Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

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Nội dung chi tiết: Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

FortressPUBLISHINGThe Spanish Main 1492-1800René Chartrand • Illustrated by Donato SpedaliereRENE CHARTRAND was bom in Montreal and educated in Canada

Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR a, the United States and the Bahamas. A senior curator with Canada's National Historic Sites for nearly three decades, he is now a freelance writer an

d historical consultant. He has written numerous articles and books including almost 20 Osprey titles and the first two volumes of Canadian Military H Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

eritage. He lives in Quebec, with his wife and two sons.DONATO SPEDALIEREwas bom in 1967 in Lausanne, Switzerland, and moved to Tuscany at the age of

Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

10, where he still resides. Having studied at the Instituto Nazionalc di Belle Arti in Florence, he served in the Italian Army as a paratrooper. Since

FortressPUBLISHINGThe Spanish Main 1492-1800René Chartrand • Illustrated by Donato SpedaliereRENE CHARTRAND was bom in Montreal and educated in Canada

Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR ny he founded with his wife in 1998.Fortress • 49The Spanish Main 1492-1800René Chartrand • Illustrated by Donato SpedaliereSenes editors Marcus Cowpe

r and Nikolai BogdanovicFr*l pubUthed n 2006 by Oiprey PuMthMgHow.Wen w,, Botky. OrfonJ 0X2 OPH. UK443 Pirt. South. New York. NY 10016. USAE-m»l: info Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR


Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

r renew, a* permeted under the Copyright De*igm and Patent* Act 1988. no part 0> chit publication may be reproduced, stored n a retrieval system, or t

FortressPUBLISHINGThe Spanish Main 1492-1800René Chartrand • Illustrated by Donato SpedaliereRENE CHARTRAND was bom in Montreal and educated in Canada

Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR itten permsson o( the copyright owner Enquiries should be addressed to the Publshersr$8N 10 I 84603 005 6f$8N 13:978 I 84603 005 $Cartography; Map Stu

dci. Romsey. UKTypeset in Monotype G* San* and rrc Stone Serd Oeugn Ken VW Graphic o*gn. Cambridge. UK Indev by Alison WorthingtonOnjpnated by United Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

Graphic*. Singapore Prrr.ed m China through BooktXiilders06 07 08 09 10 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 21A CIP catalogue record for thu bool II available from the B

Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

ritish LbraryFoe A CAtAtOCUt o» ACC KXAU tsemmo ST OffMr MuTAST AND ArtAJlONHI AU CONTACTOsprey Direct, c.'o Random House Dist/ừubon Center. 400 Hahn

FortressPUBLISHINGThe Spanish Main 1492-1800René Chartrand • Illustrated by Donato SpedaliereRENE CHARTRAND was bom in Montreal and educated in Canada

Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR l

h. James Kochan and Stephen Wood; the embassies of Cuba and Mexico in Ottawa, the US Parks Service, the Musco Naval in Madrid. Col. Carlos Zamorano Ga Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

rcia and the staff at the Institute de Historia y Cultura Militar in Madrid, without all of whom our humble effort could not have presented so much ne

Osprey fortress 049 the spanish main 1492 1800 OCR

w material.Author’s note

FortressPUBLISHINGThe Spanish Main 1492-1800René Chartrand • Illustrated by Donato SpedaliereRENE CHARTRAND was bom in Montreal and educated in Canada

FortressPUBLISHINGThe Spanish Main 1492-1800René Chartrand • Illustrated by Donato SpedaliereRENE CHARTRAND was bom in Montreal and educated in Canada

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