The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

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Nội dung chi tiết: The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearss during the toddler years. In c. A. Brownell & c. B. Kopp (Eds.). Transitions in early socioemotional development: The toddler years. New York: Guilf

ord.The Co-Development of Self andSocio-Moral Emotions during the Toddler YearsMichael F. MascoloMerrimack College&Kurt w. FischerHarvard Graduate Sch The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

ool of EducationCo-Development of Self and Soõo-Moral Emotions2Profound changes occur in self-awareness during the toddler years. During the second ye

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

ar, children begin to assert their own agency (Mascolo & Fischer, 1998), resist adult intervention, use the words "I* and ‘mê' (Pipp. Fischer & Jennin

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearsal and self-conscious emotions (Lewis, 1993: Mascolo & Fischer. 1995: Zahn-Waxler. 1990). As self-awareness develops, the sense of self increasingly f

unctions as a socio-moral guide to action (Tangney. 2002). The self IS not simply a cognitive construction: self-awareness IS a type of reflective act The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

ivity (Mead. 1934) that coordinates cognitive (Bertenthal & Fischer. 1978). emotional (Emde. 1980). conative (Mayer. Chabot & Carlsmith. 1997) and soc

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

ial (Fogel. 1993: Sarbin & Allen. 1968) elements. Emotions - and particularly self-conscious and moral emotions - are important aspects of developing

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearsexample, guilt arises in development as children gain the capacity to become aware of having committing a wrongdoing; however, feelings of guilt simul

taneously organize and amplify children's sense of responsibility for moral infractions. In this way, self-conscious emotions function as building blo The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

cks for the construction of selvesIn this paper, we examine the co-development of socio-moral. self-evaluative emotions and self as they develop in so

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

cial interactions with parents and other socialization figures We use dynamic skill theory (Fischer. 1980; Fischer and Bidell, in press; Mascolo & Fis

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years socio-moral emotions that develop as children appropriate socio-moral standards from their joint activity with others; (b) experiences of guilt and s

hame take multiple forms over time; (c) partially internalized forms of guilt and shame can be identified by the third year of life; (d) similar socia The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

lization processes underlie the development of guilt, shame and the regulation of anger; (e) socio-moral and self-evaluativeCo-Development of Self and

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

Socio-Moral Emotions3emotions in the toddler years provide a foundation for the construction of moral selves in development.The Concept of Self in So

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years a type of reflective experience, as expressed in the writings of George Herbert Mead (1934). According to him. the self is bom when the process of aw

areness becomes “an object to itself'. The experience of self consists of conscious activity that takes itself as an object. This model of self is dep The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

icted in Figure 1. The idea that self-awareness is a type of reflective activity implies the presence of a more primary level of activity that perform

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

s the requisite acts of reflection. This activity is represented by the bold arrow indicating primary conscious action operating on social objects. Se

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearscated in Figure 1 by the reflective looping back of the base arrow upon itself. The process by which this process occurs is a social one. In the examp

le provided in Figure 1. a mother re-directs her 27 month-old child after he angrily grabs a toy from his playmate. The darkened arrow represents the The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

structure of boy's primary goal-directed activity. The dashed arrow on the right depicts the mother s disciplinary strategy. In this context, the moth

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

er s intervention fosters the development of self-awareness and selfcontrol by directing her child's conscious attention back upon his own action and

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years her own ongoing activity and experience.Insert Figure 1 about here.This notion of self-awareness directly implies a distinction between agency and id

entity, subject and object, T and ‘me’. We generally experience conscious activity as a process through which we exert control over action (James, 189 The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

0). In this way. we experience a sense of agency, subjectivity or '7' in our primary activity (Blasi & Glodis 1995). When primary actionCo-Development

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions4loops back upon Itself, it constructs a representation of Itself as an object of awareness (James. 1890: Mascolo, 20

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearse example provided in Figure 1. the mother’s words function to organize and regulate her Child s awareness of “I" and “me" in socially meaningful ways

. For example, the child is aware that his mother wants him to "stop hitting" and "be a gentleman". The development of the awareness that “I’m not bei The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

ng a gentleman" reflects the child's other-regulated construction of self-as-object. The other-regulated construction of the Child s awareness that "I

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

can stop hitting" organizes the child’s sense of personal agency (“/").What is the function of this constructed sense of self? Why is It important? T

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearso. she can use this constructed sense to regulate her actions, thoughts and feelings within social contexts (Carver & Scheier. 1998; Mascolo. Fischer

& Neimeyer 1999) In this way. representations of self function as higher-order control structures that regulate action in social exchanges In Figure 1 The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

. the mother's intervention directs an act of constructive reflection by her child Over time, the child can use his jointly created representations of

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

self to regulate his action and experience with others. This includes identifying and regulating his feelings of anger: acting in accordance with his

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearsrol system that drives social action. Self-Evaluative Moral Emotions and the Development of SelfIn recent decades, researchers have proposed that emot

ion plays a central role in the organization of consciousness, action and development (Fischer. Shaver & Camochan, 1990; Freeman. 2002; Mascolo. Fisch The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

er & Li, 2002; Tomkins. 1987) From this view, self-evaluative and moral emotions take on special significance. If the self functions as a moral guide

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

in social action, it follows that socio-moral emotions must play a central role in the development of moralCo-Development of Self and Sodo-Moral Emoti

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearsanges in these emotions provides a window to the development of self over the toddler years.As indicated in Figure 1. emotional experiences are compos

ed of at least three coacting classes of component processes (Mascolo, Fischer. & Li. 2002). These include a motiverelevant appraisal. a characteristi The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

c affect or feeling tone and a motive-action tendency (Frijda. 1986). Appraisal processes refer to ongoing assessments of the relation between perceiv

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

ed events and a person's goals, motives, and concerns (Lazarus. 1991). In any given context, ongoing motive-event appraisals continuously modulate the

Co-Development of Self and Socio-Moral Emotions1Mascolo, M. F , & Fischer. K. w. (2006. in press). The co-development of self and socio-moral emotions

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler yearscies. An action tendency refers to emotion-typical actions that function to bring about changes in events that are consistent with one's goals, motive

s and concerns. Action tendencies embody voluntary (l.e., instrumental actions) as well as involuntary motoraction systems (eg.. facial, postural, voc The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

al changes).Table 1 provides a description of the anatomy of anger, guilt and shame as they are experienced among adults in North American and Western

The codevelopment of self and sociomoral emotions during the toddler years

European cultures. (The situation is different for adults in China, and presumably some other cultures: Mascolo et al., 2002; Li, Wang, & Fischer. 20

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