100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

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Nội dung chi tiết: 100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

TEACHING IDEASTHATTRANSFER ANDTRANSFORMLEARNING◄ ▼AkExpanding your RepertoireFRANKT. LYMAN JR.100 Teaching Ideas that Transfer and Transform LearningE

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr Expand your teaching repertoire with this unique collection of instructional ideas. Author Frank 1. Lyman Jr., esteemed educator and creator of the Th

ink-Pair-Share model, offers ways to help students think critically, encounter puzzling phenomena and seek explanations, think before responding, list 100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

en to responses from others, create their own questions, visualize a scene, employ problem-solving strategies, and more.Appropriate for teachers of al

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

l grades and subjects, the ideas address the pursuit of true learning—wanting to learn, how to learn, and enabling to leam—and can easily be adapted a

TEACHING IDEASTHATTRANSFER ANDTRANSFORMLEARNING◄ ▼AkExpanding your RepertoireFRANKT. LYMAN JR.100 Teaching Ideas that Transfer and Transform LearningE

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr make them your own, so you can expand your teaching toolbox and bring more students to deeper levels of learning.Frank T. Lyman Jr. is an award-winnin

g educator and author. He was an elementary school teacher in Massachusetts and Maryland and a fieldbased University of Maryland, College Park Teacher 100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

Education Center Coordinator for both university students and classroom teachers. He discovered and collaborated in the development of teaching strat

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

egies such as rhink-Pair-Sharc, cognitive mapping, and the ThinkTrix. His recognitions include the National Association of Teacher Educators Clinician

TEACHING IDEASTHATTRANSFER ANDTRANSFORMLEARNING◄ ▼AkExpanding your RepertoireFRANKT. LYMAN JR.100 Teaching Ideas that Transfer and Transform LearningE

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr n Alumni Association Outstanding Professional Award.KH0T(U)Taylor &. FrancisTaylor &. Francis Group in I7t.jy lotanc ISA on t100 Teaching Ideas that T

ransfer and Transform Learning Expanding your RepertoireFrank T. Lyman Jr.Ỉ RoutledgeTaylor Francis GroupNEW YORK AND LONDONFirst published 2022 by Ro 100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

utledge605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158and by Routledge2 Park Square, Mil ton Park, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 4RNRoutledge is an imprint of the Taylor

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

& i rands Croup, an informa business© 2022 Frank 1. Lyman Jr.rhe right of Frank 1. Lyman Jr. to be identified as author of litis work has been asserte

TEACHING IDEASTHATTRANSFER ANDTRANSFORMLEARNING◄ ▼AkExpanding your RepertoireFRANKT. LYMAN JR.100 Teaching Ideas that Transfer and Transform LearningE

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr produced or utilised in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recordi

ng, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers.Trademark notice: Product or corporate names 100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

may be trademarks or registered trademarks, and are used only for identification and explanation without intent to infringe.Library of Congress Catalo

100 teaching ideas that transfer and transform learning expanding your repertoire frank t lyman jr

ging-in-Publication Data A catalog record for this book has been requestedISBN: 978-1-032-13645-5 (hbk)ISBN: 978-1-032-12664-7 (pbk)ISBN: 978-1-003-23

TEACHING IDEASTHATTRANSFER ANDTRANSFORMLEARNING◄ ▼AkExpanding your RepertoireFRANKT. LYMAN JR.100 Teaching Ideas that Transfer and Transform LearningE

TEACHING IDEASTHATTRANSFER ANDTRANSFORMLEARNING◄ ▼AkExpanding your RepertoireFRANKT. LYMAN JR.100 Teaching Ideas that Transfer and Transform LearningE

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