Motion analysis from encoded video bitstream
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Motion analysis from encoded video bitstream
VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYNGUYEN MINH HOAMOTION ANALYSIS FROM ENCODED VIDEOBITSTREAMMASTER'S THESISHAN Motion analysis from encoded video bitstream NOI-2018VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. HANOIUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYNGUYEN MINH HO AMOTION ANALYSTS FROM ENCODED VIDEO BITSTREAMMajor: Computer ScienceMASTER S THESISSupervisor: Dr. Do Van Nguyen Co-Supervisor: Dr. I ran Quoc LongHA NO! - 2018iAUTHORSHIP*7 hereby declare that the work Motion analysis from encoded video bitstream contained in this thesis is of my own and I have not submitted this thesis at any other institution in order to obtain a degree. To the best of my knoMotion analysis from encoded video bitstream
wledge and belief the thesis contains no materials previously published or written by another person other than those listed in the bibliography and iVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYNGUYEN MINH HOAMOTION ANALYSIS FROM ENCODED VIDEOBITSTREAMMASTER'S THESISHAN Motion analysis from encoded video bitstream t form is ready for committee examination as a requirement for rhe Master of Computer Science degree at the University of Engineering and Technology."Signature;Signature:HiACKNOWLEDGMENTSFirst of all. I would like to express special gratitude to my supervisors, Dr. Do Van Nguyen and Dr. Tran Quoc Lo Motion analysis from encoded video bitstream ng, for their enthusiasm for instructions, the technical explanation as well as advices during this project.I also want to give sincere thanks to AssoMotion analysis from encoded video bitstream
c. Prof. Dr. Ha Le Thanh, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy for the instructions as well as the background knowledge for this thesis. And I would like VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYNGUYEN MINH HOAMOTION ANALYSIS FROM ENCODED VIDEOBITSTREAMMASTER'S THESISHAN Motion analysis from encoded video bitstream Công Nghệ Tóm Tai Video". and project “Multimedia application tools for intangible cultural heritage conservation and promotion". project number DTDL.CN-34/16 for their working and support.Last but not least, I want to thank my family and all of my friends for their motivation and support as well. T Motion analysis from encoded video bitstream hey stand by and inspire me whenever I face the lough lime.1TABLE OF CONTENTSAUTHORSHIP..................................................iVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYNGUYEN MINH HOAMOTION ANALYSIS FROM ENCODED VIDEOBITSTREAMMASTER'S THESISHANVIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOIUNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGYNGUYEN MINH HOAMOTION ANALYSIS FROM ENCODED VIDEOBITSTREAMMASTER'S THESISHANGọi ngay
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