Resorts management and operation 2nd by mill

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Nội dung chi tiết: Resorts management and operation 2nd by mill

Resorts management and operation 2nd by mill

SECONDJohn Wiley & Sons, IncSchool of I lord, Restaurant, and Tourism Management Daniels College OÍ Business University of Denver18 0 7 ®WILEY 2 0 0 7

Resorts management and operation 2nd by mill 7ResortsMANAGEMENT AND oRATIONR 0SO rtsMANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONI SECONDRobert Christie Mill, Ph.DJohn WjSchool of I lord, Restaurant, and Tourism Mana

gement Daniels College OÍ BusinessUniversity of Denver18 0 7&WILEY 2 0 0 7MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONIllis book is printed on acid-free paper. ®Copyright Resorts management and operation 2nd by mill

© 2008 by John Wiley & Sons. Inc. All rights reservedPublished by John Wiley & Sons. Inc.. Hoboken. New Jersey I’ublished simultaneously in CanadaAnn

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SECONDJohn Wiley & Sons, IncSchool of I lord, Restaurant, and Tourism Management Daniels College OÍ Business University of Denver18 0 7 ®WILEY 2 0 0 7

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iìỊỊ-in-Publicatian Data:Mill, Robert Christie.Resorts : management and operation / Robert Christie Mill.—2nd ed.p. cm.ISBN: 9784471-74722-21. Resorts

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—Management. I. Title.1X9II.3.M27M538 2008

SECONDJohn Wiley & Sons, IncSchool of I lord, Restaurant, and Tourism Management Daniels College OÍ Business University of Denver18 0 7 ®WILEY 2 0 0 7

SECONDJohn Wiley & Sons, IncSchool of I lord, Restaurant, and Tourism Management Daniels College OÍ Business University of Denver18 0 7 ®WILEY 2 0 0 7

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