Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

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Nội dung chi tiết: Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

TODD FISHER is the Executive Director of the Napoleonic Alliance. America’s most prestigious Napoleonic interest group, and a founding member of the I

Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1) International Napoleonic Society. He has a life-long fascination with the Napoleonic period, and is Chief Executive Officer of Emperor’s Press and Nap

oleon Journal, both of which specialize in Napoleonic history.PROFESSOR ROBERT ƠNEỈLL, AO D.Phil, is the Chichele Professor of the History of War al t Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

he University of Oxford and Series Editor of the Essential Histories. His wealth of knowledge and expertise shapes the scries content, and provides up

Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

-to-the-minute research and theory. Bom in 1936 an Australian citizen, he served in the Australian army 1955-68 and has held a number of eminent posit

TODD FISHER is the Executive Director of the Napoleonic Alliance. America’s most prestigious Napoleonic interest group, and a founding member of the I

Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1) f many books including works on the German army and the Nazi party, the Korviin and Vietnam wars.Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic WarsThe rise of the

Emperor 1805-1807Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic WarsThe rise of the Emperor 1805-1807First published In Great Britain In 2001 by Osprey Publishing Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

.Elms Court. Chape-: Way. Bolley. Oxford 0X2 9LPE-mafc© 2001 Osprey Publishing LimitedAll rights reserved. Apart from any fa

Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

ircearng for the purpose of private study, research, criticism or review. as permitted under the Copyright. Design and Patents Act. 1988. no part of t

TODD FISHER is the Executive Director of the Napoleonic Alliance. America’s most prestigious Napoleonic interest group, and a founding member of the I

Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1) ’, optical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner Enquiries should be addressed to ine Pub

lishersEvery attempt has been made by the publisher to secure the appropriate permissions for material reproduced in this book.II there has been any o Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

versight we will be happy to rectify the situation and written submissions should be mace to the PublishersISSN 1 84176 205 9Editor: Rebecca CullenDes

Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

igner: Ken Vail Graphic Design. Cambridge, UKPicture research by image Select InternationalCartography by The Map StudioIndex by Alan RutterOriginatio

TODD FISHER is the Executive Director of the Napoleonic Alliance. America’s most prestigious Napoleonic interest group, and a founding member of the I

Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1) lingborough. Northants NN8 4ZA. UKEmail: info@osprcydircctco.ukOsprey Direct USA P.O.Box 130.Sterling Heights. Ml 48311-0130. USAEmai : info@osprcydfr

cctusa.comOr visit Osprey at:www.ospreypubilshng.comContentsChronology7Background to war Osprey essential histories 003 napoleonic wars (1)

TODD FISHER is the Executive Director of the Napoleonic Alliance. America’s most prestigious Napoleonic interest group, and a founding member of the I

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