Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping

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Nội dung chi tiết: Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping

Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping

Supervisor: Prof. Chankyu ParkAnalysis of variation in the SLA-DRB1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive

Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping high resolution genotypingSubmitted byLe Minh Thong2010.02Master’s Program in Department of Animal BiotechnologyGraduate school of Konkuk University

Seoul, KoreaAnalysis of variation in the SLA-DRB1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution ge Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping

notypingSLA-DRB1 71^01 7HU 2!20102Supervisor: Prof. Chankyu ParkAnalysis of variation in the SLA-DRB1 allelic type and frequency among seven different

Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping

pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotypingSubmitted by Lc Minh Thong 2010.02A thesis submitted for the degree of Master of Science D

Supervisor: Prof. Chankyu ParkAnalysis of variation in the SLA-DRB1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive

Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping ____________________________Member:TABLE OF CONTENTSLIST OF FIGI RESLIST OF TABLESAbstract1Introduction...............................................

.................22Materials and Methods......................................................42.1.Animal............................................. Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping

.....................42.2.Isolation of genomic DNA and RNA........................................42.3.Primer designing and PCR amplification.........

Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping

.........................42.4.Cloning and plasmid isolation...........................................52.5.DNA sequencing.............................

Supervisor: Prof. Chankyu ParkAnalysis of variation in the SLA-DRB1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive

Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping .................................73.1.Generation of intronic sequences to design a primer set for SI.A-DRB1cxon2 genotyping...........................

..............................73.2.Designing of PCR primers for SLA-DRB1 specific amplification...........11 Analysis of variation in the sla drb1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive high resolution genotyping

Supervisor: Prof. Chankyu ParkAnalysis of variation in the SLA-DRB1 allelic type and frequency among seven different pig breeds using a comprehensive

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