Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815

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Nội dung chi tiết: Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815

Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815

Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic Wars (4)The fall of the French empire 1813-1815Gregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES holds de

Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815 egrees in history from the University of California, Berkeley (BA), the University of Chicago (MA) and the University of Oxford (D. Phil.). Since 1993

he has lectured in British and American history in Japan, principally al Kobe University, lie is the author of The French Revolutionary Wars (2001) a Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815

nd rhe Peninsular War (2002) and numerous articles on British diplomatic and military history.PROFESSOR ROBERT O’NEILL, AO D.PHIL. (Oxon), Hon D.

Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815

t.(ANU), FASSA, Fr Hist s, is the Series Editor of the Essential Histories. His wealth of knowledge and expertise shapes the series content and provid

Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic Wars (4)The fall of the French empire 1813-1815Gregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES holds de

Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815 nt positions in history circles, including the Chichele Professorship of the History of War at All Souls College, University of Oxford, 1987-2001, and

the Chairmanship of the Board of the Imperial War Museum and the Council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London.He is the autho Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815

r of many books including works on the German Army and (he Nazi parly, and the Korean and Vietnam wars. Now based in Australia on hisEssential Histori

Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815

esThe Napoleonic Wars (4)The fall of the French empire 1813-1815Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic Wars (4)The fall of the French empire 1813- 1815Greg

Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic Wars (4)The fall of the French empire 1813-1815Gregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES holds de

Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815 l:© 2002 Osprey Publishing LimitedAll rights reserved. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study, resear

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Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815

, without the prior written permission ofthe copyright owner Enquiries should be made to the Publishers.Every attempt has been made by the publisher t

Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic Wars (4)The fall of the French empire 1813-1815Gregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES holds de

Osprey essential histories 039 the napoleonic wars (4) the fall of the french empire 1813 1815 d written Submission should be made to the Publishers.ISBN1 84176 431 0Editor: Sail)' RawlingsDesign: Ken Vai Graphic Design Cambridge, UK Cartography

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Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic Wars (4)The fall of the French empire 1813-1815Gregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES holds de

Essential HistoriesThe Napoleonic Wars (4)The fall of the French empire 1813-1815Gregory Fremont-BarnesOspreyPUBLISHINGGREGORY FREMONT-BARNES holds de

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