Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

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Nội dung chi tiết: Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change detail.Author(s)- Kykyri' Virpi-Liisa; Karvonen, Anu; Wahlstrom, Jarl; Kaartinen, Jukka; Penttonen, Markka; Seikkula, JaakkoTitle:Soft Prosody and Emb

odied Attunement in Therapeutic Interaction: A MultimethodCase Study of a Moment of ChangePlease cite the original version:Kykyri, V.-L, Karvonen, A., Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

Wahlstrom, J., Kaartinen, J., Penttonen, M., & Seikkula, J. (2017). Soft Prosody and Embodied Attunement in Therapeutic Interaction: A Multimethod Ca

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

se Study of a Moment of Change. Journal of Constructivist Psychology, 30 (3), 211-234. doi:10.1080/10720537.2016.11S353SAll material supplied via JYX

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change ermitted, except that material may be duplicated by you for your research use or educational purposes in electronic or print form. You must obtain per

mission for any other use. Electronic or print copies may not be offered, whether for sale or otherwise to anyone who is not an authorised user.SOFT P Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

ROSODY AND EMBODIED ATTƯNEMENT IN THERAPEUTIC INTERACTIONSoft Prosody and Embodied Attunement in Therapeutic Interaction: A Multi-method Case Study of

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

a Moment of ChangeAccepted for publication in the Journal of Constructivist Psychology (Editor's decision letter: 24-Apr-2016)Authors:Virpi-Liisa Kyk

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change t of Psychology. Jyvaskyla. FinlandAuthor NoteVirpi-Liisa Kykyri. Department of Psychology, University of JyvaskylaVirpi-Liisa Kykyri, P.O. Box 35. FI

-40014 University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.virpi-liisa.kykyri@jyu.fiSOFT PROSODY AND EMBODIED ATTƯNEMENT IN THERAPEUTIC INTERACTION2Soft Prosody and Embo Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

died Atnmement in Therapeutic Interaction: A Multi-method Case Study of a Moment of ChangeIn the social sciences and in psychotherapy research there h

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

as been increasing interest in the relational, affective, and embodied aspects of interactions (Cromby. 2012: Stem. 2004). Everyday experiences of aff

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change kely that such experiences are clinically relevant, contributing to the construction of new personal meanings, which is a core element of therapeutic

change. Thus, within constructivist psychotherapy, the manifestation of emotion is seen as pointing to an increase in the client's way of experiencing Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

something: hence, a legitimate rule for a clinician is to “follow the affect trail" (Neimeyer. 2009). Nevertheless, there are problems in studying at

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

tunement. bearing in mind that during interactions people tend to adapt to others in ways that they are not even aware of.Affective attunement between

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change short period of time, the “present moment" (Stern. 2004). They can exist as barely perceptible glimpses, but also as more striking experiences of int

ense emotionality', such as anger or sadness (Harré. 1986).The concept of embodied attunement is rooted in developmental psychology. At the start of l Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

ife, communication occurs mainly at the bodily level, consisting of concrete actions, such as vocal cues and mimicry', and also “perceptional qualitie

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

s” or “vitality' contours" such as timing.SOFT PROSODY AND EMBODIED ATTUNE.MENT IN THERAPEUTIC INTERACTION 3form, and intensity (Stem. 1985). These be

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change osodic elements of speech, are turned into forms of feeling. Stern (1985) calls this process "affect attunement." and has proposed it as the basis of

intersubjectivity in all human interaction. Experiences of embodied attunement consist of (i) a complex mixture of observable synchrony, i.e. similar Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

verbal and nonverbal behaviors in the realm of micro-level social interaction, encompassing similar bodily responses that occur in a coordinated manne

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

r within a particular moment (Barrett. 2012). and (ii) non-observable elements such as bodily sensations, feelings and (vague) impressions or anticipa

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change means that embodiment research calls for advanced designs and for approaches using mixed methods (Cromby. 2012).The present study focused on the chang

es in prosody (i.e. the musical and embodied elements in speech) occurring in the course of one highly emotional episode within a psychotherapy dialog Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

ue between a client, a therapist, and a psychology student, who participated in this psychotherapy case as part of her studies. The aim of the study w

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

as to contribute to research on embodied attunement by presenting a case in which psychophysiological measures and interviews were utilized along with

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change prosody” - were related to the participants’ bodily responses and to the interpretations they gave to the interaction in question.SOFT PROSODY AND EMB

ODIED ATTUNEMENT IN THERAPEUTIC INTERACTION 4 Soft prosody and embodied attunement in therapeutic interaction a multimethod case study of a moment of change

UNIVERSITY OF JYVASKYLAThis is an electronic reprint of the original article.This reprint may differ from the original in pagination and typographic d

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