ielts rr volume11 report5

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Nội dung chi tiết: ielts rr volume11 report5

ielts rr volume11 report5

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

ielts rr volume11 report5 nthony Green Roger Hawkey University of Bedfordshire, UKGrant awarded Round 13. 2007This study compares how trained and untrained item writers select

and edit reading texts to make them suitable for a task-based test of reading and how they generate the accompanying items. Both individual and collec ielts rr volume11 report5

tive test editing processes are investigated.ABSTRACTThis report describes a study of reading test text selection. Item writing and editing processes,

ielts rr volume11 report5

with particular reference to these areas of test production for the IELTS Academic Reading test. Based on retrospective reports and direct observatio

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

ielts rr volume11 report5 how they generate the accompanying items. Both individual and collective test editing processes are investigated.For Phase 1 of the study, item write

rs were invited to respond to a questionnaire on their academic and language teaching and testing background, experience of IELTS and comments on its ielts rr volume11 report5

reading module (see Appendix B). Two groups of participants were selected: four officially-trained IELTS item wa iters (the experienced group) and tlư

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ee teachers of English for academic proposes who had prepared students to take IELTS, but had no previous experience of Item writing for the IELTS Aca

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

ielts rr volume11 report5 for an IELTS Academic Reading test, and to bring their texts and Items to separate interview and focus gr oup sessions. In the first of these sessions

, participants were interviewed on how they had selected and edited their texts and how they had generated the items. In a second session, tile Item w ielts rr volume11 report5

riters worked 111 then two groups to further refine the texts and items to make them more suitable for the test (as the trained item writers would nor

ielts rr volume11 report5

mally do in a test editing meeting).The analyses of the texts and accompanying items produced by each group, and of the discussions at all the Phase 2

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

ielts rr volume11 report5 rienced and non-expenenced groups help to highlight the skills required for effective item waiting for the IELTS Academic Reading test. while at the s

ame time suggesting improvements that could be made to the item production process so that it might more fully operationalise the IELTS reading constr ielts rr volume11 report5

uct.IELTS Research Reports Volume 11 273Anthony Green and Roger HawkeyAUTHOR BIODATADR ANTHONY GREENIlas a PhD ill language assessment. Is the author

ielts rr volume11 report5

of lEL'IS Washback in ContKTt (Cambridge Uriivcrsily Press) and lias published in a number of international peel’ reviewed journals ineluding Language

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

ielts rr volume11 report5 tributing to lest development, administration and validation projects around the world. Previously worked as Cambridge ESDI. Validation officer with r

esponsibility for IEI.TS and participated as a researcher in 1EI.TS funded projects in 2000/1. 2001/2 and 2005/6. Current research interests include t ielts rr volume11 report5

esting academic literacy and test impact.DR ROGER HAWKEY1 las a PhD in language education and assessment, is the author of two recent language test-re

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lated books, Impact Theory and Practice: Studies of the ÌELTS test and Proget to Lingue 2000 (2006) and A Modular Approach to Testing English Language

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

ielts rr volume11 report5 iversity levels, in Africa and Asia. Europe and Latin America Research interests include: language testing, evaluation and impact study; social, cogni

tive and affective factors in language learning.274 www.ielts.orgAn investigation of the process of writing IELTS Academic Reading test ItemsCONTENTS1 ielts rr volume11 report5

Aims ............................................................................2762Background and related research..................................

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................2762.1A socio-cogmtlve test validation framework.................................2762.2Item writing...................................

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

ielts rr volume11 report5 ............................................2803.2Design.....................................................................2814Analysis and findings

from interviewsandfocus group discussions................2824.1Non-experienced IELTS item writer group....................................2824.1.1IEL ielts rr volume11 report5

TS text search, selection and characterisation .........................2824.1.2Participant text search treatment and Itemdevelopment: flowcharts and

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discussions ...2834.1.3Participant focus group discussions........................................2884.2Procedures with and findings from the experien

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

ielts rr volume11 report5 roup discussions .......................................2995Analysis and findings on the texts...............................................301

lELTS5 An empirical investigation of the process of writing Academic Reading test items for the International English Language Testing SystemAuthorsAn

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