Toward 6G A New Era of Convergence by Martin Maier, Amin Ebrahimzadeh

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Nội dung chi tiết: Toward 6G A New Era of Convergence by Martin Maier, Amin Ebrahimzadeh

Toward 6G A New Era of Convergence by Martin Maier, Amin Ebrahimzadeh

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Toward 6G A New Era of Convergence by Martin Maier, Amin Ebrahimzadeh Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854IEEE Press Editorial Board Ekram Hossain, Editor in ChiefJón Atli BenediktssonXiaoou LiSaeid NahavandiSarah SpurgeonDav

id Alan GrierPeter LianJeffrey ReedAhmet Murat TekalpElya B. Joffe Andreas Molisch Diomidis SpinellisToward 6G: A New Era of ConvergenceAmin Ebrahimza Toward 6G A New Era of Convergence by Martin Maier, Amin Ebrahimzadeh

dehMartin MaiersT IEEE■ 5 COMMUNICATIONS SOCIETYThe ComSoc Guides to Communications Technologies Nim K. Cheung, Series EditorRichard Lau. Associate Se

Toward 6G A New Era of Convergence by Martin Maier, Amin Ebrahimzadeh

ries EditorIEEE PRESSWileyCopyright © 2021 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Inc. All rights reserved.Published by John Wiley

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Toward 6G A New Era of Convergence by Martin Maier, Amin Ebrahimzadeh

com.Library of Congress Cataloging in-Publication DataNames: Ebrahimzadeh. Amin, author. I Maier, Martin, 1969- author.Title: Toward 6G : a new era of

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