Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province
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Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province
MINISTRY OF TRAININGAND EDUCATION-MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE ANDRURAL DEVELOPMENTTHUY LOIUNIVERSITYNguyen Thi LienAPPLICATIONS O1 REMOTE SENSING AND c;is Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province s TO MAPPINGLAND COVER CHANGE IN SON LA PROVINCEMaster thesisHanoi. May 2007MINISTRY OF TRAININGMINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE ANDAND EDUCATIONRURAL DEVELOPMENTTHEY LOI UNIVERSITYNguyen T hi LienAPPLICATIONS Ol REMOT E SENSING AND GIS TO MAPPING LAND COVER c RANGE IN SON LA PROVINCEField of study: Disaster Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province MitigationMaster T hesisAdvisors: Assoc. Prof. Hoang T hanh l ungDr. Vu Thanh TuHanoi. May 2017ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI am indebted to my respected Assoc. PrLuận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province
of. Hoang Thanh Tung and Dr. Vu Thanh Tu who work as lecturers in Department of Hydrology and Waler resources in Thuy Loi University for their continuMINISTRY OF TRAININGAND EDUCATION-MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE ANDRURAL DEVELOPMENTTHUY LOIUNIVERSITYNguyen Thi LienAPPLICATIONS O1 REMOTE SENSING AND c;is Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province ical suggestions inspired me to accomplish this work successfully.Besides. I am especially grateful to Dr. Nguyen Quoc Khanh and members in the Department of Geologycal and Remote Sensing in Vietnam Institute of Geosciences and Mineral Resources (VIGMR) who supported me in terms of the data collecti Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province on and gave me usetill advices for my thesis.I remember all those who have contributed directly or indirectly to successfully completing my study.FinaLuận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province
lly. I must express my very profound gratitude to my family for providing me with unfailing support and continuous encouragement throughout my years oMINISTRY OF TRAININGAND EDUCATION-MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE ANDRURAL DEVELOPMENTTHUY LOIUNIVERSITYNguyen Thi LienAPPLICATIONS O1 REMOTE SENSING AND c;is Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province , May ll,h2017Nguyen Thi LieniDECLRATIONI hereby certify the work which is being presented in this thesis entitled, “APPLICATIONS OF REMOTE SENSING AND G1S TO MAPPING LAND COVER CHANGE IN SON LA PROVINCE” ill partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Master of Disaster Management, Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province is an authentic record of my own work carried out under supervision of Assoc. Prof. Hoang Thanh Tung and Dr. Vu Thanh Tu. The matter embodied in tillsLuận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province
thesis has not been submitted by me for the award of any other degree or diploma.Date:Nguyen Thi LienABSTRACTThe thesis "Application of remote sensinMINISTRY OF TRAININGAND EDUCATION-MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE ANDRURAL DEVELOPMENTTHUY LOIUNIVERSITYNguyen Thi LienAPPLICATIONS O1 REMOTE SENSING AND c;is Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province emote sensing technology and GIS in mapping changes of land cover in Son La Province. To meet the thesis requirements, the following tasks have been implemented: Luận văn applications of remote sensing and gis to mapping land cover change in son la province MINISTRY OF TRAININGAND EDUCATION-MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE ANDRURAL DEVELOPMENTTHUY LOIUNIVERSITYNguyen Thi LienAPPLICATIONS O1 REMOTE SENSING AND c;isGọi ngay
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