Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

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Nội dung chi tiết: Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis nter. Defense Centers of Excellence, Walter Reed National Military Medical CenterELSEVIERAMSTERDAM • BOSTON • HEIDELBERG • LONDON-NEW YORK • OXFORD •

PARIS • SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO • SINGAPORE • SYDNEY • TOKYOAcademic Press is an Imprint of ElsevierAcademic Press is an imprint of Elsevier125. Londo Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

n Wall. EC2Y 5AS. UK525 B Street. Suite 1800. San Diego. CA 92101 4495. USA225 Wyman Street. Waltham. MA 02451. USAThe Boulevard. I-angford Lane. Kidl

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

inglon. Oxford OX5 IGB. UKCopyright Ê) 2016 Higher Education Press. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.No pari of this publication may l»e

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

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Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

ther than as may he noled Iterein).NoticesKnowledge and best practice in this field arc constantly changing. As new research and experience broaden ou

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis ays rely on their own experience and knowledge in evaluating and using any information, melhcxls, compounds, or experiments described herein. In using

such information or methods they should be mindful of their own safety and the safety of others, including panics for whom they have a professional r Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

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Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

nd/or damage Io (versons or pro|ierty as a mailer of products liability, negligence or Otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, product

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis ble from the British LibraryLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication DataA catalog record for this lxx>k is available from the I .ibrary of Congr

essISBN: 978-O-12-8O1342-7For information on all Academic Press publications visit ixir website al http://slore.elsevier.coin/Plf 4 Working together t Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

o grow libraries in InttmMkmat developing • www.bookaid.1BiographyXian Liu obtained a PhD degree in Sociology with specializ

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

ation in Demography from the Population Studies Center, the Institute tor Social Research at University of Michigan in 1991. Currently, he is Professo

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis e at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He also serves as Research ScientisưSenior Statistician in the Deployment Health Clinical (

.’enter. Defense Centers of Excellence at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. His areas of expertise include longitudinal analysis in health Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

research, survival analysis, aging and health, and development of advanced statistical models in behavioral and medical studies. His articles have ap

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

peared in many leading scientific journals of various fields, with massive citations both in the United Stales and internationally. Some of Dr Liu’s p

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis Analysis: Models and Applications, was published jointly by Wiley and the Chinese Higher Education Press in 2012. As an internationally recognized sci

entist. Dr Liu has received several awards for his work in his career and has served as a Principal Investigator on a number of research projects from Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

external sources. He has given numerous presentations, seminars, and special talks on the related issues to experts and professionals specialized in

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

longitudinal data analysis and survival analysis.XVPrefaceIn recent decades, longitudinal data analysis has become a topic of tremendous interest to s

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis gerontological, and behavioral and social sciences. The aim of this book is to provide a comprehensive account of the most relevant methods and techn

iques applied in longitudinal data analysis, without concentrating on any single held of application. Therefore. this book is expected to appeal to a Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

wide variety of disciplines, (liven my multidisciplinary background in training and research, the book covers models and methods applied in biomedicin

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

e, biostatistics, demography, psychology, sociology, and epidemiology, with practical examples associated with each of those disciplines. Linear mixed

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis light of the growing popularity of nonlinear models in empirical research, particularly in behavioral and social sciences. I also describe a variety

of nonlinear mixed models in considerable detail. Regression modeling, linear and nonlinear predictions, and computing programming associated with dif Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

ferent phases of longitudinal data analysis arc extensively covered.A large number of statistical models and methods are presented, starting with the

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

most basic specifications and ending with some of the most advanced techniques applied in longitudinal data analysis. With a considerable volume of em

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis ery major method or model. I include step-by-step instructions to demonstrate for the readers how to perform the technique on their own. Most methods

descrilsed are supplemented with empirical practices, computing programs and output, and detailed interpretations of analytic results.My hope is that Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

scientists, professors, and other professionals of various disciplines can benefit from using this book either as a useful reference book, as a textbo

Methods and applications of longitudinal data analysis

ok in graduate courses, or any other use that requires and promotes appropriate longitudinal data modeling. This hope stems from my observation that m

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

Methods and Applications of Longitudinal Data AnalysisXian LiuUniformed Services University of the Health SciencesDo!) Deployment Health Clinical ('en

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