Congratulation and thank you announcemen

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Nội dung chi tiết: Congratulation and thank you announcemen

Congratulation and thank you announcemen

Suez Canal UniversityFaculty of Arts and Humanities, IsinailiaEnglish DepartmentCongratulation and Thank-you Announcements inSome Newspapers: A Semiot

Congratulation and thank you announcemen tic ApproachA Thesis Submitted By:Hoda Gamal Sayed El-AdawyIn Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master Degree in Linguistics Faculty of Arts and

HumanitiesEnglish DepartmentSupervised by:Dr/ Mohamed Mohamed TohamyAssociate prof, of linguisticsFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesSuez Canal University Congratulation and thank you announcemen

Dr/ Sameh Saad HassanLecturer of English literatureFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesSuez Canal University‘2018ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSFirst of all, I am grateful

Congratulation and thank you announcemen

to Allah for establishing me to complete this thesis.I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who gave me the possibility to complet

Suez Canal UniversityFaculty of Arts and Humanities, IsinailiaEnglish DepartmentCongratulation and Thank-you Announcements inSome Newspapers: A Semiot

Congratulation and thank you announcemen ment helped me a lot in all the stages of my research.Especially, I would like to express my deepest special thanks to my mother for her continuous en

couragement and support. My huge thanks also go to my brother. Ahmed, and my sister. Doaa. for their unceasing support in my life.I owe a lot to my hu Congratulation and thank you announcemen

sband. Ahmed, who chose my success letting aside his comfort. Even my son. Mostafa and my new baby, Adel, are the sources of hope and encouragement.La

Congratulation and thank you announcemen

stly, I offer my regards and blessings to all those who participated, directly or indirectly, in any respect to fulfill this study.Abstract:The study

Suez Canal UniversityFaculty of Arts and Humanities, IsinailiaEnglish DepartmentCongratulation and Thank-you Announcements inSome Newspapers: A Semiot

Congratulation and thank you announcemen ons to work together in an effort to achieve a certain communicative purpose. Announcements arc defined as statements made to the public in order to g

ive information about something that has happened or that will happen. The main target of this work is to achieve a semiotic analysis of some Egyptian Congratulation and thank you announcemen

Arabic and some English congratulation and thank-you announcements published in different newspapers. Congratulation and thank-you messages are deliv

Congratulation and thank you announcemen

ered through different elements in the announcements such as the size, the picture used, the frame, the colours, the photos, the fonts and so on. Cong

Suez Canal UniversityFaculty of Arts and Humanities, IsinailiaEnglish DepartmentCongratulation and Thank-you Announcements inSome Newspapers: A Semiot

Congratulation and thank you announcemen eone on a particular achievement or success (Jibril et al., 2015). The main rationale of choosing this idea is to examine the most commonly-used signi

fiers in some congratulation and thank-you announcements in newspapers. Additionally, this topic is chosen to determine whether social, religious and Congratulation and thank you announcemen

cultural backgrounds of the announcers affect their choice of symbols or signifiers in their announcements or not. Besides, another purpose of the stu

Congratulation and thank you announcemen

dy is showing the effect of every single semiotic resource within the announcement in achieving a certain meaning verbally and nonverbally. To analyze

Suez Canal UniversityFaculty of Arts and Humanities, IsinailiaEnglish DepartmentCongratulation and Thank-you Announcements inSome Newspapers: A Semiot

Congratulation and thank you announcemen em functional theory (1994) is also used in the analysis of the linguistic elements. I he study linds out that there are some similarities and differe

nces between the English and the Egyptian Arabic announcements. Both of the English and the Egyptian announcers were affected by their cultural, relig Congratulation and thank you announcemen

ious, and social backgrounds.Key words: semiotics, social semiotics, signs, codes, verbal elements, visual elements, and linguistic structure.iiTABLE

Congratulation and thank you announcemen

OF CONTENTSContentsPageAcknowledgments.......................................................iAbstract................................................

Suez Canal UniversityFaculty of Arts and Humanities, IsinailiaEnglish DepartmentCongratulation and Thank-you Announcements inSome Newspapers: A Semiot

Suez Canal UniversityFaculty of Arts and Humanities, IsinailiaEnglish DepartmentCongratulation and Thank-you Announcements inSome Newspapers: A Semiot

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