Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

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Nội dung chi tiết: Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

FortressPUBLISHINGBritish Fortifications in Zululand 1879Ian Knight • Illustrated by Adam HookIAN KNIGHT is widely regarded as a leading international

Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879 l expert on the Anglo-Zulu War. He has written, co-written or edited over 30 books. He studied Afro-Caribbean Studies at Kent University, and is an Ho

norary Research Associate of the Natal Museum and Vice President of the Anglo Zulu War Historical Society. In 2000, he was the historian advising the Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

Glasgow University team who made the first archaeological survey of the Isandlwana battlefield. He lives in Sussex, UK.ADAM HOOK studied graphic desig

Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

n and began his work as an illustrator in 1983. He specializes In detailed historical reconstructions and has illustrated Osprey titles on the Aztecs,

FortressPUBLISHINGBritish Fortifications in Zululand 1879Ian Knight • Illustrated by Adam HookIAN KNIGHT is widely regarded as a leading international

Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879 ussex, UK.JI l\Xu 1 PUBLISHINGFortress • 35British Fortifications in Zululand 1879Ian Knight • Illustrated by Adam HookSeries editors Marcus Cowper an

d Nikolai BogdanovichtM pofcluh« Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

016. USAE-nuil: .nfo@Oiprcypjt*iNng tornc 2005 Oiprey Pubhthing limitedAll right* reterved Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private ttud

Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

y. reieirch. cntKitm or revww. at permitted under the Copyright. Det'gnt and Pitentt Act. 1988. no part of thn publcition may be reproduced. Mored in

FortressPUBLISHINGBritish Fortifications in Zululand 1879Ian Knight • Illustrated by Adam HookIAN KNIGHT is widely regarded as a leading international

Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879 rwise. without the pror written permiition o' the copyright owner Enquiriet tbould be addressed to the PublishersISBN I 84176 8X9 4Cartography. Map St

udo. Romtey. HantaPage layouts by Keo Vad Graph< Design. Cambridge. UKIndex by David WorthingtonOngnated by The Electronic Page Company. Cwmbran UK Pr Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

inted and bound in China through Bookbuildert05 06 07 08 09 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1A CIP catalogue record for this book IS available from the British lib

Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

raryfoa. A cATAiOGLt or AU BOOKS ruunritD 0- Ounrr Mu TAXI AMO Avuticri ntAscCONTACT.NORTH AMERICAOsprey Direct. 2427 Bond Street. Unrvervty Park. IL

FortressPUBLISHINGBritish Fortifications in Zululand 1879Ian Knight • Illustrated by Adam HookIAN KNIGHT is widely regarded as a leading international

Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879 ww.ospreypubfashing.comArtist’s noteReaders may care to note that the original paintings from which the colour plates in this book were prepared are a

vailable for private sale. All reproduction copyright whatsoever IS retained by the Publishers. All enquiries should be addressed to: Osprey fortress 035 british fortifications in zululand 1879

FortressPUBLISHINGBritish Fortifications in Zululand 1879Ian Knight • Illustrated by Adam HookIAN KNIGHT is widely regarded as a leading international

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