The development of wise action in adulthood

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Nội dung chi tiết: The development of wise action in adulthood

The development of wise action in adulthood

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthood CollegeTo appear in Long, J. s., Lynam, A., & Kallio, E. (in press). The International Handbook of Adult Development and Wisdom. Oxford.Michael F. Ma

scolo Department of Psychology Merrimack CollegeNorth Andover, MA 01845 978-979-8745 (cell)Development of Wise Decision Making2 The development of wise action in adulthood


The development of wise action in adulthood

cope with the central problems and avoid the dangers in the predicament(s) human beings find themselves in (Nozick, 1989, p. 269).Why study the develo

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodtradiction. The sheer amount of information produced in the past decades eclipses that produced in the entire span of human history. By any standards

of evaluation, science has been remarkably successful in producing an unanticipated abundance of knowledge. Technological innovation has transformed p The development of wise action in adulthood

ersonal and cultural life, producing both unprecedented convenience and accelerated environmental threat. As a result of electronic communication, the

The development of wise action in adulthood

world is both more connected and more divided than at any point in human history. Our awareness of human diversity has created cultural clashes that

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthood than our individual and collective capacities to manage them.Given the enormous success of science and technology, it is not surprising that many wou

ld seek scientific and technological solutions to our social problems. However, while science and technology will no doubt be essential in facing huma The development of wise action in adulthood

n predicaments, by themselves, they are morally neutral. Science seeks to study what is rather than what ought to be; technologies are mere tools for

The development of wise action in adulthood

meeting human wants and needs. Against this backdrop, if wisdom is what we need "to cope with the central problems and avoid the dangers" (Nozick, 198

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodwisdom take on deep societal importance.If studying wisdom is important, how are we to study it? In recent times, there has been a turn in many circle

s toward the use of scientific methods to seek answers to moral questions (Hunter & Nedelisky, 2018). This practice occurs, for example, when scholars The development of wise action in adulthood

seek to identify the biological foundations of morality, the evolutionary foundations for a good society, or to establish a moral science. Such pursu

The development of wise action in adulthood

its immediately run up against a series of deep conceptual problems. These include the fact/value distinction (Gorski, 2017; Putnam, 2002) and the nat

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodcts that can be identified independent of the values and biases of the observer. Given this distinction, the naturalistic fallacy occurs individuals s

eek to infer what ought to be (i.e., values) from descriptions of what is (i.e., empirical facts).If this is so, then how is it possible to develop a The development of wise action in adulthood

science of morality? Social science can provide us with descriptions of how people think about moral issues, how psychological and brain activity medi

The development of wise action in adulthood

ate the process of making moral judgments, and even how the capacity for moral judgment evolves in species, collectives and individuals. It can even p

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodell US what is good, worthy, right or moral. To the extent that science is constrained to describing what is, it cannot prescribe what ought to be.The

same issues arise in attempts to study wisdom from the standpoint of empirical science. Wisdom is an evaluative concept. A wise decision is one that The development of wise action in adulthood

anticipates the possibility of maximizing the good. As such, wisdom is not an extant something that can be measured through careful observation. Inste

The development of wise action in adulthood

ad, what we call "wise" - like all evaluative categories - is a reflective product of human relational experience (Mascolo & Di Bianca-Fasoli, 2020).

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodto the concept of wisdom as it is already defined within the intcrsubjcctivc and pro-empirical matrix of human social relations. Thus, if we are to st

udy wisdom scientifically, we cannot do so within the framework of traditional objectivist science (Ichinose, 2017; Kristjánsson, 2012; Mascolo, 2017) The development of wise action in adulthood

.An intorsubjective framework provides a way to reconcile the fissure between the scientific and humanistic study of wisdom. An intersubjective analys

The development of wise action in adulthood

is is informed by the idea that the ways in which we construct knowledge about people is fundamentally different from how we come to know physical obj

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodm our already existing human capacity for intersubjective engagement-the capacity to share, coordinate, represent and mutually-incorporate meaning and

experience between people (Di Paoli & de Jaegar, 2007; Mascolo, 2017; Matusov, 1996; Trevarthen & Aitken, 2001) The capacity to understand human expe The development of wise action in adulthood

rience is a mediated one (Wertsch, 2007): it occurs as people draw upon existing systems of meanings represented in an already shared psychological le

The development of wise action in adulthood

xicon (Cipolletti, Procter & Mascolo, 2020).This paper is divided into two parts. Part I contains a critical analysis of psychological research on wis

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodo obscure than illuminate the nature of wisdom. While most researchers agree that wisdom is not something that can be directly observed, many nonethel

ess seek ways to "measure wisdom" empirically (Ardclt, 2003; Gluck, 2018; Gluck Ct al., 2013; Thomas, Bangcn, Ardelt, & Jeste, 2017; Webster, 2019). S The development of wise action in adulthood

uch measures are often created by (a) asking respondents to identify qualities of "wise persons", and then (b) developing questionnaires to assess the

The development of wise action in adulthood

extent to which people exhibit commonly nominated qualities (Bluck & Gluck, 2005; Denny, Dew & Kroupa, 1995). The result of such research is a kind o

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthood then evaluated as wise to the extent that they arc judged to exhibit those characteristics.Although they purport to measure wisdom, such scales do no

t seek to assess the extent to which people are actually capable of making decisions that might be evaluated as "wise". Given the prevalence of the va The development of wise action in adulthood

lue of objectivity in scientific research (Levitt Ct al., 2020), this is not surprising. Assessing the wisdom of decision-making would require the inv

The development of wise action in adulthood

ocation of valueDevelopment of Wise Decision Making4judgments, thus violating the scientific norm of objectivity. One might argue conventional researc

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodhardson & Woolfolk, 1994). This is not an intentional practice on the part of researchers; wisdom research is designed to fulfill the objectivist requ

irements of the discipline. The problem lies in the fact/value distinction that informs psychological science in the first place (Brinkman, 2011; Kris The development of wise action in adulthood

tjansson, 2012; Mascolo, 2017).Part II of the paper attempts to address these problems. It contains a description of an intersubjective framework for

The development of wise action in adulthood

understanding psychological science and the psychological analysis of wisdom in particular. An intersubjective approach begins with an analysis of the

1Development of Wise Decision MakingThe Development of Wise Decision-Making Across Adulthood: An Intersubjective FrameworkMichael F. MascoloMerrimack

The development of wise action in adulthoodsis, it is suggested that a wise decision is one that, informed by conceptions of the good, anticipates, coordinates and maximizes the good over the b

ad across the full range of concerns that define a given problem. Based on this definition, the discussion turns to a psychological study assessing de The development of wise action in adulthood

velopment changes in wise decision-making in adults between the ages of 18-80. In so doing, drawing on models of skill development (Fischer, 1980; Mas

The development of wise action in adulthood

colo & Bidell, 2020; Mascolo & Fischer, 2015) we identify developmental changes in the structure of wise decision-making over adulthood. The status of

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