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Thực hiện Doanh nghiệp thông minh trong lĩnh vực y tế

INTELLIGENCEA Guide to Empowering Successful Data Reporting and AnalyticsLAURA B. MADSEN, MSHealthcare Business IntelligenceHealthcare Business Intell

Thực hiện Doanh nghiệp thông minh trong lĩnh vực y tế ligenceA Guide to Empowering Successful Data Reporting and AnalyticsLAURA B. MADSEN, MSWILEYJohn Wiley & Sons. Inc.Copyright © 2012 by John Wiley & So

ns, Inc. All rights reserved.Published by John Wiley X Sons. Inc., Hoboken. New Jersey.Published simultaneously in Canada.No part of this publication Thực hiện Doanh nghiệp thông minh trong lĩnh vực y tế

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INTELLIGENCEA Guide to Empowering Successful Data Reporting and AnalyticsLAURA B. MADSEN, MSHealthcare Business IntelligenceHealthcare Business Intell

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INTELLIGENCEA Guide to Empowering Successful Data Reporting and AnalyticsLAURA B. MADSEN, MSHealthcare Business IntelligenceHealthcare Business Intell

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INTELLIGENCEA Guide to Empowering Successful Data Reporting and AnalyticsLAURA B. MADSEN, MSHealthcare Business IntelligenceHealthcare Business Intell

Thực hiện Doanh nghiệp thông minh trong lĩnh vực y tế nformation about Wiley products, visit our web site al ww of Congress Cataloging-in-PublicatioH Data:Madsen. Laura B.. 1973-I leal

thcare business intelligence : a guide to empowering successful data reporting and analytics / Laura B. Madsen.p. cm.Includes index.ISBN 978-1-118-217 Thực hiện Doanh nghiệp thông minh trong lĩnh vực y tế

80-1 (hardback); ISBN 978-1-118-28233-5 (ebk);ISBN 978-1-118-28394-3 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-28490-2 (ebk)1. Medical records-Managemenr. 2. Business int

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INTELLIGENCEA Guide to Empowering Successful Data Reporting and AnalyticsLAURA B. MADSEN, MSHealthcare Business IntelligenceHealthcare Business Intell

INTELLIGENCEA Guide to Empowering Successful Data Reporting and AnalyticsLAURA B. MADSEN, MSHealthcare Business IntelligenceHealthcare Business Intell

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