Phonics show 3 SB

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Nội dung chi tiết: Phonics show 3 SB

Phonics show 3 SB

Build & GrowFundamental Elements ofLiteracyPhonicsability to know letter-sound relationship"When I listen to a sound,I can write the letter."3honemic

Phonics show 3 SB Awarenessability to hear, identify and manipulate"When I listen to sounds, I know if they are the same or different."2I can write the correctletters

in order.ability to read orally" I can't spell the word, but I can name it."Oral Lanquaability to write words correct!'ability to read accurately and Phonics show 3 SB

rapidly" I can read words accurately and rapidly."Fluenc3Unit Components4I StartI LearnThe target sounds and words of each unit are introduced.•Unit S

Phonics show 3 SB

ongStudents start will I the unit song that nstructs them on the target letters and sounds.•Word ChantThe fun chants and captivating illustrations int

Build & GrowFundamental Elements ofLiteracyPhonicsability to know letter-sound relationship"When I listen to a sound,I can write the letter."3honemic

Phonics show 3 SB ts learn and practice the target sounds and words.•Check & WriteStudents apply dicir knowledge ol rhe etter-sound reationsh ns.Activities Students pra

ctice what they learrted in an entertaining way. Phonics show 3 SB

Build & GrowFundamental Elements ofLiteracyPhonicsability to know letter-sound relationship"When I listen to a sound,I can write the letter."3honemic

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