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Nội dung chi tiết: church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics


The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics004'5The text of this article has been serialized (in three parts) in ART! FAX (Autumn 2004— Spring 2003), a USA-based quarterly digest and commentary

on biblical archaeology and Mated fields. The illustrations are mostly taken from the “Christian Sanctuaries" web-site and the May-June 1986 BAR arti church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

cle (see bibliography).The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, as one encounters it today, truly bears all the scars of its long and extraordinary history—a


history full of the most striking ironies and convoluted changes of fortune imaginable:•Before a church ever stood on the spot, a Roman emperor, seek

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picsriginal, magnificent 4th century Byzantine complex erected here virtually nothing remains, in part because (if the legend is correct) a benign Muslim

conqueror, seeking to preserve the church as a church, at the same time guaranteed the building’s nearly total destruction almost four centuries later church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

—by not praying there!•The vast, catastrophic demolition of the church, carried out in the year 1009. came on the orders of an insanely cruel Fatimid


Caliph, an aberrant ruler whose immediate successor, only a few years later, granted permission to completely rebuild it! The diminished resources of

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picsiginal extent—was simply lost forever.•The Crusader armies of Christian Europe, from their first invasion of the Holy Land in 1099 until their final o

uster in 1291, created a legacy of cruelty and bloodshed that haunts us to the present day. Yet some among them—clerics, engineers, artisans—possessed church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

enough piety and vision to leave another legacy—in stone: the Holy Sepulchre church which we still marvel at today, nearly a thousand years later.For


almost 1700 years, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre—through all its dramaticpennutations—has represented the central shrine of all Christendom, belie

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picsd what it has purported to be down through the ages? Our best answer, based on all the available evidence, is: very probably, yes. As we will see, the

traditions on which the church is founded—viewed objectively and stripped as much as possible of pious legend—are well documented and traceable back church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

to the very earliest of Christian times. Moreover, after the passage of twenty centuries, there has simply never been another serious contender for th


e localization of these climactic events of Jesus’ earthly life.Damaged repeatedly over the centuries by fire and earthquake and subjected to inept re

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picsually confusing to the visitor. And, because the church is shared by six competing Christian communities under an arcane Status Quo arrangement, its d

isparate adornments create in some a jarring sense of eclectic clutter: As someone has quipped, it’s a place that suffers from “too many gifts” down t church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

hrough the ages! in much the same way, the church’s spaces, both inside and out, sometimes reverberate with the competing hymns and chants of diverse


Christian communities, the atmosphere often suffused with incense, smoke, and fire. In short, the Church of the Holy Sepulchre can engage—and assail —

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics true pilgrim, whose traditional rites resonate with a spirit of pious awe, to the curious fascination of secular visitors who, mostly divorced from m

atters of faith, nonetheless embrace the church’s compelling history and rich (if somewhat jumbled) architectural heritage. Of another sort again, and church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

perhaps somewhere in the middle, is the way many Western Christians, especially those of die Protestant-Evangelical traditions, encounter the Church


of the Holy Sepulchre. They may come with a sincere desire to understand and appreciate the church, but—especially if they are not prepared for the ex

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picsre church on its own terms can perhaps begin to appreciate the uniqueness and almost mystical attraction of the place. A Roman Catholic scholar in Jer

usalem expresses it this way: “Those W'ho permit the church to question them may begin to understand why hundreds of thousands thought it worthwhile t church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

o risk death or Slaven' in order to pray here.” (Jerome Murphy-O’Connor. The Holy Land)A prudent tour guide will almost always refer to a place like t


he Church of the Holy Sepulchre as the “traditional” spot where a Biblical event occurred. This is only right, since ultimate, objective proof for any

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics of faith are important can be left with a dismissive attitude toward such “traditional” holy places: that because it is just a tradition it is not wo

rthy of serious consideration. But, traditions have roots— sources and connections that can often be traced and subjected to critical appraisal, and t church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

his is the broader view we wish to pursue here: to examine various strands of evidence and begin to discern how likely this particular “tradition” is


to be authentic.In the case of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the task is not as hard as it might seem, for the place has been the object of more a

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picsble to trace(he evolution of this site in considerable detail over almost 3,000 years of history. By consulting (he New Testament text, other historic

al writings, topographical information, and the findings of modem archaeology, it may be that some evidences for (he church’s authenticity will come i church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

nto focus.rhe First Century Walls of JerusalemAs we begin exploring how this complex and fascinating structure came to be erected where it was, John 1


9:20 is a convenient stalling point and provides a vital geographical marker: it tells us that the plac e of Jesus' crucifixion was "near the city," t

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picst meets this basic criterion drawn from the gospel text. By reconstructing the course of the various walls of Jerusalem in the 1st century, which is a

ctually possible with some degree of c ertainty, we will see that the Holy Sepulchre did indeed lie outside the city of Jesus’ time. Along the way, we church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

will also discover why it lay inside the city of later ages, inc hiding toddy’s walled Old city.The best textual source we have for understanding the


walls of Jerusalem is Flavius Josephus, the Jewish-Roman historian who. in his Wars of the Jews, paints a detailed, eyewitness picture of the city as

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picsosing various quarters of Jerusalem at that time (W 5:142-148) and helps US, if imperfectly, to understand how they relate to one another, both geogra

phically and in lime.(Those consulting the text of Josephus will realize that his actual reference point for both the First and Third walls is the “Hi church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

ppicus Tower.” now usually identified as the so-called “Towrer of David” whose massive Herodian base stands as a landmark just inside Jaffa Gate. Note


also, at least with Whitson’s translation, that the directions given (“westward,” “southward," "towards (he east"I usually mean the wall faced—not ra

The Church of the Holy SepulchreSome Perspectives from History, Geography, Architecture, Archaeology, and the New TestamentBYTom Powers, in Israel ©20

church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-picsIl then turned south, following the ridge of the southwestern hill. (Traces of this segment, dating from both (he llasmonean and llcrodian periods, ar

e visible today incorporated into (he Old City wall south of Jaffa Gale.) Il then turned east and then north, encompassing the areas known today as Mo church-of-the-holy-sepulchre-perespectives-pics

unt Zion and the City of David, and ended back at the Temple Mount, on its eastern side. Thus, the First Wall, having actually evolved over many centu


ries beginning in the earliest days of the Israelite monarchy, enclosed the southern (and oldest) parts of 1st century Jerusalem.The information from

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