Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je
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Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je
Search for VH prodiuction ill the j£r+ờ-jets signature ill the full CDF datasetK. PotamianosỊ D. Bortoletto, Q. Liu (Purdue) o. Gonzáỉez (CIEMAT)F. Ma Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je argaroli (Rome La Sapienza)K. Knoepfel, B. Kilminster, M. Kirby (FNAL)H. Wolfe (OSU)February 27. 2012AbstractWe present a search for a low-mass SM Higgs boson produced ill association with a vector boson (VH) where II decays to hb and the vector boson decays escape detection. We are sensitive to ZH Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je -* t'vbb. WH -* tt'bb (with the lepton not identified), and to a much lesser extent to Zfi -> ftfyb.lilts search is an update of the search using 7.8Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je
fb 1 of CDF' data presented at EPS-HEP2011 with the full CDF' dataset, i.e. 9.45 fb 1. improvements include a new determination of the jet energy corrSearch for VH prodiuction ill the j£r+ờ-jets signature ill the full CDF datasetK. PotamianosỊ D. Bortoletto, Q. Liu (Purdue) o. Gonzáỉez (CIEMAT)F. Ma Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je rgy resolution.Observing no significant excess in the data, we set 95% confidence level upper limits on the VH production cn*®-sectk>n times branching fraction to for values of the Higgs maw (mil) between 90 and 150 GcV/c2. F°f mK = 125 GcV/c2. we set an observed (expected) limit of 6.7 (3.6) times Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je the SM prediction.We re-interpret this result in a search for wz + zz production, with 7. u>, and measure a cross-section compatible with SM predictioSearch for VH prodiuction in the ET b je
n.1IntroductionThis note describes the updates to the search for the SM Higgs boson in the /Cr+h-jets signature using 7.8 ill 1 described in [1]. AddiSearch for VH prodiuction ill the j£r+ờ-jets signature ill the full CDF datasetK. PotamianosỊ D. Bortoletto, Q. Liu (Purdue) o. Gonzáỉez (CIEMAT)F. Ma Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je the jet energy corrections applied to gluon jets, an jVjV designed to improve the jet energy resolution, as well as an expanded good run list.2Jet energy resolutionThe previous version of the Br+bb analysis used a jet-energy algorithm where the calorimeter energies were adjusted according to the en Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je ergy inferred from tracks within the jet cone (Hl algorithm). Although such a method improved the jet energy resolution by accounting for* karolosOfnaSearch for VH prodiuction in the ET b je
l.nov1energy leakage, various assumptions were made that led to lesfri than optimal determination of the jet energy. To improve the energy determinatiSearch for VH prodiuction ill the j£r+ờ-jets signature ill the full CDF datasetK. PotamianosỊ D. Bortoletto, Q. Liu (Purdue) o. Gonzáỉez (CIEMAT)F. Ma Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je twork NNjer are listed in Table 2. Each of the variables is well-validated in a dedicated control region. The neural network is trained using the two most energetic jets from 7.Í! -» t't ữ>, Witand ZH -» ppw> signal eventsfor Higgs ma^es in the full low-mass Higgs range of 100 < mu < 150 GeV/c2 at 5 Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je GeV increments. To avoid correcting jet energies to an average characteristic energy, cadi training event receives a weight such that the cumulativeSearch for VH prodiuction in the ET b je
jet Ef distribution is flat.A more detailed descript ion of the A’A'jem is presented in CDF10591.VariableDescriptionRaw Er L5 mr III E, Energy EM fracSearch for VH prodiuction ill the j£r+ờ-jets signature ill the full CDF datasetK. PotamianosỊ D. Bortoletto, Q. Liu (Purdue) o. Gonzáỉez (CIEMAT)F. Ma Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je et energy CES detector energies of 5T0 candidates within jet cone fraction of jet energy collected in EM calor imeter Jet pseudorapidity Maximum transverse momentum of track within jet cone Linear sum of transverse momenta of tracks within jet coneTable 1: Description of the NNjhr input variables.Fo Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je r this analysis, the NNjkh algorithm is implemented by correcting the Hl-determined Krlo an jX'Njkr determination. An analysis cut of £-;•( A’A’jeh) >Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je
35 GeV is applied to reduce multijet Iwkgioimd, the dominant background Contribution in this analysis. As seen in Fig. 1. the NNtHH algorithm separatSearch for VH prodiuction ill the j£r+ờ-jets signature ill the full CDF datasetK. PotamianosỊ D. Bortoletto, Q. Liu (Purdue) o. Gonzáỉez (CIEMAT)F. Ma Search for VH prodiuction in the ET b je TGọi ngay
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