➤ Gửi thông báo lỗi ⚠️ Báo cáo tài liệu vi phạmNội dung chi tiết: SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD
SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUDIESA Practical Manuals. K. LwangaEpidemiological and Statistical Methodology World Health Organization Geneva, SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD , Switzerlandands. LemeshowDivision of Public Health University of Massachusetts at Amherst MA. USAWorld Health Organization Geneva 1991WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Datal.wanga. s KSample size determination in health studies a practical manualISampling studies 2 Health surveys I Lemeshcw. SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD sIITitleISBN 92 4 154405 8 (NLM Classification: WA 950)•© World Health Organization 1991Publications of the World Health Organization enjoy copyrightSAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD
protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 7 of the Universal Copyright Convention. For rights of reproduction or translation of WHO pubSAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUDIESA Practical Manuals. K. LwangaEpidemiological and Statistical Methodology World Health Organization Geneva, SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD th Organization welcomes such applicationsThe designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication du not imply the expression of any opmion whatsoever Iin the pan of the Secretariat of text World Health Organization concerning the legal status of any country, territory, ci SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD ty or area or of Its authorities c* concerning the delimitation of its frontiers nr boundaries.The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacSAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD
turers' products does not irnpry that they are endorsed or recommended by the World Health Organization in preference to Offers pl a similar nature thSAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUDIESA Practical Manuals. K. LwangaEpidemiological and Statistical Methodology World Health Organization Geneva, SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD are responsible for the views expressed in this publication.TvpeMi <■ mail P’lnwo n tna'inc rrvClw*-5ơ»ContentsPrefaceVIntroductionviiOne-sample situations1Estimating a population proportion with specified absolute precision1Estimating a population proportion with specified relative pr SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD ecision2Hypothesis tests for a population proportion3Two-sample situations6Estimating the difference between two population proportions with specifiedSAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUD
absolute precision6Hypothesis tests for two population proportions7Case control studies9Estimating an odds ratio with specified relative precision9HySAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUDIESA Practical Manuals. K. LwangaEpidemiological and Statistical Methodology World Health Organization Geneva,SAMPLE SIZE DETERMINATION IN HEALTH STUDIESA Practical Manuals. K. LwangaEpidemiological and Statistical Methodology World Health Organization Geneva,Gọi ngay
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