Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis)

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Nội dung chi tiết: Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis)

Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis)

Barbara Gross DaviTools forf TeachingSECOND EDITIONTools forTeachingSECOXD ED1TJLOXBarbara Gross DavisJOSSEY-BASS A Wiley Imprint www.josscybass.comTh

Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis) he Josscy-Bass Higher and Adult Education ScriesCopyright © 2009 Iryjohn Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved.Published by.Josscy-BassA Wiley Imprin

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Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis)

or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act. without cither the prior written |x-rmksi

Barbara Gross DaviTools forf TeachingSECOND EDITIONTools forTeachingSECOXD ED1TJLOXBarbara Gross DavisJOSSEY-BASS A Wiley Imprint www.josscybass.comTh

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Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis)

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Barbara Gross DaviTools forf TeachingSECOND EDITIONTools forTeachingSECOXD ED1TJLOXBarbara Gross DavisJOSSEY-BASS A Wiley Imprint www.josscybass.comTh

Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis) arranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended by- sales represcrilalivcs lie written sales

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Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis)

ecial, incidental, consequential, or other damages.Ji Issey -Ba s'. Ixxiks and products are available through m

Barbara Gross DaviTools forf TeachingSECOND EDITIONTools forTeachingSECOXD ED1TJLOXBarbara Gross DavisJOSSEY-BASS A Wiley Imprint www.josscybass.comTh

Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis) publishes its books ill a variety <>r electronic formats. Some content dial apịiears in print may not be available in electronic books.Library Ilf ('o

ngrexx Calaloging-in-Fublication DataDavis. Barbara Cross.look lilt- leaching/Barbara (truss Davis.—2nd ed.p. cm.Includes bibliographical references a Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis)

nd index.ISBN 978-0-7U79-6567-9 (pbk.)I. College teaching—United Stales—Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2. C1a.*Mitx>m management— I lilted States—Handliixik

Tools for teaching (barbara gross davis)

s. manuals etc. 3. (airrii Ilium planning—United Stairs Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Title.I.B233I.D37 2009378.1*25 dc222008011906Printed in the United

Barbara Gross DaviTools forf TeachingSECOND EDITIONTools forTeachingSECOXD ED1TJLOXBarbara Gross DavisJOSSEY-BASS A Wiley Imprint www.josscybass.comTh

Barbara Gross DaviTools forf TeachingSECOND EDITIONTools forTeachingSECOXD ED1TJLOXBarbara Gross DavisJOSSEY-BASS A Wiley Imprint www.josscybass.comTh

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