Embodiments of history memory and identi

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Nội dung chi tiết: Embodiments of history memory and identi

Embodiments of history memory and identi

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

Embodiments of history memory and identi was published on Friday 19 August.A Note on PresentationSeminar convenors made a variety choices about how to present their abstracts. Some chose to

give a breakdown of the timing of Individual seminars, others to give their seminar sessions specific names or subthemes, and so on. Some convenors in Embodiments of history memory and identi

cluded biographical Information for speakers; others did not. Some listed papers In the order In which they will be presented; others did not, or were

Embodiments of history memory and identi

obliged to reorganise their seminars due to withdrawals.Rather than seeking to impose consistency - which would have required the removal of Informat

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

Embodiments of history memory and identi een made to formatting for reasons of space; delegates' email addresses have been removed; and we have sought to eliminate repetition of information t

hat Is available In the programme. It Is also possible that some changes will Inadvertently have been made in the transmission of an abstract from the Embodiments of history memory and identi

speaker to the convenor to the conference organisers. The content is otherwise unaltered.3List of Seminars•SI "Pragmatic strategies in non-native Eng

Embodiments of history memory and identi

lishes." Co-convenors Lieven Buysse, KU Leuven University of Leuven, Belgium and Jesus Romero-Trillo, Unlversidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain•S2 "Negati

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

Embodiments of history memory and identi University of Ljubljana, Slovenia•S3 "Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Approaches to Phraseology.” Zola Adamia, Ekvtime Takaishvili Teaching Univer

sity, Rustavi, Georgia and Tatiana Fedulenkova, Vladimir State University, Russia•S4 "New advances in the study of the information structure of discou Embodiments of history memory and identi

rse." Coconvenors Llbuse Dusková, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic and Jana Chamonikolasová, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic and Re

Embodiments of history memory and identi

náta Gregová, p. J. Saíárík University, KoSlce, Slovakia•S5 "The Influence of English on word-formation structures In the languages of Europe and beyo

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

Embodiments of history memory and identi University of Lyon, France•S6 "Multimodal Perspectives on English Language Teaching." Co-convenors Belinda Crawford, Camiclottoll, Unỉversỉtà di Pisa,

Italy and Marl Carmen Campoy-Cubillo, Universitat Jaume I, Spain,•S8 "Change from above in the history of English." Co-convenors Nikolaos Lavidas, Ar Embodiments of history memory and identi

istotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and Jim Walker, Université Lumière Lyon 2, France•SO "Social identities in public texts." Co-convenors Minn

Embodiments of history memory and identi

a Nevala, University of Helsinki, Finland and Matylda Wlodarczyk, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland•S10 "Comparative and Typological Studies of Engli

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

Embodiments of history memory and identi epublic of Kazakhstan•Sil "English Phraseology and Business Terminology: the Points of Crossing." Coconvenors Victoria Ivashchenko, The National Acade

my of Sciences of Ukralne/The Institute of the Ukrainian Language, Kiev, Ukraine and Tatiana Fedulenkova, Vladimir State University, Russia•SI2 "Resea Embodiments of history memory and identi

rch Publication Practices: Challenges for Scholars in a Globalised World." Co-convenors Pilar Mur-Duenas, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain and Jolanta S

Embodiments of history memory and identi

inkũniené, Vilnius University, Lithuania•S13 "ESP and specialist domains: exclusive, inclusive or complementary approaches?" Co-convenors Shaeda Isani

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

Embodiments of history memory and identi Alicante, Spain and Marcin Laczek, University of Warsaw, Poland•S14 "Teaching Practices in ESP Today." Co-convenors Cédric Sarré, ESPE Paris, France

and Shona Whyte, University of Nice, France and Danica Milosevic, College of Applied Technical Sciences, Nis, Serbia and Alessandra Molino, University Embodiments of history memory and identi

of Turin, Italy•S15 "English as a Foreign Language for Students with Special Educational Needs -Chances and Challenges." Co-convenors Ewa Domagala-Zy

Embodiments of history memory and identi

ốk, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland and Nusha Moritz, University of Strasbourg, France and Anna Podlewska, The Medical University o

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

Embodiments of history memory and identi Caliendo, University Lille 3, France and Giuseppe Ballrano, University of Naples L'Orlentale, Italy and Paul Sambre, University of Leuven, BelgiumS17

"Contact, Identity and Morphosyntactlc Variation In Diasporlc Communities of Practice.” Co-convenors Siria Guzzo, University of Salerno, Italy and Ch Embodiments of history memory and identi

ryso Hadjldemetriou, University of Leicester, UK519"The Fast and the Furious: The Amazing Textual Adventures of Miniscripts." Co-convenors Francesca S

Embodiments of history memory and identi

aggini Boyle, University of Tuscia, Italy/University of Glasgow, UK and Anna Enrichetta Soccio, University of Chieti, Italy,

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

ESSE 2016 BOOK OF ABSTRACTS1Summary of ContentsCONTENTPAGESeminar Abstracts9Roundtable Descriptions379Posters385Sub-plenary lectures3872This document

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