The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

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Nội dung chi tiết: The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh provincese population in Nam Dinh provincenwóH4 0*1 HỌC ni!u turtc NAM BỊNHNgo Huy HoangThe development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, E

ducation and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnamese population in Nam Dinh provinceSubmitted by Ngo Huy Hoang in partial The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

fulfillment of the requirements of the Birmingham City University In Birmingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy41000The Faculty of Health Birm

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

ingham city UniversityAbstractThe development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibio

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh provinceth misunderstanding leading to the irrational and inappropriate use of these drugs resulting in bacterial resistance together with its consequences. I

n Vietnam the public healthcare service is provided at community level based on a system of communes. Here it is accepted that health centres are loca The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

ted in each rural area but that, public health workers are disadvantaged especially with regard to their educated/tralning, but are still mainly respo

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

nsible for provision of healthcare including administration of antibiotics.The main aim of this study was to develop a conceptual framework for an edu

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh provincence Vietnam but could be transferable to other rural areas in Vietnam. Thus, as a starting point baseline measures were taken using method triangulati

on in order to evaluate the current situation of antibiotic use in this study location. This survey revealed a very high rate of antibiotic administra The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

tion (79.8%) of which more than half (54%) were incorrectly prescribed for non-infectious conditions. It also revealed misunderstandings andlimited kn

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

owledge and perceptions regarding the use of antibiotics, and that staff had received littlepost basic training and education .These findings provided

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh provincesic philosophies of experiential learning from the western world were taken into account then adapted to the Vietnamese context, especially to the sit

uation of the commune health workers. The model was developed, based on Kolb’s (1984) experiential learning cycle, with modifications to fit with Viet The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

namese condition. The model named the 'Modified Kolb’s Model for Vietnam! (MKMVN) then was used to design and implement the training programme, taken

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

place in each commune health centre.The programme,assessed through a time-series questionnaire, using participant observation and focus groups,was fou

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh provincelth workers’ enthusiasm for ongoing learning was evident in the focus groups held as part of the final evaluation. The overall mean score for correct

responses to the questionnaireelevated significantly from58.43± 8.77 points before the programme to 99.25 ± 1.00 points after the completion of the pr The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

ogramme and remained comparatively high at 79.76 ± 9.02 points after three months. Considerable improvements were seen in solving patients problems, p

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

rovidingappropriate treatment and administration of medicines and antibiotics in particular. Instructions to patients regarding courses of antibiotics

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh provinceiate for the commune health workers, and required minimal resourcing.There are clear the possibilities for applying thismodel (MKMVN) and programme on

a larger scale and for applying this approach to other key health issues.AcknowledgementsThe completion of this thesis would never have reached its e The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

nd without the help of many people.I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to the health workers in Myloc district, Nam Dinh province for their pa

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

rticipation, coordination and sharing In order to take place this study projectI would like to express my most heartfelt gratitude to Professor Joy No

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh provincelopment, nurture, and supervision my study work from the Initial scientific ideas to the completion of the thesis.I am Indebted to Professor Robert As

hford, Director of post-graduate Degrees, Professor Malcolm Hughes and Ms Joy Hall from Birmingham City University, and Professor Hoang Thi Kim Huyen The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

from Hanoi University of Pharmacy for their scientific supervision, timely encourage and precious support.I would like to express my indebtedness to t

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

he NUFFIC and the Project NPT VNM/117 (Health) for the research grant, and the project management board for their support to cany out this study.I hav

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province, Birmingham City University.Table of ContentsCHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY......................................1The aims and specific objecti

ves of the study.............................1Usage of Antibiotics in Vietnam...........................................2Cunent Health System and Medi The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

cal Education of Vietnam.....................4A project within a project................................................6Outline of The Thesis........

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

.............................................7CHAPTER 2. THE CONTEXT FOR THE STUDY: AN OVERVIEW OF VIETNAM..10 Introduction...........................

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province..........................10•Climate and weather.............................................11■People and population...^.............................

...-......12■Languages.......................................................13■Religions and beliefs...........................................14■Adm The development of a conceptual framework and model for information education and communication (iec) to reduce antibiotic miuse among the vietnamese population in nam dinh province

inistrative structure........................................15

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

The development of a conceptual framework and model for Information, Education and Communication (IEC) to reduce antibiotic misuse among the Vietnames

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