Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

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Nội dung chi tiết: Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development) Handbook of Integrative Psychological Development (91-135). Routledge/Taylor & Francis.DYNAMIC SKILL THEORY: AN INTEGRATIVE MODEL OF PSYCHOLOGICAL D

EVELOPMENTMichael F. Mascolo Merrimack CollegeThis chapter contains an elaboration of dynamic skill theory (Fischer, 1980; Fischer & Bidell, 1998, 200 Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

6; Mascolo & Fischer, 2015) as an example of an integrative model of psychological development. As an integrative model, dynamic skill theory covers a

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

great deal of ground. The core of the theory is (a) the concept of skill as the capacity to control thinking, feeling and action within particular co

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmentdeas provide the foundation for the integrative elaboration of a variety of principles, derived from theory and evidence, that have broad extension fo

r understanding the structures and processes of psychological development. In what follows, I elaborate and illustrate these principles and their exte Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

nsions. In so doing, I do my best both to describe the progression of these principles over the years, and to show how the various tenets of the model

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

come together to provide an integrative theoretical and empirical framework.Foundations: The Concept of SkillThe foundational concept of skill is its

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development particular contexts and psychological domains. Fischer proposed the concept of skill in order to solve a particular set of conceptual problems. In so

doing, it draws upon ideas from Piaget, Skinner (1938) and Bandura.Piagetian FoundationsDuring the mid to latter part of the 20th century, research i Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

n developmental psychology was dominated by the Piagetian tradition. As is well known, Piaget advanced a theory of intellectual development organized

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

around the structuralist idea of the scheme or cognitive structure (Piaget, 1983). For Piaget, thinking and acting are structured processes. A scheme

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmenttructural change over time. Piaget proposed that structures of thought develop in four broad stages or periods. For Piaget, thinking is a type of acti

vity- an organized process involving the manipulation of symbolic representations in real time. As a type of activity, the capacity for thought builds Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

uponDynamic Skill Theory2sensorimotor forms of action that develop during the first two years of life (Piaget, 1952). During the sensorimotor period,

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

infants are capable of acting on their worlds but are not yet capable of forming symbolic representations of those worlds.For Piaget, the capacity fo

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmenthe ages of two and about seven years, the child is able to construct symbols (e.g., images) and signs (e.g., words) in the absence of the objects and

events to which those representations refer. The capacity to form symbolic representations - to make one thing stand for another -develops as a form o Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

f abbreviated action. Images are formed as the sensorimotor capacity to act on objects in the world "goes underground" (Piaget, 1962). The capacity fo

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

r imagery emerges as children are able to do internally what they could previously perform in sensorimotor action on objects. For example, the capacit

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmentching and lifting the bottle to the lips; of accepting the liquid into the mouth; of tasting and swallowing the milk -- until the child is able to pro

duce a fully internalized form of the activity in the absence of the sensorimotor act itself. As a result, the internalized imagining of the act of dr Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

inking functions a symbolic representation - it "stands for" the act of drinking. The capacity for symbolism underlies the capacities for language, sy

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

mbolic play, deferred imitation, and related abilities (Piaget, 1951,1952).While the preoperational child can construct and symbolic representations,

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmentiation, class inclusion, etc. -- until about five to seven years-of-age. For Piaget, children are able to solve such task through their capacity to fo

rm concrete operations - logical and reversible systems of thought. Children solve logical tasks through their capacity to coordinate and reverse ment Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

al actions (Piaget & Inhelder, 1958). This occurs, for example, when children understand that pouring liquid from a tall-and-thin container into a sho

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

rt-and-fat one (A -> B) can be reversed by the act of pouring the same liquid back again (A <- B). Nonetheless, despite their logical abilities, concr

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmentt teens and young adults are able to manipulate abstract forms rather than concrete content (e.g., algebra; abstract scientific thinking).During the 1

960s and 1970s, researchers began to report studies whose findings were inconsistent with many of the tenets considered to be definitive of Piagetian Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

theory (Gelman & Baillargeon, 1983; Brainerd, 1978). Research began to show that the age at which children particular Piagetian tasks could be acceler

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

ated if children were provided with training or if the tasks were presented in simplified forms (Bryant 8< Trabasso, 1971; Trabasso et al., 1978; Kell

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmentical tasks predicted be solvable around the same age would often be solved at dramatically different ages, even by the same children (Gelman & Bailler

geon, 1983). This body of work challenged central Piagetian principles, namely the idea that cognitive abilities developed as structures d'ensemble - Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

broadbased but tightly-knit structures of logical abilities with wide applicability to a variety of similarly structured tasks.Dynamic Skill Theory3Th

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

is research posed deep challenge to the very concept of development as structural change. If the ability to solve similarly structured tasks develops

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmentss this problem, Fischer (1980; Fischer et al., 1993) proposed the concept of skill as a local rather than general structure. A skill is a type of loc

al control Structure - the capacity to regulate particular elements of thinking and acting within particular contexts, task domains and even tasks. Fr Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

om this view, a skill is no longer regarded as property of the individual person. Instead, it is a property of the person-in-context. A change in cont

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

ext can produce significant changes in the task to be performed, and thus in what an individual must do in order to perform the task. Performing a con

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmentgrass surface, which itself differs from running on a sandy beach.Similarly, a skill is not a general ability with broad based application. Skills are

tied to particular conceptual domains: conservation skills are different from class inclusion skills which are different still from transitivity skil Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

ls. Even within a particular skill area, skills are tied to local content: conservation of volume is different from conservation of mass which is diff

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

erent still from conservation of number. Still further, skills are often tied to the particular objects on which they operate. Skills for typing on on

Dynamic Skill TheoryMascolo, M. F. (2020). Dynamic skill theory: An integrative model of psychological development. In M. F.Mascolo & T. Bidell (Eds.)

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological developmente not global structures that generalize spontaneously; an active period of adjustment is typically required in order to adapt skills from one area, do

main, task or object to another (Fischer et al., 1993).Skinnerian ContributionsAs used by Fischer, the concept of skill also owes a debt to ideas cull Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

ed from behaviorism, most particularly Skinner's (1938) notion of operant and Bandura's (1976) approach to social learning through modeling and imitat

Dynamic skill theory an integrative theory of psychological development

ion. Skinner proposed the concept of operant as a way to avoid the invocation of "mentalistic" explanations in psychology. For Skinner, organisms oper

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