Environmental Chemistry

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Nội dung chi tiết: Environmental Chemistry

Environmental Chemistry

Manahan. Stanley E. "FRONTMATTER"Environmental ChemistryBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC. 2000ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTRYSeventh EditionSTANLEY E. MANAHANLEWIS PU

Environmental Chemistry UBLISHERSBoca Raton London New York Washington, D.c.____________________________________________Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataMana

han. Stanley E.Environmental chemistry / Stanley E. Manahan.-7th ed.p. em.Includes bibliographical references and index.ISBN 1-56670-492-8 (alk. paper Environmental Chemistry

)1. Envứonmental chemistry. I. Title.TD193 .M36 1999628.5’0 l’54-dc2199-047521CIPThis book contains information obtained from authentic and highly reg

Environmental Chemistry

arded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources arc indicated. A wide variety of references arc listed. Reasonable efforts ha

Manahan. Stanley E. "FRONTMATTER"Environmental ChemistryBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC. 2000ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTRYSeventh EditionSTANLEY E. MANAHANLEWIS PU

Environmental Chemistry or for the consequences of then use.Neither this book nor any pari may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechan

ical, including photocopying, microfilming, and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without prior permission in writing from Environmental Chemistry

the publisher.The consent of CRC Press Ĩ.Ĩ.C does not extend to copying for general distribution, for promotion, for creating new works, or for resal

Environmental Chemistry

e. Specific permission must be obtained in writing Ixom CRC Press LLC for such copying.Direct all inquiries to CRC Press Ĩ.Ĩ.C. 2000 N.w. Corporate Bl

Manahan. Stanley E. "FRONTMATTER"Environmental ChemistryBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC. 2000ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTRYSeventh EditionSTANLEY E. MANAHANLEWIS PU

Environmental Chemistry cation and explanation, without intent to infringe.© 2000 by CRC Press LLC Lewis Publishers is an imprint of CRC Press LLCNo claim to original U.S. Go

vernment works biternational Standard Rook Number I -56670-492-8Library'of Congress Card Number 99-047521Printed in the United States of America234567 Environmental Chemistry

89 0Printed on acid-free paperPREFACE TO THE SEVENTH EDITIONEnvironmental chemistry, Seventh Edition, continues much the same organizational structure

Environmental Chemistry

, level, and emphasis that have been developed through preceding editions. In addition to providing updated material in the rapidly-developing area of

Manahan. Stanley E. "FRONTMATTER"Environmental ChemistryBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC. 2000ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTRYSeventh EditionSTANLEY E. MANAHANLEWIS PU

Environmental Chemistry beginning of the new millennium. These include the concept of tlie antluosphere as a distinct sphere of the environment and the practice of industrial

ecology, sometimes known as “green chemistry'” as it applies to chemical science.Chapter 1 serves as an introduction to environmental science, techno Environmental Chemistry

logy, and chemistry. Chapter 2 defines and discusses the anthrosphere. industrial ecosystems, and their relationship to enviromnental chemistry. Cliap

Environmental Chemistry

ters 3 tlưough s deal with aquatic chemistry'.Chapters 9 through 14 discuss atmospheric chemistry. Chapter 14 emphasizes the greatest success story of

Manahan. Stanley E. "FRONTMATTER"Environmental ChemistryBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC. 2000ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTRYSeventh EditionSTANLEY E. MANAHANLEWIS PU

Environmental Chemistry mistry. It also emphasizes tlie greenhouse effect, which may be the greatest of all threats to the global environment as we know It.Chapters 15 and 16

deal with the geosphere, the laner chapter emphasizing soil and agricultural chemistry. Included in the discussion of agricultural chemistry is the i Environmental Chemistry

mportant and controversial new area of of transgenic crops. Another area discussed is that of conservation tillage, which makes limited use of herbici

Environmental Chemistry

des to grow crops with minimum soil disturbance.

Manahan. Stanley E. "FRONTMATTER"Environmental ChemistryBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC. 2000ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTRYSeventh EditionSTANLEY E. MANAHANLEWIS PU

Manahan. Stanley E. "FRONTMATTER"Environmental ChemistryBoca Raton: CRC Press LLC. 2000ENVIRONMENTALCHEMISTRYSeventh EditionSTANLEY E. MANAHANLEWIS PU

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