Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

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Nội dung chi tiết: Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)g: An Individual Differences ModelColin G. DeYoung Department of Psychology Yale UniversityJoseph L Flanders Department of Psychology McGill Universit

y-Jordan B. PetersonDepartment of Psychology-University of TorontoIN PRESS: Creativity Research JournalAuthor Note: Preparation of this article was ma Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

de possible by a giant from the Social Sciences and Hiunamties Research Council of Canada to Jordan Peterson and by a Connaught Fellowship and an Onta

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

rio Graduate Scholarship to Cohn DeYoung. We thank Jolui Vervaeke for inspiling our interest in insight We thank Rajneesh Shanna. Sarah Bratanek. and

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2) Psychology. Yale University. Box 20S205. New Haven. CT 06520. E-mail: cohn.deyoiuig@yale.eduCognitive abilities involved in insight 2AbstractTins stu

dy investigated individual differences in cognitive abilities that contribute to solving insight problems. A model is pioposed describing three types Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

of cognitive ability that contribute independently to insight: convergent thinking, divergent thinking, and breaking frame. The model was tested in a

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

large sample (N= 108) by regressing insight problem solving performance on measures of these tlu ee abilities. This analysis demonstrated that all tlu

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)dicted insight independently of each other and of divergent thinking and breaking frame Finally, when pitted against noninsight problem solving as a p

redictor in regression, only insight problem solving was uniquely associated with divergent thinking and breaking frame The model is suggested as a po Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

tentially useful taxonomy for the study of ill-defined problems and cognitive abilities.Cognitive abilities involved in insight 3Cognitive Abilities I

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

nvolved in Insight Problem Solving: An Individual Differences ModelProblem Solving and Problem 1-emulationA "problem” may be defined as a situation in

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2) any relevant constraints, such as time (Duncker, 1945; Holyoak. 1995: Newell & Simon. 1972; Peterson. 1999). rhe maimer in winch an individual concei

ves or frames a problem has been referred to as the problem formulation, which, in addition to the current slate, goal state, and constraints. include Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

s a set of available operators - procedures that may be used in the attempt to transform the current state into the goal state (Newell & Simon. 1972).

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

Human beings have been described as fundamentally goal-directed, constantly guided by the need to reduce differences between their current states and

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2) feature of life (Peterson. 1999: Peterson & Flanders. 2002). implying that problem solving could be considered a central task of human existence and

thus of the mind brain.Problems may be divided into Iwo general classes: well- and ill-defined (Gclzcls, 1975; Pretz. Naples. & Sternberg. 2003; Voss Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

& Post. 1988). Tn a well-defined problem, rhe correct formulation is given - dial is. the problem is presented with die expectation dial lhe current s

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

tate, goal state, and operators will be sufficiently obvious to allow steady (if not certain) progress towar d die goal. If progr ess cannot be made,

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)onal and psychological testing are well-defined. Most problems in life, however.Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 4are ill-defined (Brooks. 199

1: Voss & Post. 1988). In an ill-defined problem, uncertainty inheres not only in whether rhe goal will be reached but in how best to conceive rhe cun Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

ent state, goal state, and or operators. The real problem, therefore, is how to develop a new problem formulation, transforming the ill-defined proble

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

m into a well-defined problem that can be solved. Imagine instructing a student simply to write “a good, one-page essay.’’ This would be an ill-define

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)oblem. Often, however, one can rely on no one but oneself to I eformulate a problem.The skill of effective problem formulation William James labeled “

sagacity" (James.1890). In discussing creativity. Einstein noted that ”[t]he mere formulation of a problem is far more often essential than Its soluti Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

on’ (Einstein & Infeld. 1938. p. 83). What makes sagacity both essential and difficult to achieve? Tire major complication, when generating a problem

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

formulation. IS to determine what aspects of the situation are relevant. Unfortunately, the amount of information available in any situation is vast,

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)e relevant to any given goal (Brooks. 1991: Medin & Aguilar. 1999. Peterson & Flanders. 2002). Considerable attention has been directed, in psychologi

cal I esearch on reasoning and intelligence, toward ruiderstanding how people solve well-defined problems. But how is a problem formulation establishe Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

d in the fust place? How do people solve ill-defined problems? What underlies sagacity and creative thinking? These important questions may be approac

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

hed empirically through a type of formal ill-defined problem known as insight problems (cf. Lockhart. Lamon. & Gick. 1988).Cognitive abilities involve

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)ves inadequate and when all other readily conceived strategies (the available operators) also prove inadequate. Thus an impasse is reached. To continu

e moving forward. one must then restructure the problem formulation, meaning that the way 111 which the pioblem’s stalling state, goal state, and or o Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

perators are conceived must be changed in some way. The term “insight” typically indicates the moment when a new. more effective formulation appears i

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

n mind. ”enabl[ing] the subject to view the given situation in a new and more penetrating perspective” (Wertheimer. 1945/1959. p. 169). and thereby ov

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)investigations possess multiple specifically identifiable formulations Additionally, the formulation that is strongly dominant for most people, on fus

t encounter, is incorrect and leads to an nnpasse. The multiple-maillage problem, for example (Table 1. problem 2). leads people to interpret the woid Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

“married” in its more common sense, rendering the problem impossible to solve. Insight requires the realization that marrying can be an activity unde

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

rtaken by priests as well as gl ooms. Tins sort of problem is obviously different from well-defined problems in which the correct formulation is given

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)ey do not require restructuring.How restructuring takes place is one of the central questions 111 resear ch on insight, and a variety of different pro

cesses are hypothetically involved, such as selective encoding, selective recombination, and selective comparison (Davidson. 2003). chunk decompositio Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

n and constraint relaxation (Knoblich, Ohlsson. Heider. & Rhenius. 1999). or recognition of invariants in failed solution attempts (Kaplan & Simon, 19

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

90). Compelling evidence lias beenCognitive abilities involved 111 insight 6presented for each of these, and It seems deal that different insight prob

Cognitive abilities involved 111 insight 1Running Head: COGNITIVE ABILITIES INVOLVED IN INSIGHTCognitive Abilities Invok ed in Insight Problem Solving

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)e present study attempted to address this question using an individual differences approach, which relies on the principle that, if a certain cognitiv

e ability IS involved 111 the production of insight, then performance on a measure of this ability should be predictive of insight problem-solving per Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

formance (Schooler & Melcher, 1995).Relatively few studies of individual differences 111 insight have thus far been reported, but two patterns are non

Cognitive abilities involved in insight problem solving an individual differences model (2)

etheless emerging (Ansburg, 2000; Ash & Wiley. 2006. Baker-Sennet & Ceci. 1996; Davidson. 1986; Davidson & Steinberg. 1986; Jacobs & Dominowski. 1981;

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