Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

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Nội dung chi tiết: Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming: The Equality State's ExperiencePrepared By:Human Services Research InstituteandThe National Asso

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOCociation of state Directors of Developmental Disabilities ServicesGary SmithSarali TaubM inona HeavilandVai BradleyMike Clreek37104Prepared for “Reinv

enting Quality: Fostering Promising Practices in Person-Centered Community Services and Quality Assurance for People with Developmental Disabilities, Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

” a three-year grant project funded by the federal Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD) to evaluate and disseminate information on servi

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

ce delivery and quality assurance approaches that promote flexibility and innovation in publicly-financed services for persons with developmental disa

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming: The Equality State's ExperiencePrepared By:Human Services Research InstituteandThe National Asso

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC....5BRIEF HISTORY or THF. STATF SYSTEM___________________________________...... 8THF ORGANIZATION OF WYOMING’S PUBLIC SYSTEM........11WHAT FACTS AND

FIGURES SAY ABOUT WYOMING__________________________________13WYOMING'S PERSON-CENTERED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE..... 18C ASE STUDY FINDINGS: WHAT WE SAW AN Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

D HE ARD ABOUT THE WYOMING EXPERIENCE.25CHAI T F.NGFS____________________________________ 39CONCI .UDTNG THOUGHTS............................ .42APPF

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

XF)I\ A: C( )\SF.\ Sl/S STAt'FNf FXT..........43Appendix B: Sources Consulted......................58https://khothuvien.cori!PrefaceThis case study is

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming: The Equality State's ExperiencePrepared By:Human Services Research InstituteandThe National Asso

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOCciation of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) in collaboration with the University of Minnesota’s Institute for Communit

y Integration and the Human Sendees Research Institute (HSRI). The project has three major goals:» develop a website devoted to providing information Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

about person-centered services and supports (;» conduct and report on case studies of exemplary state systems of support; and» coo

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

rdinate national conferences focused on highlighting person-centered practices from around the country'.HSRI is responsible for coordinating case stud

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming: The Equality State's ExperiencePrepared By:Human Services Research InstituteandThe National Asso

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOCse studies is to gather and synthesize information concerning how particular states address die key elements of person-centered principles to guide th

eir provision of services and supports for people with developmental disabilities and their families. The investigations also strive to examine the co Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

ntextual and historical factors leading to the application of such principles. Tire main benefit of these studies is to obtain and disseminate informa

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

tion dial can inform comprehensive plan development in other states. The identification of exemplary public systems will give stakeholders confidence

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming: The Equality State's ExperiencePrepared By:Human Services Research InstituteandThe National Asso

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOCstrategies employed.For the purposes of this project, a statement of principles was developed through a consensus process with stakeholders and an adv

isory group. The resulting document is called Person-Centered Supports - They’re for Everyone! A copy of the principles is included in Appendix A.Meth Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

ods used to collect information included document review; group interviews, and individual in-person and telephone interview s. A complete list of dat

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

a sources can be found in Appendix B.AcknowledgementsThe authors would like to thank everyone who made our trip to Wyoming a successful, informative,

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming: The Equality State's ExperiencePrepared By:Human Services Research InstituteandThe National Asso

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOCmay help others around the nation learn about strategies for establishing person-centered supports. This report would not be possible without their co

ntributions. We especially want to thank Lynda Baumgardner, Darn-1 Cooper, Jack Firestone, Kathleen Peterson, Jon Fortune, and Barbara Fortune for ass Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming The Equality State’s Experience.DOC

isting US with logistics and for making us feel welcome in Wyoming.

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming: The Equality State's ExperiencePrepared By:Human Services Research InstituteandThe National Asso

Making Person-Centered Supports a Reality in Wyoming: The Equality State's ExperiencePrepared By:Human Services Research InstituteandThe National Asso

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