An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents
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An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYỀN THỊ MAI DANAN INVESTIGATION INTO ATTITUDINAL RESOURCESIN INAUGURAL SPEECHES BY US PRESIDEN An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents NTSField: English LinguisticsCode: 8220201Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Tất ThángBộ GIÁO DỤC VÀ DÀO TẠOTRƯỜNG DẠT nọc QUY NIĨƠNNGTĨYẺN TĨĨỊ MAT DANNGHIÊN CỨU NGỮ LIỆU CHỈ THÁT Dồ TRONG CÁC BÀT PHÁT BIÉƯ NHẬM CHÚC CỦA CÁC TỎNG THÓNG MỸChuyên ngành: Ngôn ngữ Anh Mà số: 8220201Ngưòi liưóng dân: An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents PGS.TS Nguyên Tất ThắngiSTATEMENT OF AUTHORSHIPExcept where reference is made in the text of the research paper, this thesis “Alt investigation into AAn investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents
ttitudinal Resources in Inaugural speeches by 4 US presidents (Bill Clinton, George ff. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump) ” contains no material puMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYỀN THỊ MAI DANAN INVESTIGATION INTO ATTITUDINAL RESOURCESIN INAUGURAL SPEECHES BY US PRESIDEN An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents no one's work has been used without acknowledgement in the paper.This paper has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any other territory institution.Binh Dinh, June 2020Agny/n Thị Mai DaniiACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI would like to express my (hanks lo many people who have given me grea An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents t help during the time I managed to complete this thesis.My deepest gratitude is to my supervisor. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Tat I hang, who has given mAn investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents
e much invaluable advice and encouragement since the very beginning and has been my Ifequent source on many invaluable insights. I am also gratciùl toMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYỀN THỊ MAI DANAN INVESTIGATION INTO ATTITUDINAL RESOURCESIN INAUGURAL SPEECHES BY US PRESIDEN An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents and all the stair of the Post-graduate Department at Quy Nhon University for their encouragement, kindness and administrative assistance.I am particularly grateful to my family and my colleagues who have helped me overcome a lot of difficulties throughout the course and the study of this thesis.iii An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents ABSTRACTThe study aims to examine attitudinal resources used in the Inaugural speeches by 4 US presidents (namely Bill Clinton. George w. Bush. BarackAn investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents
Obama and Donald Trump). Appraisal Theory' developed by Martin and White (2005) was employed as a framework to analyze four inaugural speeches of theMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYỀN THỊ MAI DANAN INVESTIGATION INTO ATTITUDINAL RESOURCESIN INAUGURAL SPEECHES BY US PRESIDEN An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents he presidents employed three types of attitudinal resources. However, the result of the data analysis revealed a fact that the presidents from the Democratic party, namely Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, used more Appreciation values than Affect and Judgement ones whereas the presidents from the Repu An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents blican party, namely George Walker Bush and Donald Trump, used Judgement elements the most frequently in comparison to Affect and Appreciation. The fiAn investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents
ndings also depicted that all the presidents employed more positive attitudinal resources than negative ones to rebuild the public’s confidence. BesidMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYỀN THỊ MAI DANAN INVESTIGATION INTO ATTITUDINAL RESOURCESIN INAUGURAL SPEECHES BY US PRESIDEN An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents valuation become simpler, clearer and more understandable. Last but not least, it can be clearly seen from the findings that with the use of the most attitudinal resources among the presidents investigated. Barack Obama made his speech become more persuasive and more effective.ivTABLE OF CONTENTSSTA An investigation into attitudinal resources in inaugural speeches by US presidents TEMENT OF AUTHORSHIP...................................iACKNOWLEDGEMENTS.........................................iiMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYỀN THỊ MAI DANAN INVESTIGATION INTO ATTITUDINAL RESOURCESIN INAUGURAL SPEECHES BY US PRESIDENMINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAININGQUY NHON UNIVERSITYNGUYỀN THỊ MAI DANAN INVESTIGATION INTO ATTITUDINAL RESOURCESIN INAUGURAL SPEECHES BY US PRESIDENGọi ngay
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