Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

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Nội dung chi tiết: Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony and Epilogue by Hozan Alan SenaukeWisdom Publications 2016Draft1—Class—J'.15..171Prologueby llozan Alan ScuaukcGotama Buddha came of age in a land of

kingdoms, tribes, and varna. meaning social class or caste. Tr was a time and place both distinct from and similar to our own, in which a person’s lif Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

e was strongly determined by then social status, family occupation, cultural identity, and gender. Before the Buddha’s awakening, identity was definit

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

ive. If one w as bom into a warrior caste or that of a merchant or a farmer or an outcast, one lived that life completely and almost always married so

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony Inunan abilities apart from a societal role assigned at birth. So the Buddha s teaching can be seen as a radical assertion of individual potentiality

Only by one's effort was enlightenment possible, beyond the constraints of caste, position at birth, or conventional reality. In verse 396 of the Dha Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

mmapada, the Buddha says:I do not call one a bialunin only because of birth, because he is bom of a (brahmin) mother If he has attachments. he is to b

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

e called only “self-important” One who IS without attachments, without clinging — him do I call a brahmin.At the same lune, the Buddha and his discipl

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony Rajagaha. Vesãlĩ. and Kosambĩ. They depended on layw’omen and men. npãsikã and upãsaka, for the requisites of life. Even today monks and nuns in the

Theravada tradition of Burma (01 My anmar). 1 hailaud. Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Laos go on morning alms rounds for their food. Although they keep a st Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

rict monastic discipline, it is mistaken to imagine that Southeast Asian monasteries are cloistered and apart from their brothers and sisters in the s

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

ecular w orld. Monasteries and secular communities are mutually dependent, U1 a tradition that is sweet and fully alive.Tn the autumn of 2007 people a

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony ry government's repression, lire protests were triggered by sudden and radical increases in fuel prices dial drastically affected people's ability to

gel to work or to afford fuel for cooking or even basic foods. The intimate connection between monks, nuns, and laypeople has historically meant that Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

when one sector is suffering, the other responds. Burmese monks have a long history of speaking out against injustice, rhey have been bold in oppositi

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

on to British colonialism, dictatorship, and two decades of a military junta.Tn Burma. Buddhist monks have been agents of change in a society that sta

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony fluence of circumstances created an opening the election of a new civilian government (however one might question the electoral process), the release

of political prisoners (including Nobel laureate Daw Aung San Suu Kyi after many years of house arrest), nonviolent movements around the world encoura Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

ged by 2011 's "Arab spring." and a new dialogue between Burma's leaders and representatives from Europe, the United States, and other economic powers

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

. There was a feeling of possibility and hope 111 the air.This anthology underscores living within the Dhamma in a free and harmonious society, using

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony ection from the Pall suttas. In 2012 communal violence erupted in Burma's Rakhine State and elsewhere in that country. A need to look deeply into the

Buddha’s teachings on social harmony has become urgent Not being a scholar or a translator. I contacted several learned friends. It nuns out that seve Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

ral years back Bhikkhu Bodin. one of our most respected and prolific interpreters of Early Buddhism, had assembled such a collection as an addendum to

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

a training curriculum for social harmony in Sri Lanka, organized by the Institute for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University.Here is the Bu

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony exploiting themselves or others. While circumstances in Burma. Sri Lanka. Thailand. India or the United States vary. the Buddha's social teachings of

fer a kind of wisdom that transcends the particularities of time and place. His teachings provide a ground of liberation upon which each nation and pe Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

ople can build according to then own needs.I am most grateful to Bhikkhu Bodhi for his wisdom and generosity. People of all faiths and beliefs in ever

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

y land yearn for happiness and liberation I honor those who move towards freedom. and hope that the Buddlin's words on social harmony may lead us fear

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony lagued humankind from time immemorial, leaving the annals of history stained with blood. Willie the human heart has always stirred with the yeanling f

or peace, harmony, and loving fellowship, the means of satisfying this yeanling have ever proved elusive. In international relations, wars succeed one Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

another like scenes in a film, with only brief pauses during which the hostile powers set about forging new alliances and making surreptitious grabs

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

for territory. Social systems are constantly tom by class straggles. Ill which the elite class seeks to amass more privileges and the subordinate clas

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony tocrats and the common people, between capital and labor, it seems that only the faces change while the underlying dynamics of the power straggle rema

in the same. Communities as well are constantly threatened by internal strife. Rival blds for power, differences of opinion, and competing interests a Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

mong their members can tear them apart, giving birth to new cycles of enmity. When each new war. division, or dispute has peaked, the hope rises that

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

reconciliation will follow, that peace and unity will eventually prevail. Yet. again and again, these hopes are quickly disappointed.A moving passage

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony occasion. It IS said. Sakka. the ruler of the gods, visited the Buddha and asked the anguished question: "Why IS It. that when people wish to live in

peace, without hatied or enmity, they are every where embi oiled in hatred and enmity?" (see Text VIII.l) The same question rings down the ages, and Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

could be asked with equal urgency about many troublespots 111 today’s world: Iraq and Syria, the Gaza Strip, the Central African Republic and South Su

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

dan. Myanmar and Sri Lanka. Charleston and Baltimore.This problem must also have weighed on the Buddha’s heart as he traveled the Ganges plain on his

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony e at the bottom. Those outside the caste system, the outcastes. weie treated even worse, subjected to the most degrading indignities. The political la

ndscape, too. was changing, as monarchies led by ambitious kings rose from the ashes of the older tribal states and embarked on military' campaigns in Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

tended to expand then domains. Within the courts personal rivalries among those hungry for power were bitter. Even the spiritual communities of the ti

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

me weie not immune to conflict Plrilosophers and ascetics proud of then theories sparred with each other in passionate debates, each seeking to defeat

Class Material forThe Buddha’s Teachings on Social and Communal HarmonyAn Anthology of Discourses from the Pali CanonEdited by Bhikkhu BodhiPrologue a

Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony tigo such violence had produced in him. perhaps soon after he left Kapilavatthu and witnessed first hand the world outside his native land:"Fear has a

risen from one who has taken up violence: behold the people engaged in strife I will tell you of my sense of urgency, how I was stirred by a sense of Class material for the buddhas teachings on social and communal harmony

urgency.5‘ Having seen people tremblinglike fish in a biook with little water.when I saw (hem hostile to one another,fear came upon me.

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