Models of intetnet governance

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Nội dung chi tiết: Models of intetnet governance

Models of intetnet governance

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance ernanceLawrence B. SolumUniversity of Illinois - College of LawThis paper can be downloaded free of charge from the Social Science Research Network at

: 1136825https://khothu vien .com978-0-19-956113-1 O3-Bygrave-cO2 Ol'P337-Bygrave (Typeset by SPi, Delhi) 48 of 91 September Models of intetnet governance

3,20080.7243055555555562Models of Internet governanceLawrence ti. Solum2.1. What is Internet Governance?Internet governance is a large, complex, and

Models of intetnet governance

ambiguous topic. When we think about regulation of the Internet, we might be thinking about a narrow but important set of questions about specific ins

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance can be said to govern the technical infrastructure and architecture of the internet. We might also be thinking about a much broader and perhaps more

compelling set of questions about policy issues that implicate the Internet: these questions include the regulation of online gambling, child pornogra Models of intetnet governance

phy, freedom of speech, and the future of commerce and implicate nation states and international organizations. For the purposes of this investigation

Models of intetnet governance

, Internet governance implicates both the narrow questions about Internet infrastructure or architecture and the broad questions about regulation of a

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance ions for the regulation of applications and content.Begin with the Internet itself. The Internet is a global network of networks, with communication b

etween networks enabled by a communications protocol suite, currently TCP/IP. The Internet enables computers or servers that are attached to the net t Models of intetnet governance

o communicate with one another, creating a platform on which software applications can run. The application that is most commonly associated with the

Models of intetnet governance

Internet is the World1 See further Chapter 4 (Section 4.1).1 See further Chapter 3 (Section 3.2.8).48https://khothuvien.cori!978-0-19-956113-1 O3-Bygr

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance But the Internet is not identical to the World Wide Web and it provides a platform for a host of other applications, such as email, file transfer prot

ocol, and a variety of peer-to-peer file sharing programs.In the broad sense, the Internet is a complex entity that includes the hardware and software Models of intetnet governance

technical infrastructure, the applications, and the content that is communicated or generated using those applications. In the broad sense, the Inter

Models of intetnet governance

net includes millions of computers running a myriad of applications generating, manipulating, and retrieving a vast array of information. More concret

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance le, Yahoo!, MySpace, YouTube, the online edition of The New York Tinies, millions of weblogs, tens of millions of Internet-enabled mobile phones, and

billions of email messages. In the broad sense, the Internet interpenetrates a wide array of ordinary human life—commerce, communications, entertainme Models of intetnet governance

nt, intimate interpersonal relationships, and a host of other activities increasingly occur in and through the Internet.If the topic of Internet gover

Models of intetnet governance

nance were taken as the investigation of the regulation of all these activities when they took place on (or were significantly affected by) the Intern

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance ns. This definition of Internet governance is too simply too broad and ill-defined to be useful for the purpose of this investigation. We need a narro

wer and more focused conception of Internet governance to gain real traction on the issues.What then is the ‘Internet’ for the purpose of investigatin Models of intetnet governance

g ‘Internet Governance? The narrow answer to this question is that Internet governance is about the ordering of whatever technical systems enable the

Models of intetnet governance

operation of the global network of networks as a platform for applications. The Internet has a history in which particular technical systems have come

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance s. within the existing structure of the Internet.4 Further, a new global network of networks may supplant the existing Internet—a development’ See Cha

pter 1.4 RFC 2460: Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) (authors: s. Deering and R. Hinden) (December 1998), .4997 Models of intetnet governance

8-0-19-956113-1 O3-Bygrave-cO2 OL'P337-Bygrave (Typeset by SPi, Delhi) 50 of 91 September 3,20080.724305555555556Models of Internet governanceprefigur

Models of intetnet governance

ed by InternetZ.5 The fundamental object of a study of Internet governance is the general type—the universal network of networks—and not the specific

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance eloped realization of a global network of networks. Today's Internet is constituted by a set of technical systems, including TCP/IP, the system of IP

numbers that identify individual computers or servers on the net, and the Domain Name System (DNS) that provides alphanumeric equivalents of IP number Models of intetnet governance

addresses. Those technical systems enable the operation of a hardware layer—with routers, fibreoptic cable, individual servers, cellular systems, and

Models of intetnet governance

even satellite links. The same technical systems enable the operation of an applications layer, ranging from the familiar (the World Wide Web, browse

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

Models of intetnet governance the laboratory'.

Universify of IllinoisPUBLIC LAW RESEARCH PAPER NO. 07-25-and-University of IllinoisLAW & ECONOMICS RESEARCH PAPER NO. LE08-027Models of Internet Gove

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