Variability is an important ingredient in learning

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Nội dung chi tiết: Variability is an important ingredient in learning

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningDepartment of Psychology. University College London. UK.Rebecca GomezDepartment of Psychology. The University' of Arizona at Tucson. USA.June 12.2006W

ord count. 10.628 (body)♦Corresponding AuthoiAddress: Cornell University. Dept, of Psychology. 245 Uns Hall. 14850 Ithaca. NYEmail: loi5iScomell.eduAb Variability is an important ingredient in learning

stractAll important aspect of language acquisition involves learning nonadjacent dependencies between words, such as subject' verb agreement for tense

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

O1 number in English. Despite the fact that infants and adults can track adjacent relations in order to infer tire structure of sequential stimuli, t

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningssible, provided it is modulated by the variability of the intervening material between Items. Detection of nonadjacencies improves significantly with

either zero or large variability, and in such conditions IS independent of the embedded material In addition, variability-mediated learning also appl Variability is an important ingredient in learning

ies to visual abstract stimuli, suggesting that similar statistical computations arc computed within sensory modalities. Learning nonadjacencics is cl

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

early modulated by die statistical properties of the input, although crucially die obtained U-shape learning curve cannot be explained by current asso

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningtic relationships inherent in the input has long been proposed as a potentially important mechanism in language development. In the 1950s. Hanis propo

sed a number of procedures that capitalized on the distributional properties of relevant linguistic etililies (such as phonemes and morphemes) to unco Variability is an important ingredient in learning

ver structural information about languages (Hanis. 1955). A simple disơibutional procedure in English, for instance, would detect that articles preced

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

e nouns and not vice versa (ifw wimtow. bill not *w;Wớ»r rhe). Hanis also projMised that words that occur within similar contexts are semantically sim

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningry. Shannon (1950) derived several important insights from the frequency analysis of single letters (the letter c' is by far die most frequent in the

English alphabet) and pairs and triples of letters. He developed encryption systems during World War II based on the statistical structure of sequenti Variability is an important ingredient in learning

al information, setting the stage for his pioneering work on the mathematical theory' of cryptography and information tlteory.At the time that Harris

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

was developing his ideas on the statistics of language. Miller (1958) and Reber (1967) began investigating the processes by which learners responded t

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learning(AGE) - were taken by sonic to show that adults become sensitive, after limited and often purely incidental exposure, to sequential structure Although

conducted with adults, the studies were motivated by the desire to gain insight into how children might learn then first language. Thus, the idea tha Variability is an important ingredient in learning

t statistical and distributional properties of the input could assist in the discovery of the structures of language, has historically been taken as a

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

serious scientific endeavor.In the decades following the first artificial grammar experiments, efforts to employ statistical and distributional analy

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningeaniability of certain classes of languages (Gohl. 1967). Consequently. the AGL apjnoach largely abandoned the study of language learning m favor of t

opics such as implicit learning (c.g.. Reber. 1993. Reed & Johnson, 1991). hl particular. Chomsky - who had Ixren a student of Harris - postulated tha Variability is an important ingredient in learning

t constituent slnicliưe al the core of linguistic knowledge cannot be learned from surface-level associations by any means (c.g.. Chomsky-. 19571 cf.I

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

ashley. 1951. for a similar criticism being leveled indqiendently in the area of sequential action). Chomsky pointed out that that key' relationships

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningtance, arbitrary amounts of linguistic material may intervene between auxiliaries and inflectional morphemes (eg., K cooking, hat n-nvelẹíỊ) or betwee

n subject nouns and verbs in4munber agreement, and may be separated by embedded sentences (e.g.. the books that sit 0)1 the shelf are dusty). The pres Variability is an important ingredient in learning

ence of embedding and nonadjaccnt dependencies in language represented a point of difficulty for early associationist approaches, which mainly focused

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

on discovering adjacent relations. For instance, a distributional mechanism computing solely neighboring information would parse the following senten

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learning*the book that sits on rhe shelves are dusty- suffers from the same problem. Such limitations cast doubts on the usefulness of statistical properties

of the input to discover structure in language, and contributed to a paradigm shift in studies of language acquisition Ú1 the late 1950s and 1960s.Ill Variability is an important ingredient in learning

this paper we rc-cvahiatc the possibility that noil-adjacent dependency learning may be mediated by the statistical properties of sequential stimuli.

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

Recently, there has been a revived interest in so-called statistical learning1 after some thirty years, as researchers have begun to investigate empi

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningements, such as syllables in words, we know little about the conditions under which nonadjancencies may be acquired. The aim of the paper IS to explor

e learning of nonadjacent dependencies and to discuss the theoretical implications of these results for acquiring language as well as sequential struc Variability is an important ingredient in learning

ture more generally.Learning nonadjacencies with artificial languagesThe use of artificial grammars to tap into mechanisms of language acquisition has

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

recently resurged 111 language acquisition research under the guise of artificial language learning (e.g.. Curtin. Mintz. & Christiansen. 2005: Gomez

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningm artificial grammars in that they aim to mimick the learnability of certain properties of real natural languages that the experimenter desires to tes

t. Conversely, artificial grammars tend to focus more on abstract sequences of shapes, or letters, with less relevance to linguistic structures. As su Variability is an important ingredient in learning

ch, an artificial language typically uses sequences of pseudo-words such as pel waditn Jlc. presented auditorily, while a typical example of artificia

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

l grammar is AÍXT.EVAÍV. where an arbitrary set of rules decides the order of randomly selected letteis (Reber. 196"). However, both types of experime

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learning6).5Much of the research so far points to a quick and robust ability of infants and adults to hack statistical regularities among adjacent elements, e

g., syllables (Saffian Ct al.. 1996: Saffian. Newport & Aslin. 1996). These studies suggest that there is a strong natural bias to make immediate sta Variability is an important ingredient in learning

tistical computations among adjacent properties of stimuli. Given this bias, tracking nonadjacent probabilities, at least ill uncued streams of syllab

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

les, lias proven elusive (Newport & Aslin. 2004; O1U11S. Monaghan. Chatcr. & Richmond. 2005; Pciia. Bonatti. Ncspor. & Mchlcr. 2002).Gomez (2002; see

1Variability is an important ingredient in learningLuca Onms and Morten H. ChristiansenDepartment of Psychology. Cornell University. USA.Nick c haterD

Variability is an important ingredient in learningult to the easier-to-proccss adjacent probabilities If in particular conditions adjacent information is not useful then nonadjacent information may be

come informative, and thus more salient. To test this hypothesis. Gomez exposed infants and adult participants to sentences of an artificial language Variability is an important ingredient in learning

of the font! A.\'B The language contained three families of nonadjaccnt pairs, notably A:_B:. A:_B:. and Ai_B> She manipulated the variability of the

Variability is an important ingredient in learning

middle element A’ in four conditions by systematically increasing the pool from which the middle clement could be drawn from 2. 6. 12. to 24 word-like

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