Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

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Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

Unit sevenVocabularySECTION 4Differences and similarities1COLLOCATIONWe can use a number ol adjective / noun OI adverb / verb collocations to say how

Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2 different or similar people or things are Other adjectives may have a similar meaning, but we can't use them because they don't collocate (see Unit 1

. Section 6): XT* 1 1 J* '< .1.****/*«* Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

ar difference.1Underline the following verbs that collocate with the noun comparison.This computer game makes /draws/puts/avoids / bears / invites / t

Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

akes comparison with the best On rhe market.2Underline the following adjectives that collocate with the noun similarity.There's a marked / striking/re

Unit sevenVocabularySECTION 4Differences and similarities1COLLOCATIONWe can use a number ol adjective / noun OI adverb / verb collocations to say how

Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2compares favourably / well/ closely / fairly / unfavourably with the old one.2SYNONYMS AND NEAR-SYNONYMSSometimes synonyms are virtually interchangeab

le: This ứ one of the biggest ‘greatest days in our country's history.• However, in different contexts, dift'eicnccs may emerge:Wc need d bigger area Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

/ room / table/auditorium! What a great idea/gesture/privilege/honour!4Underline the adjective that we can use in this sentence.His achievement in win

Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

ning the silver medal was matchless /peerless /unequalled / unique/ incomparable / outstanding.3MODIFIERSWe often want to comment on how big a differe

Unit sevenVocabularySECTION 4Differences and similarities1COLLOCATIONWe can use a number ol adjective / noun OI adverb / verb collocations to say how

Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2 the supermarket.There's still a substantial difference between the two main Partưs.5Underline the modifiers that we can use in these two sentences.a

I le was censidcrably / slightly i much i fairly Ị quite/ rather I immeasurably f far better than when we last saw him.b They are nowhere near/ nothin Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

g like! not quite / not that / not virtually as efficient as when we last used them live years ago4LINKING PHRASESWe can use linking phrases to replac

Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

e smaller than, as big as. etc:One teaspoon ữ equivalent to about >'ml.6Underline the words and phrases that we can use in this sentence.This year’s n

Unit sevenVocabularySECTION 4Differences and similarities1COLLOCATIONWe can use a number ol adjective / noun OI adverb / verb collocations to say how

Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2 to the vast numbers we had last year.5IDIOMATIC PHRASESWe can use a number of idiomatic phrases III comparisons:Using e-mail is as easy as falling of

f a log.Don't go in there like a hull in a china shop and upset everyone.7Fill the gap in the phrases below with one of these words.dass streets peas Grammar and vocabulary for cambridge advanced and proficiency part 2

head spots cheese

Unit sevenVocabularySECTION 4Differences and similarities1COLLOCATIONWe can use a number ol adjective / noun OI adverb / verb collocations to say how

Unit sevenVocabularySECTION 4Differences and similarities1COLLOCATIONWe can use a number ol adjective / noun OI adverb / verb collocations to say how

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