Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

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Nội dung chi tiết: Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemiefbyTeresa M. Huerta2002-2003 Rodel FellowEducation Policy Research Unit (EPRU) Education Policy Studies Laboratory College of EducationDivision of E

ducational Leadership and Policy' Studies Box 872411 Arizona State University Tempe. AZ 85287-241137865EPSLI Education Policy Studies Laboratory I Edu Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

cation Policy Research UnitEPSL-0309-112-EPRU http://edpolicylab.orgAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem: Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, a

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

nd How to Fix ThemTeresa Huerta Arizona State UniversityIntroductionOver the last half-century, a high school diploma has gone from being a valuable,

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Themanyone seeking additional education, training, or all but the lowest paying and most menial of jobs.'Failing to complete high school has severe econom

ic and social consequences for individuals and for society. Students who leave high school without a diploma forfeit a lifetime of opportunities, maki Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

ng it far more likely that their children will grow up in poverty and become “at risk” children.2 Dropouts are more likely to be unemployed, and when

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

they do find work, generally earn less money than high school graduates.2 They are more likely to receive public assistance than are high school gradu

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Themes reflect not only individual costs to the dropout, but also costs to society as a whole through unemployment compensation, private charitable relief

, public assistance, and the cost of correctional services.4Dropouts also burden society with two additional costs: lower tax revenues, because of low Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

er incomes, and decreased civic participation. The Arizona MinorityEducation Policy Analysis Center in its Spring 2002 report, Dropping Out of Arizona

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

's Schools, calculates that the state’s 21,472 dropouts from the class of 2000 will cost local, slate, and federal governments more than $4 billion in

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Themve citizenry is dangerous Io a democratic society, which depends on actively engaged citizens to make responsible civic choices/Tor these reasons, gau

ging the proportion and distribution OÍ high school dropouts in Arizona represents a critical public policy task. Preliminary evidence strongly sugges Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

ts that Arizona has a significant dropout problem, yet that remains a matter of contention. Some underlying sources of that dispute are the state’s me

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

thods of collecting and reporting dropout data. The absence of a consistent, accurate, and reliable method of tracking dropout rates in Arizona makes

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Theming, and reporting data on school dropouts and considers the strengths and weaknesses of those methods. Il then examines Arizona’s available dropout d

ata and the problems inherent in how the state collects and reports that data. Finally, it recommends two approaches Io improving the accuracy, reliab Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

ility, and utility of Arizona’s dropout and school completion data.Dropout Rates: National MeasuresPage 2 of 44The federal government and state govern

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

ments use dropout and graduation rates to assess the success of schools and school districts in educating students for postsecondary education and car

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them researchers and policymakers employ various methods for measuring the number of students who drop out.8National Dropout and Completion RatesThe U.S.

Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) collects, analyzes, and reports national data on high school completion and Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

dropout rates and breaks down that data along demographic lines, including race.'ethnicity, gender, region of residence, and income level.9The NCES ha

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

s developed five different measurements of dropouts, relying on different definitions, data sources, and methods of calculation.10 They are:■Status dr

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Themal) dropout rate-CPS: The proponion of young adults ages 15-24 who leave high school each year and have not earned a high school diploma or GED.•Event

dropout rate-CCD: The proponion of young adults ages 15-24 who leave high school each year and have not earned a high school diploma (NCES counts GED Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

recipients as dropouts).■High school completion rate-CPS: The proportion of young adults ages 18-24 who have not enrolled in high school and have ear

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

ned a high school diploma or GED.Page 3 of 44■ Longitudinal cohort dropout rate: The proportion of students in a gradelevel cohort, followed over time

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Themfor example, shows dropout trends from year to year. This makes it possible to ascertain whether the total population of dropouts is growing, shrinkin

g, or staying about the same. However, it does not show the proportion of young adults who left school early.11 The status dropout rate provides this Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

cumulative information, but cannot show dropout trends from year to year, as the event dropout rate does. Such distinctions are important because scho

Assessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix Them

ol completion and dropout rates can vary dramatically, depending on the data source and definition. These differences make it difficult to draw accura

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

IfCI I Arizona State rsJil u NIVE RS IT YAssessing Arizona’s Dropout Problem:Why Current Measurement Methods are Flawed, and How to Fix ThemPolicy Bri

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