Deriving process driven collaborative ed

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Nội dung chi tiết: Deriving process driven collaborative ed

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed tyAn International JournalAims and ScopeEducational TecnnoìoỊy A Soct.-n is a quarterly journal published in January. April. July and October. Educati

onal Tcchnolog. A Society seeks academic articles on the issues affecting the developers of educational systems and educators who implement and manage Deriving process driven collaborative ed

such systems. The articles should discuss die perspectives of both communities and their relation to cadi other•Educators aim to use technology to en

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

hance indiv idual learning Si well as to achics c widespread education and expect die technology to blond with their individual approach to instructio

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed ight he able to influence farther developments through systematic feedback and suggestions.•Educational system developers and artificial intelligence

(Al) researchers are sometimes unaware of the needs and requirements of typical teachers, with a possible exceptico of those in the computer science d Deriving process driven collaborative ed

omain. In transferring the notion of a user' from tire human-computer interaction studies and assigning it to the 'student', llic educator's role as t

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

he 'icuplcuicntcr manager user' of the technology has been forgotten.The aim of the journal is to help them better understand each other's role in the

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed ation elsewhere al the time of subatrission to Educational Tciciinoiofy

owing list of topics is considered to be within tire scope of the journal:Architectures tor Educational Technology Systems. Computer-Mediated Communic Deriving process driven collaborative ed

ation. Cooperative Collaborative Teaming arid Euv Ú0UUXU1S. Cultural Issues in Educational System development. Didactic Pedagogical Issues Sid 1 cachi

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

ng Learning Strategics. Distance Education Learning. Distance Learning Systems. Distributed Learning Envinnuc&te. Educational Multimedia. Evaluation.

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed I earning by Doing. Methodologies for Development of Educational Technology Systems. Multimedia Systems Applications. Network-Based I earning Environm

ents. Online Education. Simulations for Teaming. Web Based Instniction TrainingEditorsKindink. Athabasca University. Canada: Dcmctrios c Sampson. Univ Deriving process driven collaborative ed

ersity of Piraeus d- ÍTT-CERTTT. Greece: Ashok Patel. CAT. Research ft Software Engineering Centre. UK: Reinhard Oppermann. Fraunhofer Instant Angewnn

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

dte Informatinnstechnik. Germany.Associate editorsAlexandra 1. Cristea. Technical University Eindhoven. lhe Netherlands; Juliu Eklund. Access Australi

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed Ecology, and Foreign Tjvngunges'. Russia: Piet Kammers. University of Twente. The Netherlands: Chnl-TTwnn Tee. Inchon National University of Education

. Koren: Brent Mnirhead. University of Phoenix Online. USA: Erkki Snrlnen. University of .Tevenssm. Finland Vhdtmir Uskov. Bradley University. USA.Adv Deriving process driven collaborative ed

isory boardIgnacio Aedo. Universidnd Carlos TTT de Madrid. Spain: Sherman Alpert. TDM T.J. Watson Research Center. USA: Alfred Bork. University of Cal

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

ifornia. Trvine. USA: Rosa Maria Bottfno. Consiglio Nazionnle delle Ricerche. Italy. Mark Bullen. University of British Cohimbia. Gxiada: lak'Xai Chau

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed Brian Garner. Dcokin University. Australia: Huger Hartley. Leeds University. UK: Harald Haugeu. Hogskokn Stonl Haugceund. Norway; J R Isaac. National

Institute of Infotmalivti lechnokgy. Indio: 1’aul Kirschner. Open University of the Netherlands. The Netherlands; William Klemm. Texas Ad-M Universit Deriving process driven collaborative ed

y. USA: Roh Koper. Ope-1 University of rhe Netherlands. The Netherlands: Ruddy T.eloitehe. Universite T.aval. Canada. Rory MeC.resỊ Athalvsscn Univers

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

ity. Canada: Dnvid Merrill. Brigham Young University - Hawaii. USA: Marcelo Milrad. Vaxjo University. Sweden: Rtiehh-O Mizoguchi. Osaka University. Ja

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed r. United Kingdom: Timothy K Shih. TaniLsig Univcmly. Taiwan; Yvshiaki Shiudo. Nippon Institute of lechnvlogy. Japan: Brian K. Smith. Pconsylvnua Stat

e Urnvcttrily. USA; J. .Michael Spector. Honda State University. USA.issixtant EditorsSheug M en Hsieh. National Suu Yat-sen Univcrsily. Taiwan: l aiv Deriving process driven collaborative ed

u Liu. Massey Umvvrsily. New Zealand: Kathleen Luchiui. Univcráty of Msclugan. USA; Dorota Mularcavk. Independent Researcher Jc Web IXĩiguet; Carmen 1

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

’adróu .xápoles. U'aivinidad Carlo* 111 de Madrid. Spain; .Mi Faw ax Shareef Massey University. New Zealand; Jarkku Suboueu. University of Joensuu. Fi

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed s I including postage and handling.Individuals (no school or libraries): Cads ICO (~ USS 85) per year (four issues) including postage and handling.Sin

gle issues (individuals only): Cads 10 (~ USS 35) including postage and liaodling.Snh-.criptinn orders should lie sent to The Intemotioiwl Fontm of Ed Deriving process driven collaborative ed

ucational Technology A- Society (IFETS), c o Prof Kinshnk, School of Computing .<• Tofotwarion Systems, Athabasca University, I University Drive, Atha

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

bteCO, Alberta TOS 3A3, Canada Tel: * I 780 Ó75 6SI2. Fax: -1 780 675 6118. E-mail: kinshukậicec.ccg.AdvertisementsEducational Technology A Society ac

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed tional technology. Contact tile editors at kinshukậieec.ccg.USX 14Ỉ&4522 uX : l'ổ*364‘ IĨÍỈU.Í c tsuiuuiote Ftreix of E^ocaboul TtctooloQr A Soculv i.

IFiTi I Tb> Bsteez, X01 tbc f; Deriving process driven collaborative ed

dtwxa we 1» Jtirreo mftom fee jrovMer ttit CC(»M are ur. g»»4eof 4w «i»*i te»r the foil ư.ncã

Deriving process driven collaborative ed

e Cofẹ.rií»ũ Sir tcapyttm of ttiv fsxt ■” teõ by Kbci ttm IFXTS sria b« hoonred Abitisrtaẹ -Alit cicdx u pemimd. To cc^n rtlxm-ae. S3 KfOiliO. 1:ca *!

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

Deriving process driven collaborative ed xing

Journal ofTechnology'' SocietyPublished byInternational Forum ofEducational Technology & Society39083Volume 10 Number 1Educational Technology & Societ

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