Bank competition and financial soundness
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Bank competition and financial soundness
NEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness to the Graduate Faculty of The University of Texas at San Antonio in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree ofDOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY IN CHEMISTRYCOMMITTEE MEMBERS: Oleg V. Larionov. Ph.D.. Chair Francis K. Yoshimoto. Ph.D. Hyunsoo Han. Ph.D. John C.-G. Zhao. Ph.D.THE UNIVERSITY OF TEX Bank competition and financial soundness AS AT SAN ANTONIOCollege of Science Department of Chemistry December 2020DEDICATIONTo my wife and my dear daughter who always believe in me. To my parBank competition and financial soundness
ents who provide me with constant inspiration.ACKNOWLEDGEDIE NTSFirst and foremost, 1 have to thank my family who has supported me not only through grNEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness my wife for her silent sacrifice to my 1 ittle family. Ĩ owe my mother, who inspired me and let me know about the beautiful world of chemistry.Secondly. Ĩ need to thank Dr. Oleg V. Larionov for his constant encouragement and support to push me to become better. Without him motivating me. Ĩ would nev Bank competition and financial soundness er have the achievement today. I learned from him the way of thinking and developing a project. I hope that T can continue to grow and advance as I fiBank competition and financial soundness
nish my career at UTSA.1 want to also acknowledge my committee members. Dr. llyunsoo Ilan, Dr. Francis Yoshimoto, and Dr. John C.-G. Zhao, for all theNEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness y to question me to help me achieve all the critical milestones of graduate school. Thank you for always encouraging me to do better.I would like to thank the Department of Chemistry at the University of Texas at San Antonio for the constant support and continued dedication to providing opportunitie Bank competition and financial soundness s for success. There is not one faculty member who I have not interacted with, asked advice, or been evaluated by. 1 would also like to thank all theBank competition and financial soundness
professors that took part in teaching me during my education at UTSA.I would like to thank my lab members for all the years we have spent together. WiNEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness he group of Dr. Larionov and begun my career here at UTSA. All are owed thanks (not limited too or in any specific order): David Stephens. Bhuwan Chhclri. Johanl Lakcy-Bcilia. John Doyle. Jessica Burch. Victoria Solo. Adclphc Mfuh. Shcngfci Jin. Xianwci Sui. Graham Haug. Brett Schneider, Oscar Garci Bank competition and financial soundness a. Carsten Flores-Hansen. Dat Nguyen, Hang Dang, Viet Nguyen. Ngan Vuong. Hoang Pham. Trang Lc, Dal Lc. Tiffany Nguyen. I ll Ho.1 want lo thank variouBank competition and financial soundness
s agencies and foundations for supporting our work al the lab of Dr. Larionov: the Max and Minnie Tomerlin Voclcker Fund, the Welch Foundation, the NaNEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness onation to my awards at UTSA: Abrams and Walmsley awards. These awards helped me focus on science and get some achievements so far."This Master's Thesis Recital Document or Doctoral Dissertation was produced in accordance with guidelines which permit the inclusion as part of the Master’s Thesis Reci Bank competition and financial soundness tal Document or Doctoral Dissertation the text of an original paper, or papers, submitted for publication. The Master’s Thesis Recital Document or DocBank competition and financial soundness
toral Dissertation must still conform to all other requirements explained in the "Guide for the Preparation of a .Master’s Diesis Recital Document 6 oNEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness ew, and a final overall conclusion. Additional material (procedural and design data as well as descriptions of equipment) must be provided in sufficient detail to allow a clear and precise judgment to be made of the importance and originality of the research reported.Il is acceptable for this Master Bank competition and financial soundness s Thesis Recital Document or Doctoral Dissertation to include as chapters authentic copies of papers already published, provided these meet type sizeBank competition and financial soundness
, margin, and legibility requirements. In such cases, connecting texts, which provide logical bridges between different manuscripts, are mandatory. WhNEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness uscript describing the student's contribution to the work and acknowledging rhe contribution of the other author(s). The approvals of the Supervising Committee which precede all other material in the Master's Thesis /Recital Document or Doctoral Dissertation attest to the accuracy of this statement. Bank competition and financial soundness "44166NEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSVu Trail Nguyen. Ph.D.The University ofBank competition and financial soundness
Texas at San Antonio. 2020Supervising Professor: Oleg V. Larionov. Ph.D.Functionalization has emerged as an attractive strategy for the diversificatioNEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness llenging and valuable compounds using abundant and inexpensive materials but also to consider environmental aspects of new methodologies. New methodologies in the fields of photocatalysis, transition metal catalysis, radical chemistry, and redox chemistry have found applications in functionalization Bank competition and financial soundness . Herein, new and efficient approaches to functionalization of common aryl halides, abundant carboxylic acids, and readily available alkenes via metalBank competition and financial soundness
-catalyzed or photoinduced transformations will be discussed. Specifically, the focus will be on the following transformations: conversion of aryl halNEW AND EFFICIENT APPROACHES TO FUNCTIONALIZATION VIA METAL-CATALYZED AND PHOTO-INDUCED TRANSFORMATIONSbyvu TRAN NGUYEN. M. Eng.DISSERTATIONPresented Bank competition and financial soundness lkenes take part in discrete carboborative ring contractions or challenging dienes syntheses. In some cases, discussion of the mechanistic investigations and density functional theory' calculations will be included to provide insights into the reaction details. Some ongoing works with preliminary re Bank competition and financial soundness sults in decarboxylation and dienylation will be briefly discussed.viTABLE OF CONTENTSACKNOWLEDGEMENTS..........................................ivABSTBank competition and financial soundness
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