Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

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Nội dung chi tiết: Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN STATISTICSJamalludin Ab RahmanBrief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical ResearchSpringerMore information about this se

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research eries at http://www.springcr.coni/serics/8921Jamalludin Ab RahmanBrief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical Research4^ SpringerJamalkidin

Ab RahmanDepartment of Community Medicine.Kulliyyah of MedicineInternational Islamic University Malaysia Kuantan, PahangMalaysiaISSN 2191-544XSpringer Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

Briefs in StatisticsISBN 978-981-287-923-3DOI 10.1007/978-981-287-925-7ISSN 2191-5458 (electronic)ISBN 978-981-287-925-7 (eBook)Library of Congress Co

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

ntrol Number: 2015951348Springer Singapore Heidelberg New York Dordrecht Londonc The Authors) 2015This work is subject to copyright. All rights are re

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN STATISTICSJamalludin Ab RahmanBrief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical ResearchSpringerMore information about this se

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research ions, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way. and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electr

onic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.The use of general descriptive names, reg Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

istered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are ex

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

empt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.The publisher, the authors and the editors arc safe to assum

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN STATISTICSJamalludin Ab RahmanBrief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical ResearchSpringerMore information about this se

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research r the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been mad

e.Printed on acid-free paperSpringer Scienee+Business Media Singapore Pte Ltd. is part of springer Science+Business Media (w w w.spri Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

Those doing research should agree that both knowledge and understanding on research methodology and statistical analysis arc essential and critical. S

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

o this book combines both disciplines at one place. The aim is to provide guidelines on how to plan and conduct research in medicine and health care.

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN STATISTICSJamalludin Ab RahmanBrief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical ResearchSpringerMore information about this se

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research hodology available in the circulation. There arc also many biostatistics books with step-by-step instruction using SPSS. This book is not meant to rep

eat all information from those books but rather to complement them. Only critical points are mentioned in the book making it a good option for a quick Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

reference on research methodology. Important and critical points arc gathered from various sources and from my own experience.This book is divided in

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

to two main parts. Chapter 1 is about research methodology and Chap. 2 is on how to analyse the data. Chapter 1 begins with an overview of how to cond

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN STATISTICSJamalludin Ab RahmanBrief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical ResearchSpringerMore information about this se

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research s important information about study designs, sampling strategies and sample size calculation. Good data collection starts with a good planning and thi

s is elaborated before the chapter ends with the summary of critical points in research methodology.Those coming from non-mathematical side often find Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

difficult when it comes to data analysis. So the statistical analysis chapter is written by showing step-by-step format using IBM SPSS Statistics for

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research

Windows with some important notes provided when required. Relevant explanation on the results is given with some examples of how to present them for

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN STATISTICSJamalludin Ab RahmanBrief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical ResearchSpringerMore information about this se

Brief guidelines for methods and statistics in medical research es or even professionals in medical research.42156Jamalludin Ab RahmanV

SPRINGER BRIEFS IN STATISTICSJamalludin Ab RahmanBrief Guidelines for Methods and Statistics in Medical ResearchSpringerMore information about this se

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