On the impossibility of close reading

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Nội dung chi tiết: On the impossibility of close reading

On the impossibility of close reading

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On the impossibility of close reading tc.Currint Anthropology Volume 37, Number J, April 1996<1 1996 by The Wcnncr-Grcn Foundation lor Anthrcpoỉogical Research. All rights reserved oot:-j2

O4.'9 On the impossibility of close reading

assume that close reading is universally to be desued: the more accurately objects arc described, the more responsibly they can be interpreted. Close

On the impossibility of close reading

reading IS said to provide a check on inadvertent projection and inappropriate theorizing, and It is thought to be an ideal that is not specific to a

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On the impossibility of close reading ssential interpretive anchor, since a routine or dcmonsưably misinformed interpretation could then be said to be better than one that attends more pre

cisely to the peculiarities of the object. For these reasons, even though individual close readings may lie taken to be flawed or biased and even thou On the impossibility of close reading

gh the critique of close readings is a ccnưal responsibility of any rival interpretation, the idea of close reading itself goes largely unanalyzed. He

On the impossibility of close reading

re 1 argue three things about close reading, using Alexander Marshack's analyses Ilf prehistoric European artifacts as an example. First, there is no

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On the impossibility of close reading t seems closest in any given case is the one where it becomes most difficult to distinguish between properties inherent in the artifact and those that

are part of the act of interpretation. Hurd, the closest readings (such aS Marshack's) present the best opportunities to understand what a given disc On the impossibility of close reading

ipline understands by basic terms such as image, notation, sign, mark, and decoration.JAMKS KI.KINS is Associate Professor of Art History, Theory, and

On the impossibility of close reading

Criticism at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (37 s. Wabash, Chicago, 111. 60603, U.S A.|. He was educated at the Univer sity of Chicago. H

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On the impossibility of close reading y and related disciplines, the history of artists’ techniques, and theories of representation. He has published "What Really Happens in Pictures: Misr

eading with Nelson Goodman" (Word and Image 9:349-67), "On Mun-struously Ambiguous Paintings" (History and Theory 32:227-47), "Between Picture and Pro On the impossibility of close reading

position: Torturing Paintings in Wittgenstein's Tractatus" (Visible Language, in press), and "The Signs of Writing: On Some Parallels between the Unde

On the impossibility of close reading

ciphcred Prehistoric Vinca Script and Andrea Mantegna's The Hattie of the Sea Cods (Semiotics. in press). The present paper was submitted $ XU 94 and

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On the impossibility of close reading gy, anthropology, visual theory, and criticism of all sorts—it is virtually never questioned, and in general it seems to be a good idea in any field,

for any purpose, and under any theoretical regimen. Its genealogy begins where art history does, with antiquari-anism and connoisscurship in the 17th On the impossibility of close reading

and 18th centuries, and ascends through 19th-century "Morellian methods" (that is, investigations of charactenstic details in images), branching and p

On the impossibility of close reading

roliferating in the 20th century into style analysis, formalism, and iconography. Carlo Ginzburg's speculative essay on Morelli, Freud, and Sherlock H

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On the impossibility of close reading t history, and detective novels could have been expanded by consideration of the way the same term is used in literary criticism—including Ginzburg's

own essay, which becomes an example of the method it exposits.It is questionable how much sense It makes to call such far-flung practices a "method," On the impossibility of close reading

as Ginzburg docs; instead I would say that the different methods used by Panofsky, Morelli, Freud, and others grow from the enabling concept of close

On the impossibility of close reading

reading. The transparent nature of the concept would seem to forestall any direct analysis or critique—whatever a close reading may he in practice, th

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On the impossibility of close reading utes about evidence or theory. The unobjectionable universality of close reading is most apparent in our inability to think what kind of visual artifa

ct (or text, or crime scene, or narrative! might not be best understood by close examination. In short, the purposive, vigilant scrutiny of the partic On the impossibility of close reading

ularities of the object seems to be a foundational principle of understanding, whether the object is the most recent installation art or the oldest ma

On the impossibility of close reading

rkings on stone. After close reading, reading can relax, and there arc many ways to interpret quickly, to make epitomes and outlines, to paraphrase an

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On the impossibility of close reading eading.When readings are questioned for theữ closeness or sloppiness, the purpose is usually to elicit the historians' covert agendas and to show how

theory determines what and how we see. But that kind of critique has more to do with a local construction of theory and of visual structure than with On the impossibility of close reading

the idea of closeness or close reading per sc. It is possible to doubt that someone's reading is as close as it might be or to claim that it is skewed

On the impossibility of close reading

by prejudiced seeing and at the same time never begin to doubt close reading itself. Here I will be trying to open a critique of close reading, rathe

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On the impossibility of close reading echoes of vaguer accounts and Suppressed promises of even closer readings. That which appears as close reading in innumerable texts—including Gmz-18s

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RENT ANTHROPOLOGY Volume Ị7, Number 2, April 1996burg's—is a moment of incomplete awareness, built on self-contradiction and the resurgent hope of int

On the impossibility of close reading

imacy with the object.As an example I take the work of the archaeologist and art historian Alexander Marshack, in large part because I believe—though

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On the impossibility of close reading the attention not only of all archaeologists and art historians but also of anyone involved in the project of seeing and interpreting as finely as pos

sible (Elkins 1993b). Marshack's questions arc especially exemplar)’ for art historians who are engaged in analyzing gestural brushstrokes, individual On the impossibility of close reading

marks, color areas, faciure, and other phenomena that are taken to be minimal components of pictorial meaning—lexemes, in the semiotic term—out of wh

On the impossibility of close reading

ich the larger signifying units of pictures are built. Semiotic art history in particular needs to he clear about the place where "subscmiotic" marks

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On the impossibility of close reading es some introducing; after examining one of his analyses, I will outline the kinds of response he has received and sketch the reasons his work exempli

fies the conceptual impossibility of close reading.Marshack's ReadingsMarshack's accounts of marks on Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic bones, slate, a On the impossibility of close reading

nd amber are among the most careful analyses in all of archaeology as well as in art history and criticism, visual theory, connoisseurship, and conser

On the impossibility of close reading

vation. He looks closely, literally with a microscope, hut unlike painting conservators he also looks at every mark on a Surface or artifact, and his

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On the impossibility of close reading intentional marks in chronological Sequence, distinguished directions in which marks were made, noted where tools were lifted from the surface and whe

re they remained in contact, and determined how many tools or cutting edges were used to make the marks. His analyses are lessons in looking: forcible On the impossibility of close reading

patient attempts to see everything, together with a concerted effort to conclude nothing that cannot be empirically demonstrated.Marshack's central c

On the impossibility of close reading

laim is that many Paleolithic markings—even tiny ones, at the threshold of unaided vision—are notations recording the phases of the moon. It is a hypo

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