to Ilitsch (guonter.hitschOchicagogsb.e

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating (1973), economic models of marriage markets predict, how marriages are formed, and make statements about t he efficiency of t he realized matches. Th

e predictions of these models art’ based on a specification of mate preferences, the mechanism by which matches arc made, and the manner hl which the What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

market participants interact with the mechanism. Accordingly, the empirical liter ature on marriage markets has focused on learning about mate prefere

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

nces, and how people find their mates. Our paper contributes to this literature using a novel data set obtained from an online dat ing service. We pro

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating r their revealed mate preferences. Our data allows US to estimate a very rich preference specification that takes into account a large number of partn

er attributes, including detailed demographic and socioeconomic information, along with physical characteristics. We use the preference estimates to i What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

nvestigate the empirical predictions of the classic Gale-Shapley model, especially wit h regard to marital sorting patterns.The revealed preference es

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

timates presented in t his paper complement a large literat ure in psychology, sociology, and anthropology investigating marital preferences. This lit

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating se findings). However, the extent to which these findings on preferences can lx* used to make quantitative predictions regarding marital sorting patte

rns has not been explored. Since these studies typically do not provide information on the tradeoffs between different mate attributes. it is difficul What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

t to list! their results as inputs in an economic model of match formation. Moreover, much of the prior literature utilizes survey methods. Relying on

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

stated rather than revealed preferences might not yield reliable results for certain dimensions of mate choice, such as race preferences.1An importan

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating ge. education, income, race, height, weight, and other physical traits. These empirical |»atterns ant well documented (see Kalmijn 1998 for a recent s

urvey). However, as pointed out by Kalmijn (1998) and others, several distinct mechanisms can account for the observed sorting patterns, and it is dif What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

ficult to distinguish between the alternative explanations. For example, sorting on educational attainment (highly educated women date or marry highly

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

educated men) may he the result of a preference for a mate with a similar education level. Alternatively, the same outcome can arise! in equilibrium

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating e seen as akin to implicit association tests (lATs) used in social psychology to study racial attitudes and stereotyping.2men and women prefer a highl

y educated partner to a less educated one. The participants in this market have very different preferences than in the first example, and the correlat What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

ion in education is caused by the market mechanism that matches men and women. Another possible explanation for sorting is based on institutional or s

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

earch frictions that limit market participants' choice sets. For example, if people spend most of their time in the company of others with a similar e

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating preferences at all?Online dating provides US with a market environment where the participants' choice sets and actual choices arc observable to the r

esearcher.-1 Our preference estimation approach relies on the well-defined institutional environment of t he dating site, where a user first views t h What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

e posted "profile" of a potential mate, and then decides whether to contact t hat mate by e-mail. This environment allows US to use a straightforward

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

estimation strategy based on the assumption that, a user contacts a partner if and only if the |)Otential utility from a match with that, partner exce

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating d online activities of approximately 22,000 users in two major U.S. cities. The detailed information on the users' traits allows US to consider prefer

ences (and sorting) over a much larger set of at tributes than in the extant studies that arc based on marriage data.Our revealed preference estimates What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

corrolajrate Several salient findings of tin.' stated preference literature. For example, while physical attractiveness is important to both genders,

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

women have a stronger preference for the income of their partner than men. We also document preferences to date a partner of the same ethnicity. Our

MIT Sloan School of ManagementMIT Sloan Working Paper 46(13-116 February 2006What Makes You C lick? — Mate Preferences and Matching Outcomes in Online

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating at black. His|>anic, and Asian men need to lie as desirable to a white women as a white man.In order to examine the quantitative importance of the est

imated preferences in determining marital sort ing, we simulate equilibrium (stable) matches between the men and women in our sample using the Gale-Sh What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

apley (1962) algorithm. The simulations are based on t he estimated preference profiles. The Gale-Shaplcy framework is not only a seminal theoretical

What makes you clicks mate preferences or matching outcome in online dating

benchmark in the economic analysis of marriage markets, but it also provides an approximation to the match outcomes from a realistic search and matchi

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