Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

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Nội dung chi tiết: Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non ATMENT OF NONAFFINE AND NONLINEAR PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONSM.A. Grepl* 1, Y. Maday2, N.c. Nguyen3 and A.T. Patera1Abstract. Ill this paper, we ex

tend the reduced-basis approximations developed earlier for linear elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations with affine parameter depende Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

nce to problems involving (a) nonaffine dependence on the parameter, and (Ờ) nonlinear dependence on the field variable. The method replaces the nonaf

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

finc and nonlinear terms with a coefficient function approximation which then permits an efficient offline-online computational decomposition. We firs

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non nd (tt) a stable and inexpensive Interpolation procedure. Wo then apply this approach to linear nonaffine and nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equatio

ns; in each instance, we discuss the reduced-basis approximat ion and the associated offline-online computational procedures. Numerical results arc pr Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

esented to assess our approach.1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 3-'i.l25^5JG0,35K15,35K55.March 21). 2006.1. IntroductionThe design, optimizat

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

ion, control, and characterization of engineering components or systems often requires repeated, reliable, and real-time prediction of selected perfor

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non online procedures. elliptic PDEs. parabolic PDEs. nonlinear PDEs1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room 3-264, Cambridge, MA USA- University Pie

rre et Marie Curie-Parish, Ư.MII 7568 Laborntoirc Jacques.Louts Lions. B.c. 1S7. Paris. F-75005 Prance, E-mail: and Division o Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

f Applied Mathematics. Brown University3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Room>. Cambridge, MA USA1 Massachusetts Institute of Technolog

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

y, Room 3-266, Cambridge, MA USA'Here superscript "e" shall refer to "exact.’' We shall Later introduce a "truth approximation" which will bear no sup

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non ionals of a field variable, u6(ft) such as temperatures or velocities associated with a parametrized partial differential equation that describes the

underlying physics; the parameters, or “inputs," ft, serve to identify a particular configuration of the component or system geometry, material proper Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

ties, boundary conditions, ami loads. The relevant system l>ehavior is thus described by an implicit input-output relationship. s'ifi). evaluation of

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

which demands solution of the underlying ]>artial differential equation (PDE).The abstract formulation for an elliptic problem can be stated its follo

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non r domain in which our P-tuple (input) parameter /X resides; X‘:(ii) is an appropriate Hilbert space; ỈỈ is a bounded domain in lỉ,f with Lipschitz con

tinuous boundary ỚÍĨ; /(•://), /■(■) are x°-continuoua linear functionals: and «(•,•;p) is a A'^-continuous bilinear actual practice, of cours Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

e, we do not. have access to the exact solution; we thus replace uc(fi) with a “truth" approximation, m(p), which resides in (say) a suitably fine pie

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

cewise-linear finite clement approximation space A' c X” of very large dimension JV. Our “truth” approximation is thus: given any ft e T>, we evaluate

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non tion is sufficiently rich such that ti(p) and «*■(//) and hence s(p) and .<(//) are indistinguishable at the accuracy level of interest. The reduced-b

asis approximation shall be built upon this reference (or "truth”) finite element, approximation, and the reduced-basis error will thus l>e evaluated Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

with respect to ix(p) E X. Our formulation must l>e stable and efficient as Af -» 00.We now t urn to the abstract formulation for the controlled parab

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

olic case. For simplicity, in this paper we will direct ly consider a time-discrete framework associated to t he time interval / =)0, t/]. We divide /

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non lso introduce K - {I,...,A'}. We shall consider Euler-Backwanl for the time integration; we can also readily treat higher-order schemes such as Crank-

Nicolson [12], The “truth" approximation is thus: given any /< € 'D. we evaluate the output s(/i,/fc) = /(«(/*, f*)), Vk ệ K, where u(fi,tk) (. X sati Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

sfies+ Atrt(u(//.tx),«.■;//.) =*),«) -t- At f(tt;ji)b(f.k), v» E X, V£ € K, (3)with initial condition (say) !/(//,t°) = «u(/x) = Í). Here, /(-,/() and

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

f(-) are Y" continuous (A” c Y") linear functionals, /«(•,•) is a yc-eontinuous bilinear form, and b(tk) is the control input. We note that the outpu

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non permit the mptdyer accwmte and reliable prediction of these PDE-indnced input-output relationships in real time, or in the limit oj many queries relev

ant, for example, in the design. optimization, control, and characterization contexts. To achieve this goal we will pursue the reduced-basis method. T Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

he reduced-basis method was first introduced in the late 1970s for the nonlinear analysis of structures (1,25) and subsequently attracted and analyzed

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

(5,11,28,33) and extended [16,18.26) to a much larger class of parametrized partial differential equations. The foundation of the reduced basis metho

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non its projection on a finite and low dimensional vector space: for sufficiently well chosen Hi, then: exist coefficients Cj cjv(/i) such that the finit

e sum iSi-i «'|1'(/'|) *s very close to w(/<) for any I>.More recently, the reduced-basis approach and also associated 0 posteriori error estimation p Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

rocedures have been successfully developed for (») linear elliptic and parabolic PDEs that are affine in the parameter [13,20,21,29,40] the bilinear f

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

orm a(w.v,/ỉ) can be expressed asQ u(w,v;n) O7(/r)v),-40—1where the f-)'1' : T> — H and rt’(tti,w), 1 < q < Q. are parameter dependent, functions and

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non n particular. a{w. v:/i) satisfies (4) and is at most quadratic in w (but 3https://khothuvien.cori!of course linear in t>). In these cases a very effi

cient offiine-online computational st rategy relevant in the many-query and real-time contexts can be developed. The operation count for the online st Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

age in which, given a new parameter value, we calculate the reduced-basis output and associated error bound depends on a low power of the dimension of

Efficient reduced basis treatment of non

t he reduced-basis space N (typically small) and Q-. but it is independent of Ai t he dimension of the underlying “truth’' finite element approximati

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis Modclisation Mathcrnatique et Analyse NiimeriqucWill be ect by the publisherEFFICIENT REDUCED-BASIS TREA

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