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Nội dung chi tiết: General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testament


General Introduction to the Old Testament: The CanonWilliam Henry GreenDigitized by Ted Hildebrandt. Gordon College, 2006originally published by: Char

General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testamentrles Scribner's Sons 1898PREFACEANY ONE who addresses himself to the study of the Old Testament will desire first to know something of its character.

It comes to US as a collection of books which have been and still are esteemed peculiarly sacred. How did they come to be so regarded? Is it due simpl General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testament

y to a veneration for antiquity? Is this a collection of the literature of ancient Israel, which later generations prized as a relic of early ages? Is


it a body of Hebrew literature to which sanctity was attributed because of its being written in the sacred tongue? Is it a collection of the books co

General Introduction to the Old Testament: The CanonWilliam Henry GreenDigitized by Ted Hildebrandt. Gordon College, 2006originally published by: Char

General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testament? Or is it more than all this? Is it the record of a divine revelation, made through duly authorized and accredited messengers sent of God for this pu

rpose?The first topic which is considered in this volume is accordingly that of the Canon of the Old Testament, which is here treated not theologicall General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testament

y but historically. We meet at the outset two opposing views of the growth of the canon: one contained in the statements of the Old Testament itself,


the other in the theories of modern critics, based upon the conception that these books gradually acquired a sacredness which did not at first belong

General Introduction to the Old Testament: The CanonWilliam Henry GreenDigitized by Ted Hildebrandt. Gordon College, 2006originally published by: Char

General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testamentarious writers make tor themselves, and on the other by the regard shown for these books by (hose to whom (hey were originally given. The various argu

ments urged by critics in defence of their position that the canon was not completed nor the collection made until several centuries after the lime tr General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testament

aditionally fixed and currently believed arc considered: and reasons arc given lo show that it might have been and probably was collected by Ezra and


Nehemiah or in their lime. The question then arises as to the books of which the Old Testament properly consists. Can the books of which it was origin

General Introduction to the Old Testament: The CanonWilliam Henry GreenDigitized by Ted Hildebrandt. Gordon College, 2006originally published by: Char

General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testamentswered by tracing in succession the Old Testament as it was accepted by the Jews, as it was sanctioned by our Lord and the inspired writers of the New

Testament, and as it has been received in the Christian Church from the beginning. The Apocrypha though declared to be canonical by the Council of Tr General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testament

ent, and accepted as such by the Roman Catholic Church, are excluded from the canon by its history traced in the manner just suggested as well as by t


he character of their contents, which is incompatible with the idea of their authors being divinely inspired.PRINCETON. N. J..October 3, 1898.TABLE OF

General Introduction to the Old Testament: The CanonWilliam Henry GreenDigitized by Ted Hildebrandt. Gordon College, 2006originally published by: Char

General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testamentme. 1; Adrian, Eucherius, Cassiodorus; after the Reformation. Walther. Walton, Hobbes, Spinoza. Richard Simon, Carpzov, 2; Eichhorn, Jann, Herbst, Wel

le, DeWette, 3; Hengstenberg, Havernick, Home; Keil, Kurtz, Nosgen, Bleek, Stahelin, 4; Reuss, Wellhausen, Kuenen; Strack, Konig; A. Zahn, Rupprecht, General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testament

Hoedemaker, Stosch; s. Davidson, Robertson Smith. Driver; Douglas, Valpy French and his collaborators,5.GENERAL INTRODUCTION TO THE OLD TESTA-MENT7Int


roduction defined and limited; general and special;canon and text, 7, 8.THE CANON OF THE OLD TESTAMENT.I.THE CANON9Derivation and meaning of the word

General Introduction to the Old Testament: The CanonWilliam Henry GreenDigitized by Ted Hildebrandt. Gordon College, 2006originally published by: Char

General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testamenttative, 12, 13; addition by Joshua, 13;Samuel, 14; the law in the temple, other copies of the law, 15, 16; books of the prophets also canonical, recap

itulation, 17, 18.ixCONTENTS General_Introduction_to_the_Old_Testament

General Introduction to the Old Testament: The CanonWilliam Henry GreenDigitized by Ted Hildebrandt. Gordon College, 2006originally published by: Char

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