skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

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Nội dung chi tiết: skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) s use it as a first language and people use it as a second language in communication. In Vietnam, English is seen as a major foreign language today.At

Nghe An Continuing Education Centre, English is not only taught for language specialized students but also for youngleamers of all levels.We have rec skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

ently applied a number of methods and techniques into teaching English in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning English as a Foreign L

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

anguage. Communicative method has proved their superiority as through communicative activities more language are used and students’ initiatives and ac

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) uage and it helps to shift the teacher-led classroom culture to the students-centred classroom atmosphere.Games and communicative activities have wide

ly used in my context (training teachers of English at Nghe An Continuing Education Centre) with the acceptance, eagerness and enthusiasm by teachers skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

and students. It, however, is the one requiring much knowledge and preparation as well as physical conditions, and it also requires teachers’ commitme

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

nt and patience.We have been trying to put some of those into practice. We have been adapting and designing ourselves a repertoire of communicative ac

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) - teachers of English in a view of sharing experience and seeking for common thoughts to makes a change, however small it is, in teaching and learning

English though it is hard work really. The games and activities have been used for teaching public speaking and developing language skills and we sha skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

ll not categorise them as some of them can be used for all about mentioned purposes. Some of activities we have adapted from other resources, and othe

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

rs we have designed ourselves.Public speaking courses have been successfully organised at Nghe An continuing Education Centre over the last four years

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) ess of learning English and have a good result in teaching public speaking at Nghe An continuing Education Centre, we have followed a number of steps

to be able to generate enthusiasm in speaking. Once they have gained, know how to make presentation, they will find speaking skill easier.2Above all, skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

for teachers, the facilitators will help them be active, creative, feel responsible not only does he teach, moderate, but also inspire young learners.

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

In this paper, we would like to give some ideas about how to teach speaking skill effectivelly to help our children feel easier and more confident dur

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) e’d like to share our suggestions that we have gathered in our during preparing lessons, on using different kinds of games and communicative activitie

s as inputs to help our young learners practise and develop English public speaking skill.The significances of this study were expected to provide som skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

e advantages for English teaching and learning process. The significances of this study are:1For young learners as the subjects of the study, it was e

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

xpected that they would take the advantages of the study. They could learn how to improve their skills of public speaking.2For the teachers at Nghe An

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) pils would enjoy the study.23B. CONTENTI. Literature Review1A Public Speaking DefinitionWhat is public speaking? Basically, it's a presentation that's

given live before an audience. Public speeches can cover a wide variety of different topics. The goal of the speech may be to educate, entertain, or skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

influence the listeners. Often, visual aids in the form of an electronic slideshow are used to supplement the speech and make it more interesting to t

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

he listeners.A public speaking presentation is different from an online presentation because the online presentation may be viewed or listened to at t

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) s or pre-recorded videos of a speaker.There are five elements of public speaking, and it basically boils down to who is saying what to whom using what

medium with what effect. In other words, who is the source of the message. What is the message itself. Whom is the audience, while the medium is the skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

actual delivery method and ending in the effect. Think of the effect as the speaker's intent for the speech.Because public speaking is done before a l

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

ive audience, there are some special factors the speaker needs to take into consideration. We'll touch on those shortly, but first let's take a quick

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) s long as there've been people. But most academics and others involved with public speaking, including those at The Public Speaking Project, trace the

origins of modern public speaking back to ancient Greece and Rome. Of course, those societies didn't have any of the electronic conveniences we've go skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

t today to help with public speaking (no slideshows). But they did have a need for public speaking and developed public speaking methods that are stil

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

l studied today.The ancient Greeks, in particular, used public speaking primarily to praise or persuade others. At one point, all Greek citizens had t

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh) kill and was taught. Public speaking in the time of the Greeks was called rhetoric. Later, when Rome came to power, public speaking was used during th

e sessions of the governing body—the Roman3 skkn tiếng anh games and activities as inputs for public speaking classes (skkn viết bằng tiếng anh)

TABLE OF CONTENTSA. INTRODUCTIONI. Reasons for choosing the topicCurrently, the English language has become popular all over the world, many countries

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