(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

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Nội dung chi tiết: (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branchERATURE REVIEWThis chapter related a review of literature related to the research work as documented by authorities on customer sen ice.It will cover

the definitions of customer sen ice. the definitions of customer sen ice quality, definitions of customer satisfaction, definitions of customer loyalt (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

y. It will also take a look into the SERVỌƯAL MODEL to assess senice quality dimension, customer senice quality and some factors affecting customer se

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

n ice in banking sector.1.1C ustomer sen iceI. 1.1 Definition of customer serviceAccording to Wikipedia “Customer sen ice is the provision ot sen ice

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branchcess of such interactions is dependent on employees "who can adjust themselves to the personality of the guest".According to Paul Mckinney (2015), Cus

tomer sen ice is the act of taking care of the customer's needs by providing and delivering professional, helpful, high quality sen ice and assistance (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

before, during, and after the customer's requirements are met.Christine Johnson (2006, p.102) said that good customer senice means providing product

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

and senice which has high quality, answering queries, making customer easy to purchase goods and delivering on time.According to consultant Sudhir And

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch its image. He believed that good customer sen ice can build trust and customer loyalty. Employees can also get rewards and develop the friendship wit

h customers if they provide good services.hl general. Customer service relates to the service provided to customers before, during and after a purchas (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

e.Some characteristics of good customer sen ice include:Promptness: Promises for delivery of products must be on time. Delays and cancellations of pro

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

ducts should be avoided.Politeness: Politeness is almost a lost art. For any business, using good manners is appropriate whether the customer makes a

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branchal. Professionalism shows the customer they’re cared for.Personalization: Using the customer's name is very effective in producing loyalty. Customers

like the idea that whom they do business with knows them on a personal level.1.1.2. Definition of customer service quality'According Parasuraman. Zcit (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

haml and Berry (1985), the quality of service is the customer's perception of service has generated a good level of customers’ previous expectations.

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

Also according to Parasuraman. the expectation in service quality is the desire of the customer, which means they feel the right provider will perform

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branchization. Research by Caruna (2000) revealed that service quality is an important input to customer satisfaction.therefore the main point of management

attention should be on customers, of which sen ice quality is an important antecedent.Customers receive products through active communication, inform (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

ation and comments received. To evaluate customer sen ice quality at banks, customers must come and perform transactions, assess the facilities, the s

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

en ice attitude of staff, level of satisfaction of products and sen ices, etc.1.1.3 Customer loyaltyCustomer loyalty (Customer loyalty, 2002) is both

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch performance, or simply familiarity and comfort with the brand. Customer loyalty encourages consumers to shop more consistently, spend a greater share

of wallet, and feel positive about a shopping experience, helping attract consumers to familiar brands in the face of a competitive environment. Jour (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

nal Citation Ciation Report (Thomson Reuters, 2014) Customer loyalty is viewed as the strength of the relationship between an individual's relative at

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

titude and repeat patronage. The relationship is seen as mediated by social nonns and situational factors. Cognitive, affective, and conative antecede

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch002 stated that sen ice loyalty, with its final effect on repurchasing by customers, appears to have received relatively little attention. This study

starts by first delineating the concept of sen ice loyalty and proceeds to distinguish between sen ice quality and customer satisfaction. A model that (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

links sen ice quality to service loyalty via customer satisfaction is proposed. Appropriate measures are identified and a postal survey is undertaken

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

among 1,000 retail banking customers. A response rate of 20.5 per cent is obtained. Results indicate thatcustomer satisfaction does play a mediating

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branchnt by the user, about the products or sen ices gained (Churchill and Surprcnanl, 1982; Yukscl and Rimminglon, 1988)./. Ị.4 Customer satisfactionMany r

esearchers have definitions customer satisfaction . According to Cambridge Dictionary Customer satisfaction is a measure of how happy customers led wh (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

en they do business with a company. Journal of Marketing (January 1982) is defined customer satisfaction has a direct impact on the primary source of

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

future revenue streams for most companies. Satisfaction is as a judgment following a consumption experience - it is the consumer's judgment that a pro

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branchmation or disconfirmation of preconsumption expectations is the essential determinant of satisfaction. This means that customers have a certain predic

ted product performance in mind prior to consumption.During consumption, customers experience the product performance and compare it to their expected (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

product perfonnance level. Satisfaction judgments arc then formed based on this comparison. The resulting judgment is labeled positive discontinuatio

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

n if the performance is better than expected, negative disconlirmalion if it is worse than expected, and simple confirmation if it is as expected. In

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branche customer satisfaction instrument are also explored. What is shown is that customer segments, in fact, yield statisticallydifferent satisfaction scor

es, which verifies the managerial value of customer segmentation practices. Finally, the facets of customer satisfaction as explanatory cues for the s (Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch

witching behavior of individual and business customers were tested successfully.1.1.5. Factors affecting customer service in banks1.1.5.1. External fa

(Luận văn học viện tài chính) improving customer service in military commercial join stock bank – hoang quoc viet branch


Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

Name : Nguyễn Chúc Quỳnh CQ50/51.04Topic: ‘‘Improving customer sen ice in Military commercial join stock bank - Hoang Quoc Viet Branch.CHAPTER 1: LITE

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